Fruits of Manifest Destiny

Norton Lecture Slides
Give Me Liberty!
Eric Foner
Lecture Preview
Fruits of Manifest Destiny
• A Dose of Arsenic
• The Rise of the Republican Party
• The Emergence of Lincoln
• The Impending Crisis
Abraham Lincoln’s nickname, “The Railsplitter,”
recalled his humble origins.
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 4th Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Fruits of Manifest
 Focus Question:
What were the major factors contributing
to U.S. territorial expansion in the 1840s?
Fruits of Manifest
Destiny: Expansion
Continental Expansion
The Mexican Frontier: New Mexico and
Map 13.1 The Trans-Mississippi West, 1830s–1840s
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 4th Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Fruits of Manifest
Destiny: texas revolt
The Texas Revolt
The original and final designs for Thomas Crawford’s
Statue of Freedom
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A rare photograph of wagons on their
way to Oregon during the 1840s
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American Progress
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A watercolor of a scene on a ranch near
Monterey, California, in 1849
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A flag carried at the Battle of San Jacinto
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Fruits of Manifest
Destiny: election of 1844
The Election of 1844
The plaza in San Antonio not long after the
United States annexed Texas in 1845
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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Fruits of Manifest
Destiny: Pre-War
The Road to War
Mexican Soldier Holding Flag
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Fruits of Manifest
Destiny: War
The War and Its Critics
Combat in Mexico
Map 13.2 The Mexican War, 1846 –1848
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War News from Mexico
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A map of the United States from 1848
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Fruits of Manifest
Destiny: race
Race and Manifest Destiny
Redefining Race
Fruits of Manifest
Destiny: Gold rush
Gold-Rush California
California and the Boundaries of
The Other Gold Rush
Map 13.3 California Gold Rush
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A contemporary depiction of mining operations
during the California gold rush
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Transportation of Cargo by Westerners
at the Port of Yokohama
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Fruits of Manifest
Destiny: Japan
Opening Japan
A Dose of Arsenic
 Focus Question:
Why did the expansion of slavery
become the most diverse political issue in
the 1840s and 1850s?
A Dose of Arsenic:
Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot Proviso
Map 13.4 Continental Expansion through 1853
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 4th Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
A Dose of Arsenic: Free
The Free Soil Appeal
A Dose of Arsenic:
Crisis and Compromise
The Great Debate
Map 13.5 The Compromise of 1850
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Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts
in a daguerreotype from 1850
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A Dose of Arsenic:
fugitive slaves
The Fugitive Slave Issue
An 1855 broadside depicting the life of Anthony Burns
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A Dose of Arsenic:
Kansas-Nebraska act
Douglas and Popular Sovereignty
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
Map 13.6 The Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854
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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Rise of the
Republican Party
 Focus Question:
What combination of issues and events
fueled the creation of the Republican
Party in the 1850s?
The Rise of the
Republican Party:
northern economy
The Northern Economy
An 1853 broadside for one section of the
Illinois Central Railroad
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Lagonda Agricultural Works, 1859
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The Rise of the
Republican Party:
The Rise and Fall of the Know-Nothings
George Catlin’s 1827 painting Five Points
depicts a working-class immigrant neighborhood
in New York City.
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The Propagation Society–More
Free than Welcome
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The Rise of the
Republican Party: Free
The Free Labor Ideology
Political Chart of the United States
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The Rise of the
Republican Party:
Bleeding Kansas
Bleeding Kansas and the Election of 1856
Map 13.7 The railroad network, 1850s
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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
A contemporary print denounces South Carolina congressman
Preston S. Brooks’s assault on Massachusetts Senator Charles
Sumner in May 1856
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Liberty, the Fair Maid of Kansas, in the Hands
of the “Border Ruffians”
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The Emergence of
 Focus Question:
What enabled Lincoln to emerge as
president from the divisive party politics
of the 1850s?
The Emergence of
Lincoln: dred scott
The Dred Scott Decision
The Decision’s Aftermath
Dred Scott as painted in 1857
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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Emergence of
Lincoln: slavery
Lincoln and Slavery
Abraham Lincoln in 1858, the year of the
Lincoln-Douglas debates
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The Emergence of
Lincoln: campaign
The Lincoln-Douglas Campaign
Stephen A. Douglas in a daguerreotype from around 1853
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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Emergence of
Lincoln: southerners
John Brown at Harpers Ferry
The Rise of Southern Nationalism
John Brown, 1856
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An 1835 painting of the federal arsenal at
Harpers Ferry, Virginia
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The Emergence of
Lincoln: nomination
The Democratic Split
The Nomination of Lincoln
The Emergence of
Lincoln: 1860 election
The Election of 1860
The Impending Crisis
 Focus Question:
What were the final steps on the road to
The Impending Crisis:
secession movement
The Secession Movement
An 1860 engraving of a mass meeting in Savannah,
Georgia, shortly after Lincoln’s election as president
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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Impending Crisis:
secession crisis
The Secession Crisis
Map 13.8 The Presidential Election of 1856
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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
A Richmond, Virginia, cartoonist in April 1861 depicts
Lincoln as a cat seeking to catch the southern states as
mice fleeing the Union, which lies dead on the left.
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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Impending Crisis:
And the War Came
Inauguration of Mr. Lincoln
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 4th Edition
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Bombardment of Fort Sumter
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 4th Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Fruits of Manifest Destiny
Focus Question: What were the major factors contributing to U. S.
territorial expansion in the 1840s?
A Dose of Arsenic
Focus Question: Why did the expansion of slavery become the most
diverse political issue in the 1840s and 1850s?
The Rise of the Republican Party
Focus Question: What combination of issues and events fueled the
creation of the Republican Party in the 1850s?
Review continued
The Emergence of Lincoln
Focus Question: What enabled Lincoln to emerge as president from
the divisive party politics of the 1850s?
The Impending Crisis
Focus Question: What were the final steps on the road to secession?
Chapter 13
Media link
Eric Foner on the discovery of gold
in California and Australia
Eric Foner on slavery, pt 7:
expansion of slavery into new
Eric Foner on economic
development in the North in the mid19th century
Eric Foner on Lincoln's views on
Eric Foner on public fascination with
Next Lecture PREVIEW:
—— Chapter 14 ——
A New Birth of Freedom: The
Civil War, 1861–1865
The First Modern War
The Coming of Emancipation
The Second American Revolution
The Confederate Nation
Turning Points
Rehearsals for Reconstruction and the End
of the War
Norton Lecture Slides
Independent and Employee-Owned
This concludes the Norton Lecture Slides
Slide Set for Chapter 13
Give Me Liberty!
Eric Foner