Mercer ORC Sustainability-CSR Working Group (Dec 2010)


Mercer ORC Corporate Social Responsibility and

Sustainable Development (CSR-SD)

Working Group

Purpose, Progress and Next Steps

Cathy Hansell, CCSR, MS, JD

December, 2010

Mercer ORC CSR-SD Working Group

Current Membership

Coordinator: Cathy Hansell, Breakthrough Results

Bob Araujo, Sikorsky

Gregg Clark, Kimberly-Clark

Luke Contos, TRW

Mike Douglas, GM

Ken Flechler, Pike Energy Solutions

Elaine Harmon, Maersk, Inc

Martin Healy, W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. (Ad Hoc)

Jeff Kleinfelter, Parsons

Maureen Mazurek, Monsanto

Joseph Van Houten, Johnson & Johnson

ORC - Judi Freyman, Steve Newell, Dee Woodhull

How does Mercer ORC deliver value to its members in areas of CSR and Sustainable Development (CSR-SD)?

Current State Action Plan Future State

Environmental, European and/or WOSH Networks have developed definitions, compiled company good practices and tools, and are working on important new sustainability and CSR programs, all of which are designed to improve the alignment and integration of

SHE with CSR-SD.

Specific key member needs in aligning and integrating SHE with

CSR-SD areas were identified in 2006 and 2010 member surveys, and further defined in EBIF breakout discussions.

How does Mercer ORC deliver value to its members in areas of CSR and Sustainable Development (CSR-SD)?

Current State Action Plan Future State

Provide practical and effective information, good practices, tools, and contacts to member companies to enable them to equally and effectively incorporate SHE into their CSR-SD initiatives .

Mercer ORC is recognized by its members as a premiere resource of information, tools and metrics for successfully incorporating

SHE into CSR-SD programs.

How does Mercer ORC deliver value to its members in areas of CSR and Sustainable Development (CSR-SD)?

Current State Action Plan Future State

Mercer ORC CSR-SD Working Group was formed

To accelerate the identification, sharing, communication and development (as needed) of best practices in SHE linkages with

CSR-SD initiatives

Broad representation

Different industry segments

Various Mercer ORC networks

Growing membership

How does Mercer ORC deliver value to its members in areas of CSR and Sustainable Development (CSR-SD)?

Current State Action Plan Future State

Mercer ORC CSR-SD Working Group Purpose

Leverage “pockets of excellence” across entire practices of all networks

Identify and compile good practices and successes from all networks and volunteer member companies,

Provide forum for member information exchange and networking.

Share and communicate above good practices, through a clearinghouse, leveraging the existing Mercer ORC web site, wiki and other means.

As needed, develop new implementation “how to” tools and guidance.

Communication & collaboration of CSR-SD activities across Mercer ORC networks

Identify external resources and speakers to accelerate the effective role of SHE within CSR-SD programs, and to identify existing tools. Focus on S&H.

Team and collaborate with other organizations (like ASSE) for mutual benefits.

How does Mercer ORC deliver value to its members in areas of CSR and Sustainable Development (CSR-SD)?

Current State Action Plan Future State


Best Practices: “Sustainability Series” for Mercer ORC Networks by year-end


What ESH areas are included in member company CSR-SD strategies?

What are member companies doing to emphasize SHE within each of the triple bottom line? the social pillar-specifically S&H? the environmental pillar? the financial pillar?

Invite speakers from external organizations (like the Business for Social Responsibility) to talk about Supply Chain Initiatives and other activities, tools and metrics

Analyze member company Sustainability (and similar topic) Reports for novel ideas and proven practices, as defined by EBIF action plan

How well does financial reporting indices (like the Global Reporting Initiative-GRI) emphasize social aspects such as safety and health ?

