Program Review Action and Planning

Academic Program Review and Action Planning – YEAR ONE
Contact Person
Social Science
Andrew Pierson, Rani Nijjar, & Aldrian Estepa
March 10, 2011
Section A – Data Review and Analysis
I. Basic Success and Equity (Data from 3 previous years)
 What trends are you seeing over time? How does the basic success data compare to the college
as a whole and to statewide average success rates, if available? What might explain the
 What courses in your discipline show the greatest/least amount of success? What accounts for
success in these courses? How could you improve success in the less successful areas?
 What do you see in the comparisons between men and women and between different
ethnicities? What accounts for differences? What concerns you? How could you strategically
address the concerns?
 What inferences can you draw from the data correlating the highest level of Math/English
completed and success in your discipline's courses?
 If you have online/hybrid/telecourse/CD-ROM courses, do the success rates differ from the
same courses offered on-campus? If so, should the success rates be the same, why are they
different, and is this a cause for concern? What areas of inquiry does this raise about
online/hybrid/telecourse/CD-ROM courses?
Review of Success and Equity Data
We have a high success rate in all of our Psychology courses and All of our Psychology courses
have average success rates above the Chabot College average: PSY 1 (65%), PSY 2 (91%),
PSY 3 (79%), PSY 6 (76%), PSY 8 (88%), PSY 12 (82%), PSY 33 (80%), PSY 45 (84%).
In comparison to the overall Chabot College Course Success Rate (65%), the overall
Psychology Success Rate is higher (69%). As a result of our previous Program Review research
project, we have integrated BASIC SKILLS/COLLEGE SUCCESS SKILLS into many of our
PSY 1 courses. The data we collected during our previous Program Review suggest that by
integrating BASIC SKILLS/COLLEGE SUCCESS SKILLS into out PSY 1 courses, students
are more likely to report that the PSY 1 courses include content and assignments that relevant
to college success.
Gender: With regard to gender, a review of student success rates for psychology courses
offered during the previous 6 semesters shows an average (unweighted) success rate of 70% for
women and 68% for men. These findings compare favorably with the Chabot College Overall
Success rates of 66% for women and 65% for men. Both men and women have higher success
rates in their psychology courses compared to college-wide success rates.
Ethnicity: Students from groups that have been historically underrepresented in college
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succeed at higher rates in their psychology courses compared to the average success rates of
their other courses. Specifically, African-American and Latino students showed the largest
differences in success rates, both at 4% above the college average. A review of student success
rates by race/ethnicity for psychology courses shows higher than college average success rates
for ALL groups except Whites students; average psychology course success rates for White
students is the same as college-wide success rates.
Face to Face vs. Online Success rates: an examination of our data for online and F2F courses
shows considerable variation in success rates by semester. Some semesters our online success
rates are higher and some semesters our F2F success rates are higher. Examined together, the
average (unweighted) success rates for the previous 3 years show a 6% higher success rate for
our F2F courses. The difference seems to be greater for recent semesters. We plan to continue
to monitor these data to see if a meaningful pattern emerges.
II. Course Sequence (Data from 2 previous years)
Note: Answer this question if you have been provided data about course sequences in your discipline.
 Is success in the first course a good indicator of success in the second course? What are the
curricular, pedagogical, and/or methodological implications of what you see?
 Do your successful students in the first course enroll at a high rate in the second course within
two years? What are the implications of what you see?
Psychology does not offer true sequence courses.
III. Course Review (Data from 5 previous years)
 Ed. Code requires that all courses are updated every five years. Are all of your courses
updated? If not, do you want to maintain or continue these courses? Please indicate your plans
in terms of curriculum. Have all of your courses been offered recently? If not, why? Are
students counting on courses to complete a program or major when these courses are not being
Explain: The Psychology discipline serves an essential role in serving transfer students to CSU,
UC and other colleges and universities. Our psychology course offerings are included in the
G.E. and other core transfer requirements. The Psychology faculty plans to develop a specific
psychology transfer major that will comply with the recently legislated SB 1440 Psychology
Associate Transfer Degree. We have reviewed the psychology transfer model curriculum
developed by the CCC and CSU. The model Psychology transfer curriculum recommends that
we offer Psychological Statistics, Introduction to Biopsychology and a Research Methods
course with Lab. Recently we have not been offering the Psychological Statistics course due to
budget cuts. Our current research methods course does not include a lab, and we do not have
a Biopsychology course. We are requesting additional allocation to add the recommended
courses in the Psychology Transfer Curriculum. (As of 2010, all of our course outlines have
been updated. Some courses have not been offered recently, due to budget related course
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IV. Budget Summary (Data from 3 previous years)
 What budget trends do you see in your discipline? What are the implications of these trends?
