Name _________________________________________ Due: Fri., Feb. 22 My Civics Project (or, Getting to Know the U.S. Constitution) You are creating a presentation (pamphlet, booklet, PowerPoint, movie, etc.) that will explain the Constitution and the workings of our government for a person studying to become a citizen of the U.S. It should be written and produced clearly and completely. You are to focus on summarizing all that we have covered in class the last few weeks. Complete these worksheets as a basis for the creation of your presentation. Use the headings to keep your material separate. This will aid you in summarizing rather than copying into your final project and keep you on track for all that you need to include. Please add graphics, pleasing fonts, audio, etc. to enhance your presentation. Concept In presentation (80% of score) Notes on worksheet (20% of score) Score 7 Principles Present Incomplete missing Missing Extraordinary detail Complete details Incomplete Missing / 10 Article 1 Present Incomplete missing Missing Extraordinary detail Complete details Incomplete Missing / 10 Article 2 Present Incomplete missing Missing Extraordinary detail Complete details Incomplete Missing / 10 Article 3 Present Incomplete missing Missing Extraordinary detail Complete details Incomplete Missing / 10 Separation of Powers Present Incomplete missing Missing Extraordinary detail Complete details Incomplete Missing / 10 How a bill becomes a law Present Incomplete missing Missing Extraordinary detail Complete details Incomplete Missing / 10 Bill of Rights Present Incomplete missing Missing Extraordinary detail Complete details Incomplete Missing / 10 Checks and Balances Present Incomplete missing Missing Extraordinary detail Complete details Incomplete Missing / 10 Rights and Responsibilities Present Incomplete missing Missing Extraordinary detail Complete details Incomplete Missing / 10 Conventions Very few or no errors Some errors that distract the reader Presentation Creative, original, professional, colorful Adequate, some color, some originality Standard: Civics and Government ( = 80/100) + Many errors that take away from the concept Minimal effort, no color, boring presentation I N /5 /5 Total ______ / 100 Use these worksheets to write notes, summarize, and chart your information. They are included in your project for points. 1. In a paragraph, summarize the 7 principles of the Constitution (found in your text, notes, quiz). 2. In a paragraph, summarize Article 1. Be sure to include: the job of that branch, head(s) and members of that branch, requirements for serving in that branch, and your state Senators and Representative. (found in your text, notes, worksheets: Anatomy of the Const., Local Representation) 3. In a paragraph, summarize Article 2. Be sure to include: the job of that branch, head(s) and members of that branch, requirements for serving in that branch. (found in your text, notes, worksheets: Anatomy of the Const., For the President, All in a Day’s Work, A Very Big Branch) 4. In a paragraph, summarize Article 3. Be sure to include: the job of that branch, head(s) and members of that branch, requirements for serving in that branch. (found in your text, worksheets: Judicial Branch in a Flash) 5. In a paragraph, explain the separation of powers of the federal government. (found in your text, worksheets: Separation of Powers: What’s for Lunch?) 6. Draw a chart that explains how a bill can become a law. (found in your text, worksheet: How a Bill Becomes a Law) 7. Summarize the 10 amendments included in the Bill of Rights. (found in your text, worksheet: I Have Rights?) I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. 8. In an original chart, give examples of how each branch of government checks and balances the other branches. (found in your text, notes) 9. In a paragraph, summarize our rights and responsibilities as a U.S. citizen. Explain the differences between the two and how they are related. (found in your text, worksheets: Citizenship: Just the Facts, Can I?, The Fourth Branch)