Lesson plan

Teacher: Shannon Henry
Grade/Subject: French II
Dates/Pace: week 4
Unit Topic: Who are you?
GPS: MLII.IP1A: Express needs and preferences
MLII.IP1F: Ask questions and provide responses based on topics such as self, others, etc.
MLII.INT1B: Interpret culturally authentic materials and information
Essential Question and/or Key Questions
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?
What do you like to do?
What do you like to do?
What do you like to do?
What do you like to do?
What do you like to do?
(Some ideas: KWL, Pre-reading, Think Pair Share, Thinking Maps, Vocabulary Overview, Word Splash, Survey, Big Four)
Daily 10- Finish these
Daily 10 –KWL- verbs Daily 10 – Do we
Daily 10 – Are these correct Daily 10 – Fridays= live news
sentences with an
I know, want to know
conjugate in English- fix conjugations?
from France
infinitive. Ex. J’aime….
this slang!
Cognitive Teaching Strategies: include time for distributed practice or summarizing
(Some ideas: Lecture/Question, Read/Discuss, TIMS, Hands on Activity, Thinking Map, Pictograph, Research, Vocabulary,
Diagrams/Graphs, Comprehension)
Discuss EQ- what vocab. Verbs as Vocab:
Post best homework
Warm-up conjugation races. BeelineTV- France live news
will we need to answer this students actively
sentences – edit!
question? (verbs!!)
express their
Quiz- conjugating (with a
This weeks goal: identify the
preferences by standing Review rules of
verb ‘word-bank’)
“Qui” in each story (in
Begin verb reviewin the “I Love” “I like” conjugating.
- meanings
“I dislike” corners.
Prequiz- same idea, no
- Reg v irreg.
Conjugation races.
word-bank = let’s keep
Question and Answer sessions
- Conjugating
Rules of conjugatingpracticing
using new verbs- review
review prior knowledge Sentence writingstrategies/expectations
Verbs as vocab- adding to – expand knowledge to personal narrative.
Question and Answer
notes and seeking out
new groups (ir, re)
sessions using new verbsReadings- chapter 2 in readerwords applicable to
Listening activities from review
Le Club de Quatre
student’s life (rev.
Conjugation dice game. text.
dictionary skills)
(peer work)
Continue text video.
Sentence practice.
What does she like to do-
Summarizing Strategies: (Some ideas: Ticket Out the Door, 3-2-1, The Important Thing, One Word, Learning Logs)
Which 2 things do the
One cool verbSing conjugation
3-2-1 verbs!
Who likes what – chart.
French do differently with conjugated!
Video clip- moi, j’aime
Assignment and/or Assessment: A variety of informal, performance, constructed response, selected response
Define rest of vocab. list
5 sentences with each
Study verbs and
using a French/English
category of verb
conjugations!! Quiz
Find 10 more er verbsput in context!
Discover 15 more
regular verbs relevant
to your life!
Accommodations: (Sped, 504, SST)
Mark most important“must know verbs”
Mark most important“must know verbs”
Show Beeline.tv to your
parents! Make them watch it
with you.