 Where is your budget adequate and where is it lacking? What are the consequences on your
program, your students, and/or your instruction?
 What projected long-term (5-10 years) budget needs do you see? You will detail your short-term
needs in the action plan that follows. You do not need to cite them here.
In the past Psychology budget requests have been very limited; we expect that to change as a
result of SB 1440. We plan to research and develop a budget plan for the lab requirements
during this Program Review cycle. The Psychology faculty are very interested in adopting the
recently legislated SB 1440 Psychology Associate Transfer Degree. We have reviewed the
psychology transfer model curriculum developed by the CCC and CSU. The model
Psychology transfer curriculum recommends that we offer Psychological Statistics,
Introduction to Bio-Psychology and a Research Methods course with Lab.
Our projected long term budget needs include the start up cost for a lab to go with our
Psychology Research Methods, Biopsychology and Psychological Statistics courses, as
recommended by SB1440 Psychology Transfer model curriculum.
V. Enrollment Data (Data from 2 previous years)
 Please provide a brief description of: overall enrollment trends; enrollment trends by course; and
enrollment trends by time of day and Saturday.
 Describe what your discipline has done in terms of curriculum or scheduling in the last two years
that has effected enrollments.
 Describe plans or strategies that you have for the near future in terms of curriculum or
scheduling that could impact your enrollments.
 Lastly, look closely at whether the schedule you currently offer provides access to the broader
community that your discipline serves at Chabot College—day time, night time, Saturday,
distance education, special or targeted communities that would or do enroll in your courses.
The Psychology Unit’s courses consistently average fill rates of over 100%. At the
start of each semester we routinely turn away huge numbers of students wishing to
add psychology courses. In fact, one recent online psychology instructor reports
having received email requests from over 100 students asking to be added to a
section of PSY 1 online.
Psychology continues to increase the number of online courses we offer from zero to
fin Fall 2006, to four in Spring 09 and six online courses in Fall 10. Psychology
offers a balance of early morning, morning, afternoon and evening courses and
occasionally Saturday sections.
VI. Student Learning Outcomes Inventory
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Acronym Key:
SLO = Student Learning Outcome is a general term, for the following three levels of outcomes:
CLO = Course-level Outcome, i.e. what a student can do after completing a course
PLO= Program-level Outcome, i.e. what a student can do after completing a sequence of courses
CWLG = College-wide Learning Goal
Percentage of courses in your discipline that have CLOs and rubrics developed:___100%__
For this information, please see the list of which courses do and do not have CLOs on the
SLOAC’s main webpage:
Percentage of courses in your discipline that have the minimum number of CLOs developed:
(1 unit = 1 or more CLO, 2 units = 2 or more CLOs, 3 or more units = 3 or more
For this information, please see the CLO spreadsheet on the SLOAC’s main webpage:
Date the CLO Assessment schedule was submitted:_Fall 2010
For this information, please see the Course-level Outcomes assessment schedules list from the
Assessment Progress and Plans webpage:
Percentage of courses in your discipline that have had all the CLOs assessed within the past three
years, as per Chabot’s Assessment policy: __43%_____
For this information, please see Chabot’s Assessment Policy from the SLO/Assessment
Guidelines webpage:
Percentage of courses in your discipline that have had all the CLO assessments reflected upon, or
discussed with colleagues, within the past three years__43%_
What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions?
Reflecting on our CLO data, while most students demonstrate an understanding of our established
outcomes, many students still leave class without mastering some important course content.
