Profile of an American Dreamer

Josh Clemens
1st Block
Profile of an American Dreamer
Where does one find their inspiration? For many people it is found from one person
they look up to. I found my inspiration in a true American dreamer, my father. William
Shakespeare once said “be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve
greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” My dad was not born great nor had
greatness thrust on him but he still achieved greatness through his own efforts. Many people
have the luxury of money that helps them accomplish things fairly easy in their lives.
Unfortunately, my dad did not have that luxury. However, it led to him to him creating his
attitude of hard work and determination that inspired me to follow in his footsteps. Although
he was cheated out of many things in his life he always dreamed for something bigger. He
wanted something bigger for himself, his wife, his kids, but most importantly his family.
In Battle Creek, Michigan on the 5th of May in 1970 a new life was born. Gary Alan
Clemens was brought into a crazy world that he would have a large impact on. He was raised a
Baptist on Oakland Drive in Portage, Michigan. Ever since he was a child he has not had life as
easy as others have. His parents were not exactly as supportive as they should have been and
he spent most of his life being treated with extreme discipline and an attitude that he would
never amount to anything in his life. Instead of being able to explore his imagination and
passion for athletics he was forced to operate a push mower and wash an incredible amount of
dishes at the young age of five years. With this childhood he built up a resiliency that would
carry him through the tough moments in his life that came ahead. He set out to prove his
parents wrong by amounting to something in his life, his American dream.
Josh Clemens
1st Block
After graduating high school my dad continued working several different jobs as he
struggled with money as he lived on his own. It was not too long before he fell in love with my
mom and married her when he was twenty years old on January 12, 1991. With my mom he
found not only happiness but a family that he would spend the rest of his life working hard for.
When asking my mom what my dad’s idea of the American dream was she told me that it was
the pursuit to accomplish happiness in your life. His view on success was not fame or fortune
but having a family that loves and cares for one another and knows that no matter what
happens we will always have each other. This came into effect all throughout my life when we
lived with almost nothing. My dad fought so hard to give my family the best life we could and
not have to go through the same brutal childhood that he did. He dedicated his life to showing
his love for his family and his dedication to carrying out his dreams by living for others and not
just himself.
The world we live in is filled with so many selfish people that take life for granted that it
is nearly impossible for me to describe how incredible and selfless my dad was. The last fifteen
years of my dad’s life he worked at an asphalt business where he had to work out in the blaring
sun and summer heat every day of the week but Sunday. The job was truly exhausting and even
though he worked very hard all day he still made time to play catch we me and my siblings and
help teach us about sports while he simultaneously taught us how to try our hardest in
everything we do. His ambition encouraged me to dream big and strive to reach the impossible.
He wanted what was best for everyone and never allowed any selfish desires to interfere. He
loved and cared so much for my family that he would make several sacrifices so we could be
happy. Although we lived with almost nothing and not even two nickels to rub together during
Josh Clemens
1st Block
my life I was hardly ever worried. I was never concerned if my dad would run out on our family,
if my parents would divorce or if we would live on the streets because the love of my dad and
mom was so strong that I knew I could always count on them to be there for me. I have had the
privilege of having such an amazing role model to look up and learn many important things
Even though worsening health kept my dad from accomplishing all of his dreams he
made a huge impact in my life that inspired me to begin some dreams of my own. He had
hoped to shelter the homeless, go to college, and wanted what was best for his family. With the
life he lived he was very successful in my eyes. His faith in God and love for others has inspired
many lives already and my siblings and I will carry on the rest of our lives finishing what my dad
had started. An American dream of dreaming bigger than what is believed to be possible and to
never, ever give up trying.
Josh Clemens
1st Block
Works Cited
Clemens, Lori. Personal Interview. 6 May 2012.
Clemens, Aaron. Personal Interview. 6 May 2012.