AP Kids Say

Esmeralda Portillo August 8 at 5:28pm Reply
“It always help to get money... You
know, that money you get for us passing
should be passed down somehow ;)
“It helps to just SLEEP and not stress the
exam. If you aren't prepared by the time
the test rolls around, you're just not
prepared. I completed all my
assignments to get prepared and just
took my time with the test.”
Maria D Gonzalez August 8 at 5:54pm Reply
“I agree with Esme. As for me, it helped to
really get into the material. The more essays
I wrote, the more confident I became about
the exam. I kept telling myself I'd pass and
of course, I did. If you don't do the
classwork or homework, you're screwed and
you shouldn't be in an AP class. Also,
keeping your binder in order helps because
you can always go back to it, take notes, and
remember them for the exam.”
Calvin Edwards August 8 at 6:02pm Reply
“One tip I would say is not to
be afraid to skip questions. I
would rather skip questions
rather than answer ones I
don't know and get them
wrong. Second tip, Mary
Shelley saves all.”
Mariadis Akinci August 8 at 7:25pm Reply
“Well, being the genius that I am, I can say that
you are either born with the ability to pass or
not. But for those unfortunate souls who have to
work at it, I suggest you keep your binder
organized, pay close attention to class
discussions - the human condition. Take it one
day at a time. Its alot of info so try to absorb
each lesson when it is given. Dont worry if you
dont remember along the way. Its somewhere in
your brain. If that fails, try rhetoric in the essays.
Use what you can remember and develop.”
Yeanli Velez August 10 at 1:51pm Reply
“lol i agree with all of them!! sleeping, eating a
good meal the day before, paying attention in
your class, and not being afraid to ask questions
when you don't know something. that way the
day of the exam you understand what you didn't
before. Most definitely becoming familiar with a
novel Frankenstein is good but Brave New World
is better for me because of all the different
meanings. Being relaxed and not over thinking
the test is good too.”
Brenda Alba August 10 at 1:21am Reply
“I guess all I could say is practice makes
perfect. Keeping up with all of the essays
and using all the BODs really helps.
Become very familiar with at least one
novel and you're good to go. Also ninja
assassin is a good stress reliever before
the exam. ;) Make sure to get plenty of
rest and have a good breakfast the day of
the exam!! Chewing gum kept me alert as
Karla Jimenez August 10 at 3:18pm Reply
“To pass the test, all you have to do is go to class. If
you go do what you're supposed to do, you'll pass with
ease. Also, put a little time aside from your not-sobusy schedule to read about any topic you're
discussing in class that week. It doesn't matter what it
is that you read, as long as it's relatable and it could be
used as a weapon during the test. The easier it
becomes for you to relate different subjects together,
the much better your chances of passing the test
“Biggest tip: Don't take the test too seriously! Oh and
bring a sweater during the day of the exam.” :)
Stephanie Elichme August 11 at 9:58pm
“But really, it was not letting the
test get to me that helped. Stress
over the exam before the exam
can lead to exhaustion. The
hardest portion of the exam was
the multiple choice. I know i
definitely aced the essay.”