What actions has your discipline determined that might be taken as a result of these reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Actions planned:
As a result of these reflections, we plan to continue to focus on depth of understanding related to
learning outcomes. As detailed elsewhere in this document, we plan to follow the recommendations
of SB1440 Psychology Transfer model curriculum, which includes adding a lab to our Research
Methods course, re-introducing our Psychology Statistics course, and developing a Biopyschology
course. We expect these courses will provide students with additional opportunities to master our
Program Level Outcomes, as well as CWLG’s.
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What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Strengths revealed:
Many students leave having demonstrated significant understanding of the core concepts of
Percentage of programs within your discipline that have established at least two PLOs, and
mapped appropriate CLOs to them:__100%___
For this information, please see the Program-level Outcomes progress page from the Assessment
Progress and Plans webpage:
Which of the CWLGs do your discipline’s CLOs address? (*Development of the Whole person ,
Communication and Critical Thinking)______________________
In which if any of the College-wide Learning Goals Faculty Inquiry Groups have discipline
member(s) participated?
Critical Thinking FIG (Critical Thinking), Online Tutoring FIG
(Student Success, Awareness & Access), Reading Apprenticeship FIG (Student Success,
Awareness & Access)____
Insights gained: During the Critical Thinking FIG, Aldrian was able to become familiar with the usage
of critical thinking grading rubrics as well as example of assignments used for assessment purposes. It
was with the Critical Thinking grading rubric that the Psychology unit was able to develop rubrics for
CLOs. Critical Thinking.
During the Online Tutoring FIG, Aldrian was able to become familiar with the logistics of setting up
tutorial services for the online sections for General Psychology. The work involved investigated realtime programs to facilitate the tutoring process and schedule software in order to set up appointments.
Development of the whole person.
Regarding the Reading Apprenticeship work, Aldrian was able to learn about different methods of
emphasizing reading and metacognition within the discipline itself. Work is currently being conducted
to implement Reading Apprenticeship in one of the General Psychology sections. Critical Thinking.
VII. Academic Learning Support
What kinds of academic learning support does your discipline use or require to help students succeed
(e.g., tutoring, learning assistants, student assistants, peer advisors, lab support, supplemental
instruction, peer-led team learning, peer advisors)? How many hours per semester do you use and/or
how many hours per semester do you need?
The Psychology discipline at Chabot College serves an essential role in serving transfer
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students to CSU, UC and other colleges and universities. Psychology course offerings are
included in the G.E. and other core transfer requirements, and on average, enrollment in
Psychology courses is around 1,300 students per semester, with all course sections filled to
100% capacity.
Further, the Psychology faculty plans to develop a specific psychology transfer major that will
comply with the recently legislated SB 1440 Psychology Associate Transfer Degree. The
model Psychology Transfer Curriculum recommends that we offer courses in Psychological
Statistics, Introduction to Biopsychology and a Research Methods course with Lab. Therefore,
in an effort to support student success in Psychology courses, we anticipate the increased need
for Academic Learning Support, in the form of Learning Assistants (LA’s) and the faculty led
General Studies GNST 115.
Learning Assistants Request:
4 LA’s, 5 hrs/week, to assist student’s within the classroom and work with Psychology faculty
in the GNST 115 discipline-specific academic student support.
GNST PSY 115 Request:
Funded through the Basic Skills and Title III Grant Initiatives, the Psychology discipline (Fall
09 semester) partnered with the college WRAC (Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum)
Center, to create a faculty led, psychology discipline specific learning support model for
students needing additional academic assistance in course work and development of basic skills
important in college success. (.5 – 3 units…What is the WRAC center)
The goals of GNST PSY 115 learning support model, meets Chabot College’s Master Strategy
Goals for Student Success: To continue to research, develop, and assess educational materials
to increase basic skills of Chabot students. To increase success and persistence in college
courses (Psychology) supported by learning support services. To maintain and increase
enrollment in college courses (Psychology) by increasing persistence.
