Group Member Names: ___________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Class Period: ___________________________ Unit Standards: Students will analyze equine anatomy and physiology. Functional Anatomy: List the bodily systems and the major organs that make up each system. Explain the functions of the bodily systems. ____ I 1. Anatomy & Physiology Notes – State Curriculum Worth Earned 20 pts _________ ____ G 2. Group Read Aloud, Ch 5, Functional Anatomy, p. 79-109 10 pts. _________ ____ I 3. Label, and color the parts of an animal cell, p. 67 10 pts. _________ ____ G 4. Make a group set of flash cards using Key Term, p. 80 Front of Card – vocabulary word and a color picture depicting its definition. Back of Card – definition written in your own words. 25 pts. _________ ____ I 5. Write and Answer Questions, p. 109 True/False 1-6 Short Answer 7-21 Critical Thinking/Discussion, 21-30 30 pts. _________ ____ G 6. Write a 5 paragraph essay, choose one of the following topics Types of joints, or Types of muscles and their location in the body, or Endocrine glands and the hormones they secrete. 25 pts. _________ ____ G 7. Make an edible animal cell model. 50 pts. _________ ____ G 8. Make a lung model. 25 pts. _________ ____ G 9. Write a group poem about the flow of blood through the heart. Title the poem “My Heart Pumps For You” 20 pts. _________ ____ G 10. Put together the Visible Horse. 50 pts. _________ ____ G 11. Group Diagram – on white butcher paper draw, label, and color each 25 pts. _________ of the bodily systems of the horse. In the middle of the paper draw, label, and color the horse. 25 pts. _________ ____ I 12. Do worksheets 10 pts. Each. Digestion, Muscular, Nervous, Heart, Circulatory, Skeletal, and Respiratory. ____ 13. Prepare the IFA Equine Functional Anatomy Catalog. Individual part. Group part. 40 pts. _________ 40 pts. _________ ____ I 14. Equine Anatomy & Physiology Quiz 30 pts. _________ ____ I 15. Extra Credit Math in Equine Science Horse Weight – Blog 20 pts. _________ Total Points 495 pts. ________ Bonus 70 pts. _________ 20 pts. ________