Introduction to Athletic Training Study Guide – The Ankle Be able to

Introduction to Athletic Training
Study Guide – The Ankle
Be able to label the bones of the foot.
What are the tarsal bones?
What muscles cause ankle dorsiflexion?
What muscles cause ankle plantar flexion?
What muscles cause ankle inversion?
What muscles cause ankle eversion?
What three ligaments did we discuss in class? Where are they located? What bones do each
How is range of motion measured at the ankle for plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion and
eversion? Where does each part of the goniometer go and how do you instruct the athlete?
Be able to discuss how to perform a strength test in all directions at the ankle.
For each injury…know what structures are affected, mechanism of injury, signs and symptoms
and how to manage it.
o Jones fracture, epiphyseal fracture, stress fracture, shin splints, Achilles tendinitis,
Achilles tendon rupture, great toe sprain, arch sprain, ankle sprain (inversion and
eversion), ankle dislocation
Be able to describe how to tape an ankle, Achilles tendon or arch
Know the factors that may predispose an athlete to some of the chronic ankle, foot and lower
leg injuries.
A scenario will be included on the test
Anything on the Power Point or discussed in class is also fair game to be on the test.