Preliminary results of GNST PSY 115, (Fall 09 and Fall 10 semesters) show that when student’s
concurrently enrolled in GNST PSY 115 supplemental academic support and Psychology
courses, those students successfully completed course work with a passing grade. Based on
qualitative data, students indicated greater academic confidence through classroom
participation, motivation and the development of new college level basic skills in reading their
textbook, lecture note-taking, writing research papers and taking exams in their psychology
Results also show, that the presence of a Social Science GNST 115 (Psychology and History)
within the WRAC center, positively transformed how students utilized the center for academic
Spring 2009 before Grant Initiative numbers:
Drop-in Tutoring for courses (16 student visits;11%)
ENGL 115 Tutoring (135 student visits; 89%)
GNST 115 Tutoring for courses (0 visits; 0%)
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Fall 2009 Semester 1 w/Grant numbers:
Drop-in Tutoring (54 student visits; 9%)
GNST 115 Discipline specific faculty led tutoring for Psychology and History (484 student
Visits; 84%)
Fall 2010 Semester 2 w/Grant numbers:
Drop-in Tutoring (12 student visits; 1%)
GNST 115 Discipline specific faculty led tutoring for Psychology and History (739 student
The discipline specific Basic Skills GNST115 and Learning Assistance, may provide the needed
supplemental academic support for students, especially underprepared students who need
assistance with college level Basic Skills development. The GNST PSY 115 was funded
through BSI and Title III grant initiatives which provided reassigned time of 3CAH for one
faculty. We are requesting continued general college enrollment allocation from the college to
support GNST PSY 115.
VIII. External Data
 Cite any relevant external data that affects your program (e.g., labor market data, community
demand, employment growth, external accreditation demands, etc.).
According to Princeton Review, Psychology is the second most popular major
nationwide. Not surprisingly, by degrees conferred, Psychology is among the most
popular majors at our local CSU. And at UC-Davis, Psychology is the most popular
degree by a wide margin accounting for a full 10% of the annual degrees conferred.(3)
Many students study psychology at Chabot but do not earn a degree at Chabot. We
believe that Chabot College is missing out by not offering a Psychology degree. We
believe that if our proposal to develop a Psychology AA-T degree is supported Chabot
will be able to significantly increase the number of students who earn a degree at
Chabot. The transfer destination data suggest that Psychology will become among the
most commonly conferred degrees on the Chabot campus.
Further support for the Psychology discipline can be found in labor data and statistics.
Consider the following:
“[T]he U.S. Department of Labor predicts that jobs in the field of psychology will grow
about 12 percent over the next 10 years . . .”
“Several psychology subfields, particularly industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology,
geropsychology and neuropsychology, are poised for major growth.” (1)
“More than 2 million people in the United States sustain a brain injury each year,
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fueling demand for
neuropsychologists, who evaluate and treat victims of stroke, dementia and traumatic
brain injuries. A greater appreciation for the brain basis of developmental, learning and
behavior disorders has also contributed to increasing demand for
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“Improvements in imaging technologies and assessment techniques have also driven
demand for neuropsychology . . . fMRI images, for example, must be decoded by
psychologists with an advanced understanding of brain anatomy and function. "It's
not just a matter now of finding areas of disease or damage, but it's looking at the
brain more holistically"(1)
“In the coming decade, neuropsychologists will increasingly work on teams with
geneticists to examine how DNA is expressed through brain function, anatomy, and
the unfolding of Alzheimer's disease and other disorders.”(1)
“These new jobs, however, aren't reserved for psychologists with doctoral degrees;
many may go to people with master's degrees in psychology or related fields.”(1)
“As a result of the growing respect and influence I/O [industrial/organizational]
psychologists have garnered in the global business world, psychologists now head
human resource departments at major companies”(1)
“By 2050, the number of Americans 65 years and older is expected to double, and
among those 85 and older, the number may triple, according to the U.S. Census
Bureau. That's why the need for geropsychologists — who specialize in helping people
deal with the mental and physical changes of aging — continues to grow.”(1)
"The demand for mental health services is expected to rise as large cohorts of middleaged individuals — who tend to be more accepting of mental health services than the
current generation of older people — move into old age,"(1)
“Students earning degrees in psychology will learn the skills employers are seeking,
providing them with an advantage over graduates from other majors. These skills,
often referred to as "soft skills," in conjunction with quantitative skills developed by
conducting research . . .”(2)
(1) The American Psychological Association at: (retrieved 3/10/2011)
(2)From: (retrieved 3/10/2011)
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Section B – Data Summary
From what you have learned in your basic data review, what does the information tell you
about your program?
