Curriculum Information Year 4 Unit 1: How We Express Ourselves People use the arts to create and communicate Central Idea: (The big Idea) Development of art forms over time and place Appreciation of different art forms Using art to communicate messages and emotions What different art forms are there? How has art changed and developed in different times, places and cultures? How can different perspectives lead to different interpretations? How is art used to tell stories or communicate a message? Lines of Inquiry Some of the questions explored Concepts Explored Connection (How is it connected to other things?) Perspective (What are the points of view?) Reflection (How do we know?) Other Related concepts: Creativity, Interpretation, Aesthetics Attitudes displayed Appreciation (appreciation of the arts e.g. visual art, drama, music, dance etc.) Learner Profile attributes developed Reflective (when exploring their own thoughts and feelings about the arts) Creativity (when exploring and creating a range of art forms) Communicators (when sharing their thoughts and ideas) At the end of this unit students will understand: That across different cultures people have innovated and created art Different perspectives can lead to different interpretations of art The arts can reflect and communicate ideas, feelings and experiences At the end of this unit students will be able to: Use thinking skills to analyse, interpret, evaluate and reflect on their own and other artists’ works and process Create works of art drawing on imagination, experiences and knowledge of materials and processes Possible Action - Things you can do to help: Talk as a family about the Arts (e.g. share favourite pieces of music, film, visual art …) Go on an art walk around Hong Kong exploring different forms of art e.g. sculptures, murals, Art in the MTR … Visit Art Galleries around Hong Kong including: The Hong Kong Museum of art The Hong Kong Heritage Museum When out and about in Hong Kong explore the use of photography as an art form. (visit for ideas) Explore patterns and shapes found in the environment If you want to take some action and offer your expertise in any area, we would love to hear from you!