Name:___________________________________________________ Period:_____ Table #:_____ LAB #2: NYS Latitude and Longitude Background: Latitude and Longitude are used to locate position anywhere on Earth. The system is a coordinate system. It is like placing a piece of graph paper over the globe. While we are not yet prepared to use the New York State Generalized Bedrock Map”( pg. 3, ESRT) as a means for studying the age and location of various kinds of bedrock, it is important that you be able to locate areas using the latitude and longitude numbers on this map. You need to know that degrees of latitude and longitude can be further subdivided into minutes and seconds: there are 60 minutes (') per degree, and 60 seconds (") per minute. All these notations allow us to locate places on the Earth quite precisely – to within inches. 1° = 60’ Vocabulary: Latitude, longitude, minute, degree Objectives: At the conclusion of this lab, students will be able to… 1. Accurately define and distinguish between latitude and longitude 2. Identify location using precise coordinate descriptions 3. Recognize the connection between astronomical observations and terrestrial coordinate systems Standards: CCLS: RST.9-10.3, RST.9-10.4, RST.9-10.7, WHST.9-10.9 NYC Performance Standards: S6a , S6e, S7a, S7b Materials: Lab report with map Blue Pencil Red Pencil 1 Name:___________________________________________________ Period:_____ Table #:_____ Procedures: 71 48 48 47 47 71 2 Name:___________________________________________________ Period:_____ Table #:_____ 3 Name:___________________________________________________ Period:_____ Table #:_____ 4