Overall, what improvements would you like to make to your program? How do you plan
to address these concerns? Are there any immediate issues that require immediate
attention (e.g., outdated course outlines)?
Where appropriate, please cite relevant data in your discussion (e.g., efficiency,
persistence, success, FT/PT faculty ratios, SLO/PLO assessment results, external
accreditation demands, etc.).
Data Summary and Plan of Action Description/Rationale:
The Psychology discipline serves an essential role in serving transfer students to
CSU, UC and other colleges and universities. Our psychology course offerings
are included in the G.E. and other core transfer requirements. The Psychology
Unit’s courses consistently average fill rates of over 100%. We have a high
success rate in all of our Psychology courses; all of our Psychology courses have
average success rates above the Chabot College average. Psychology is among
the most popular majors nationally as well as at the UC’s and CSU’s. “[T]he U.S.
Department of Labor predicts that jobs in the field of psychology will grow about
12 percent over the next 10 years . . .”(1)
To support our transfer students even better and to support the goal of increasing
the number Chabot students who earn degrees at Chabot, we believe that Chabot
College should develop a Psychology Transfer degree (SB 1440, AA-T). The
Psychology faculty plans to develop a specific psychology transfer major that will
comply with the recently legislated SB 1440 Psychology Associate Transfer
Degree. We have reviewed the psychology transfer model curriculum developed
by the CCC and CSU. The model Psychology transfer curriculum recommends
that we offer Psychological Statistics, Introduction to Biopsychology and a
Research Methods course with Lab. Recently we have not been offering the
Psychological Statistics course due to budget cuts. Our current research
methods course does not include a lab, and we do not have a Biopsychology
course. We are requesting additional allocation to add the recommended courses
in the Psychology Transfer Curriculum. With the needed allocation and support,
the transfer destination data suggest that Psychology will become among the
most commonly conferred degrees on the Chabot campus.
As a result of our previous Program Review research project, we have integrated
BASIC SKILLS/COLLEGE SUCCESS SKILLS into many of our PSY 1 courses. The
data we collected during our previous Program Review suggest that by integrating
BASIC SKILLS/COLLEGE SUCCESS SKILLS into out PSY 1 courses, students are
more likely to report that the PSY 1 courses include content and assignments that
relevant to college success. We plan to continue these important Basic Skills
Should you have any other questions regarding our request for your support in
developing the AA-T degree in Psychology at Chabot , Please do not hesitate to
contact us. Thanks.
Section C – Action Planning
Please propose a two-year plan of action and timeline to address any immediate and/or long-term
concern(s). This includes activities to assess the CLO(s) to discover a plan of action. It may also
include specific activities that address improving CLO(s) and their assessment, that is to say
evaluating the CLO(s) and the assessment activities.
Examples of activities include:
 Research and inquiry project – why is this happening?
 Innovation and Pilot Projects – this is something I want to try
 Intervention activities such as support services – this is what I want to do about it
 Program and curriculum modification – this is what I want to do about it
Action Plan Timeline: Detail the timeline for accomplishing your goals
PLOs and/or Program
Support Needed to
Accomplish These
Outcome(s) Expected
Explore specifics of
Psychology Transfer Model
Curriculum (SB1440)
Explore specifics of Psychology
Transfer Model Curriculum
Pursue increased allocation
needed to support
Psychology Transfer Model
Pursue increased allocation
needed to support Psychology
Transfer Model Curriculum
Increase course allocation. Develop and submit required
Explore SB 1440
recommended lab for
Research Methods
Explore SB 1440 recommended
lab for Research Methods course.
Consult and visit with other CC’s
with successful labs
To be determined.
After consulting with other
Estepa, Nijjar, &
colleges and programs, develop Pierson
a PSY lab plan.
