Pre-AP Algebra 2 Syllabus


Lake Highlands High School

Ms. Ashley Smith 2014-2015

Room: C208

Phone: 469-593-1155



Tutoring Times:

Tuesday/Thursday 4:15 – 5:00 PM

Wednesday 8:15 – 8:50 AM

Alternate times available upon request.

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year, Wildcats! I look forward to a great year. Algebra 2 focuses on the properties and attributes of functions, deepening and broadening function-related mathematical content knowledge from Algebra 1. With an emphasis on linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, radical, and rational functions, we will apply algebraic concepts to a variety of problems and explore the appropriate use of technology in the mathematics classroom.

Pre-AP Algebra 2 is the first course of an upper-level math that leads to AP Calculus or AP

Statistics. As such, one of the primary objectives of this class is to help students develop the critical thinking skills, mechanics, and discipline that are required in Pre-AP Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus, and AP



Come to class prepared and ready to learn.

Respect one another at all times.

Take pride in your education and your school.

Follow all rules in the LHHS student handbook.

Course Topics

Linear Equations and Systems

Absolute Value Functions


Quadratic Functions

Radical Functions

Piecewise Functions

Exponential Functions

Logarithmic Functions

Rational Functions

Conic Sections

Transformations of Functions

Graphs of Functions

Since a majority of this work hinges on group work done during the class time, attendance is of utmost importance.

Supplies to bring every day:

#2 pencil

Map pencils and/or colored pens

Binder (or section of a binder) for this class

Loose leaf paper for notes (if a handout is not provided)

TI –84+ Graphing Calculator (available for check-out)

Textbook: Holt Algebra 2, Texas Edition, 2007

You will have the option to check out a textbook to keep at home or use the online textbook.

Textbooks will be available in the classroom so you do not need to carry it back and forth.

Textbook online tutorials:

Username: lhalgebra2 Password: wildcat

Grading Policy :

Your six-weeks grade will be calculated in the following way:

Tests : 50% (2 per six weeks)

Quizzes : 40%

Homework : 10%

Progress reports will be distributed to the students the fourth week of each six-weeks.

Quizzes and tests are timed.

You will be allowed to correct one test per semester to raise your test grade (excluding the exam.)

Cheating will result in a grade of a 0.

Go to

and click on Parents or Students for information on how to log on to RPortal to check your grades.


Will be assigned daily. Homework for a particular unit is due on the review day of that unit.

Must be fully complete with all work clearly shown in order to receive credit.

 Must be written in pencil. No folds, wrinkles, doodles, etc… should look professional.

Late work will not be accepted.


Make-up Quizzes and Tests: If you are absent the day of a quiz or test, see me immediately upon your return to schedule a make-up time. Note : If you are absent on a review day only , you will be expected to take the test with the rest of the class on the scheduled day, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Make-up Homework: It is the student’s responsibility to collect all papers missed due to an absence. Check the website or check with Ms. Smith to find out what you missed.

All electronic devices should be silenced and placed out of sight during instruction and group work times. If cell phones or media devices are seen or heard in the classroom when permission is not given, they can be kept until the end of class or turned into the office.



Pre-AP Algebra II

Pre-AP Algebra II coursework develops advanced skills and content background to prepare students for college-level work and AP exams. Consequently, this course offers a rigorous curriculum to help students achieve these goals.

I, ( student’s name) understand and commit to each of the following statements regarding my performance in Pre-AP Algebra II.

1) Homework (10% of grade) is required and expected to be completed on day it is due. I accept the responsibility to get extra help from my teacher, peers, or tutor when needed to successfully complete the assignments.

2) I commit to developing strong study skills by a) forming study groups b) taking advantage of tutoring c) making up work in a timely manner d) making sure work is understood and is complete.

3) Absences will be kept to a minimum. I am responsible for all make-up work and I will have one day for every day I am absent to make up my work. If there are extenuating circumstancees associated with an absence, I will see my teacher prior to the absence, if possible, or as soon as I return, to discuss a make-up timeline. Of course, all unexcused absences will result in a zero on the work missed.

4) I understand that timed tests and quizzes are part of the rigorous curriculum of this course.

5) I understand that cheating will result in a grade of a zero.

Student Signature______________________________


I, (parent’s name), understand the rigorous course requirements. I will help my student organize study time in support of class assignments, studying for tests and preparing projects. My support of my student and his/her teacher is assured.

Parent Signature _____________________________

DATE _______________________

The teacher may recommend that a student be changed into a regular class if the student is encountering great difficulty with the higher-level thinking/rigorous content of the course. Any recommended change would take place at the end of the first six weeks or at the end of the first semester. A parent-teacher-counselor communication is required prior to withdrawal from the course.

Furthermore, students must have attended tutoring with the teacher on a regular basis, along with implementing other strategies mentioned above.

Syllabus Signature Page Pre-AP Algebra 2 Ms. Smith

I have read and agree to the policies and guidelines for M s. Smith’s Pre-AP Algebra II class.


Student Name (printed)


ID Number


Student Signature


Parent Signature


Parent Phone Number(s)


Parent Email Address




