KEY Semester Exam Review 15/16 1. You should ask your teacher

KEY Semester Exam Review
1. You should ask your teacher when there’s an accident, broken glassware, or a
concern about how to properly dispose of chemicals.
Earth’s Spheres -Identify the Sphere
2. Earth’s crust is a part of the Lithosphere
3. Earth’s oceans are a part of the Hydrosphere
4. Earth’s Biosphere includes all the biotic and abiotic mater of Earth.
5. What process do producers use to get the energy the need?
6. What classification of organism does a first order consumer eat? Producer
7. A primary consumer will be eaten by a Secondary consumer.
8. A decomposer is an organism that breaks down previously living matter.
9. The matter broken down by decomposers is often returned to the soil where it can be
used again as nutrients by plants/producers.
10. Some organisms live inside a host organism and feeding directly off the host. These
parasites harm the host by taking its energy.
Levels of life organization in Ecology
List them in the correct order from smallest to largest
11. Organism, population, community, ecosystem, Biome, & biosphere
12. All the turtles in a pond are an example of a population.
13. Ecosystem is the first level of life organization to include both abiotic and biotic
components (parts) of matter.
14. Biome is the level of life organization that can be described as a large area
characterized by a shared, specific climate that is therefore dominated by a particular
type of vegetation.
15. What group would hold more organisms a community or population?
16. In ecosystems, on average 10 % energy is passed from one trophic level to the
17. The producers in the energy pyramid show have 1000 J of energy.
They will pass on (18) 100 J of energy to primary consumers which
allows secondary consumers to receive (19) 10 J of energy.
20. Organisms that can photosynthesize are called producers.
Photosynthesis / Chemistry
Write the equation for photosynthesis.
6 H2O + 6 CO2  C6H1206 + 6 H2O
21. What form of energy is needed for photosynthesis? Radiant …from sunlight
22. What side of the equation shows the reactants in photosynthesis - right or left?
23. What are the reactants in photosynthesis? H2O & CO2 = Water and Carbon Dioxide
24. What are the products of photosynthesis?
C6H1206 & H2O = Glucose and Oxygen
25. Which product of photosynthesis is stored chemical food energy? Glucose
26. There are 3 elements are in the compound C6H12O6
27. Is O2 an element or a compound?
28. How many capitals are in CO2? 2. This means there are 2 elements in CO2.
29. The Law of Conservation of Matter states matter can never be created or
destroyed but it can change form.
30. As a part of the Carbon cycle, Carbon moves from the atmosphere into soil in a
process called fixation.
31. Carbon moves through the Carbon cycle. However the total amount of carbon in the
Carbon cycle does not change.
32. Does the total amount of Nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle ever change? No
Common Elements
33. The four elements always present in life forms are Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen,
& Oxygen…CHNO
34. The two most common elements in the lithosphere are Oxygen & Silicon.
35. Nitrogen is the most common element in the Atmosphere.
36. The Hydrosphere is 97% salt water. The formula for the compound water is H2O.
The formula for the compound salt is NaCl
37. A stimulus is anything that causes some type of reaction. The reaction is called a
38. The heart beat rate of an animal will increase when it detects possible danger. The
animal has two possible responses the danger, fight or flight.
39. Tropism is the term that describes a plants response to a stimulus.
40. Plants responding to light is called phototropism.
41. Geotropism is a plants response to gravity.
42. Plant roots growing down while their shoot grow up is an example of geotropism.
43. Your body tries to maintain a steady operational state for all its body systems. The
term that describes this concept is homeostasis.
44. The grassland biome features limited annual rainfall and grasses as the dominate
45. Sparse (limited) vegetation, limited rainfall, and extreme temperature changes from
day to night are characteristics of a desert biome.
46. Secondary succession begins with soil already present.
47. Primary succession begins with bare rock. Lichens & moss are the pioneer species
that will first appear in an ecosystem with only bare rock.
48. Lichens help chemically weather rock into smaller particles. However, to form soil
decayed organic material must be blended with broke down rock material.
49. The Law of Conservation of Energy states energy can never be created or
destroyed but it can change form.
50. Forms of energy can be remember using MRSCENT…identify the energy form
M - Mechanical
R - Radiant
S - Sound
C - Chemical
E - Energy
N - Nuclear
T – Thermal
51. What is the decomposer shown in this food web? Mushroom/Fungi
52. Will the Rabbit survive if the grass is no longer available? Yes
53. Will the Thrush survive if the grass is no longer available? No
54. Weasels & Thrushes are both prey and predator.
55. Will Fish survive if Beetles are no longer available? Yes
56. Will Fish survive if plants are no longer available? No
57. Is there a possible path showing a 5th order consumer? Yes
PlantMosquito LarvaeDragonfly LarvaeBeetlesFishPelicans