Develop specific budget
requests for Research
Methods Lab (SB 1440)
Develop specific budget requests
for Research Methods Lab (SB
1440) Consult and visit with
other CC’s with successful labs
To be determined
Develop and submit required
Explore the re-introduction
of Psychology Statistics
including prerequisite (SB
Explore the re-introduction of
Psychology Statistics including
prerequisite (SB 1440). Consult
and visit with other CC’s with
Psych Stats courses
To be determined
Develop and submit required
Estepa, Nijjar, &
Develop Biopsychology
course (SB 1440)
Develop Biopsychology course
To be determined
(SB 1440) Consult and visit with
other CC’s with BioPsyc courses
Develop and submit required
Estepa, Nijjar, &
Offer Psychology Transfer
Degree with Research
methods with lab, Stats and
All of the above.
All of the above
Estepa, Nijjar, &
Close the loop by
documenting number of
Document number of Psychology
Transfer Degrees earned at
Document the significant
increase in the number or
Estepa, Nijjar, &
Develop a plan for establishing Estepa, Nijjar, &
the AA-T Psychology Degree. Pierson
Estepa, Nijjar, &
Estepa, Nijjar, &
Psychology Transfer
Degrees earned at Chabot.
Psychology A.A. degrees
conferred at Chabot College!
Continue to support and
expand the Chabot
Psychology Club
Continue to support and expand
the Chabot Psychology Club
Increase student, staff, faculty, Estepa, Nijjar, &
and community participation in Pierson
the Chabot Psychology Club
Continue to integrate basic
skills/college success skills
into the psychology
Continue to integrate basic
skills/college success skills into
the psychology curriculum
Increase in student success both Estepa, Nijjar, &
within and outside of
Psychology courses.
Definitions of terms:
Program Goal = A general statement of what the program hopes to accomplish, for the long-term. It may be in qualitative (narrative)
rather than quantitative (numeric) terms. It may include the integration of several program outcomes, or relate to class scores, credits,
units, course completion, retention term to term, progression to next course/level, program completion, degree and certificate
completion, transfer, success/scores on licensure exams, job placement, attitudes, fundraising, media promotion, etc.
PLO = Program-level Outcome, i.e., what students can do, what knowledge they have, after completing a sequence of courses. It is a
subset of the Program Goals, related to student learning.
*Types of Support Needed to Accomplish Activities:
 Training or workshops
 Publications, library, resources
 Guidance to support research and/or inquiry projects
 Technology
(Continued on next page)
Strategic Plan Goals and Summaries: Which Strategic Plan goals and strategies does your action plan support?
Awareness and Access
Increase familiarity with Chabot
Reach out to underrepresented populations
Promote early awareness and college readiness to youth and families
Multiple ways to deliver instruction and services for all
Student Success
Strengthen basic skills development
Identify and provide a variety of career paths
Increase success for all students in our diverse community
Assess student learning outcomes to improve and expand instruction and services
Community Partnership
Increase experiential learning opportunities
Initiate/expand partnerships among the college, businesses and community organizations
Promote faculty and staff involvement in college and community activities
Engage the community in campus programs and events
Vision Leadership and Innovation
Improve institutional effectiveness
Streamline academic and student support services
Professional development to support teaching, learning and operational needs
Support effective communication both in the college and the community
Provide safe, secure and up-to-date facilities and technology
Unit Plan: Classified Staffing Request(s) including Student Assistants [Acct. Category 2000]
Unit: Psychology
Division or Area to Which You Report: Social Science
Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Andrew Pierson, Rani Nijjar & Aldrian Estepa
Date: March 10, 2011
Audience: Administrative Staff
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and part-time regular (permanent) classified
professional positions (New, augmented and replacement positions) AND student assistants (tutors, learning assistants, lab assistants,
supplemental instruction, etc.).
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Be sure to include reference to Goals/Objectives from Part II, and Strategic Planning
Priorities. Please cite any evidence or data to support your request. If this position is categorically funded, include and designate the
funding source of new categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent upon available funding.
Justifications should include rationale for requesting the position. Rationale should include specific reference to, where
necessary and appropriate. [Reminder, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.] Please
list staffing request(s) on your Resource Request spreadsheet.