Mercer ORC CSR-SD Working Group Progress

Top member issues identified in CSR-SD, as related to linkages with SH(E)

• Process defined for tracking and communicating emerging CSR-SD issues and developments, focusing on linkages with SH(E) , point person Judi Freyman

First member sharing and networking event held-Oct 5, 2010

Initial design and launch of Mercer ORC CSR-SD website, including the sharing of :

Mercer ORC member company good practices in CSR-SD and SH(E)

Summaries of Mercer ORC Network CSR-SD events, activities and schedule

Summaries of latest developments and activities in CSR-SD and SH(E)

Contact information, hyperlinks or download of materials for all of the above

Collaboration with ASSE Sustainability Task Force underway, focus on ASSE

Sustainability SHE index, point person Steve Newell

Compilation and coordination of Mercer ORC Network and Task Force activities

Future opportunities of collaboration with AIHA

Mercer ORC CSR-SD Working Group Next Steps

Sharing and Communicating Successes and Good Practices

Call to members for good practices and more working group members

Website Clearinghouse finalized and launched by 12/31/2010

Additional member networking and exchange events

Focus on specific identified tools and practices

Webinars and webcasts on selected topic of interest (4-6/year)

Plan for collaboration with ASSE and AIHA for mutual benefits.

Define and develop needed new “how to” tools and guidance.

Identify existing, external sources .

Highlights from CSR-SD Working Group

Session on Oct 5

Presentations on SH(E) linkages with CSR-SD from G. Clark at Kimberly-Clark, B. Karas at Coca Cola and L. Contos at


Group Discussions on the status of S&H and CSR-SD linkages, and challenges

Multiple opportunities throughout CSR-SD pillars and business processes

S&H has a later start as a focus area, than environment

S&H has less obvious and visible role and impact than environment

S&H has negative traditional metrics (injury rates)

S&H has less pressure from public, external stakeholders

S&H is considered a “given” in today’s businesses

Highlights from CSR-SD Working Group

Session on Oct 5

Identified key actions to accomplish the above linkages and overcome challenges

Leadership commitment, understanding, motivation of role of S&H in CSR-SD

Education of all leaders, process owners, employees and S&H professionals .

Focus on key owners of communications, public affairs and marketing

Integration of S&H for “win-win” into CSR-SD and business processes, plans, goals, metrics…in sustainability terms

Supply chain, OE; new safer and greener processes, products and services

Visible S&H activities like VPP

Highlights from CSR-SD Working Group

Session on Oct 5

Key take-aways...use a culture approach

Leadership commitment, understanding, motivation of role of S&H in CSR-SD

Benefits of S&H, aligned with CSR-SD vision, goals, plans

Long and short term goals, and metrics (leading and lagging)

Education of all leaders, process owners, employees and S&H.

Broad perspective of role of S&H and goals of CSR-SD

Integration of S&H actions for “win-win” into CSR-SD and business processes, plans, goals, metrics…in sustainability terms.


Highlights from CSR-SD Working Group

Session on Oct 5

Needed Tools and Information

Strategy of linking S&H and CSR-SD: what to do, why, when and vision of success

Defining Leading Indicators

Strategic Communications

To Employees

To and from leaders

Compile Member Good Practices and Successes in the above areas

FROM 2010 SURVEY: Stakeholders: identification, defining, assessing and ranking needs and incorporating into CSR-SD/business plans

ASSE and Mercer ORC Sustainability


Current ASSE initiatives:

1. ASSE Sustainability and the Safety Profession Task

Force ongoing

2. ASSE proposal to create a safety and health sustainability center possible


. ASSE’s Proposed Sustainability Index:

Six Essential Elements of Safety and Health


Values and


• Safety and Health Social Responsibility Commitment

• Codes of Business Conduct



• Integrated and Effective Safety and Health Management


• Professional Safety and Health Competencies

Oversight and


• Executive Leadership Oversight of Safety and Health

• Transparent Reporting of Key Safety and Health Performance



ASSE Exploring the Idea of Establishing a

New Safety and Health Sustainability Center

• Objectives:

1. Provide ASSE and the safety profession a strong voice in corporate social responsibility /sustainability policy setting

2. Educate the business community on the importance of safety as part of good corporate governance and corporate social responsibility/sustainability.

 The Mercer ORC CSR-SD Working Group would support/leverage the work and resources of the ASSE center