Data from student learning and service area outcomes
Connection to program review
Relationship to institutional priorities
Impact on enrollment and revenue
Workload distribution (impact on other’s work)
1. Rationale for your proposal. Please include the rationale from your program review and unit plan. Rationale should
include things such as student learning and service area data and outcomes, difficulty in serving students, health and
safety concerns and/or any other information that speaks to the criteria listed previously.
The Basic Skills Literature review supports the efficacy of academic support services (like the WRAC Center), the
supplemental support helps students develop critical thinking skills, helps them “understand their learning strengths and
weaknesses…adapt effective and efficient methods of processing information, and alter(s) previously established attitudes
about their own potential and their sense of self-worth”.
College enrollment numbers in Psychology courses remain consistently high, with all classes showing fill capacity at or over
100% (44 students/per class). As a way to provide supplemental academic assistance to those students who may need and
seek support in their coursework, we are asking for 4 Learning Assistants to work with Psychology faculty within the
classroom and in the WRAC center (with GNST PSY 115).
Bueschel, A.C. “Listening to Students About Learning.” Strengthening Pre-collegiate Education in Community College (SPECC).
Stanford, Calif.: The Carnegic Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. 2008.
The Center for Student Success. “Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student Success in California Community Colleges.” The Research
and Planning Group for California Community Colleges. March 2007.)
2. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate here any information
from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to the proposal.
The goals of Academic learning support model (GNST115 and Learning Assistance), meets Chabot College’s Master Strategy
Goals for Student Success:
To continue to research, develop, and assess educational materials to increase basic skills of Chabot students.
To increase success and persistence in college courses (Psychology) supported by learning support services.
To maintain and increase enrollment in college courses (Psychology) by increasing persistence.
Program Review: Enrollment Requests
Discipline: Psychology
Division or Area to Which You Report: Social Sciences
Author(s): Andrew Pierson, Rani Nijjar & Aldrian Estepa
Date: March 10, 2011
Audience: Budget, Deans, CEMC, PRBC
Purpose: To recommend changes in FTEF allocations for subsequent academic year and guide Deans and CEMC in the allocation of
FTEF to units.
Instructions: In the area below, please list your requested changes in course offerings (with reference to corresponding change in
FTEF) and provide your rationale for these changes. Be sure to analyze enrollment trends and other relevant data (http://help/EMC/).
Please seek your dean’s assistance as needed.
1. As described above, we plan to develop the recommended Psychology Transfer Model Curriculum (AA-T, 1440), therefore
we request an increase in allocation to support the recommended PSY 2 Lab, PSY Stats and Biopsychology courses. We
request an increase of a minimum of 16 CAH per semester to support two sections each of the three recommended AA-T
courses. As detailed above we believe this increase in allocation will result in many students successfully earning a
Psychology Transfer degree.
2. We are requesting additional FTEF apportionment from General College Enrollment to Psychology to teach the content
based Basic Skills class GNST 115, staffing by 1-2 full-time Psychology faculty to run 3-6 hours a week.
Program Review — Proposal for New Initiatives
Discipline: Psychology
Division or Area to Which You Report: Social Sciences
Name of Person Completing this Form: Andrew Pierson, Rani Nijjar & Aldrian Estepa
Date: March 10, 2001
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, College Budget Committee
Purpose: A “New Initiative” is a new project or expansion of a current project that supports college goals. The project will require the
support of additional and/or outside funding. The information you provide will facilitate and focus the research and development process
for finding outside funding.
Instructions: Please fill in the following information.
Educational Master Plan and/or Strategic Plan Goal/Objective Addressed:
Increases the transfer rates (develop AA-T Psychology 1440)
Project Description:
Support the development of PSY 2 Research Methods Lab and PSY 5 Psychology Statistics, as recommended in Psychology Transfer
Model Curriculum 1440.
Project Objective: (include goal & outcome from Part II of your Unit Plan for reference)
Significantly increase the number of students earning an AA. With sufficient support and allocation, we believe that the AA-T Psychology
Transfer degree will become among the most commonly conferred degrees at Chabot College.
Expected Project Outcome:
With sufficient support and allocation, we believe that the AA-T Psychology Transfer degree will become among the most commonly
conferred degrees at Chabot College
Activity Plan to Accomplish the Objective:
ACTIVIT ACTIVITY (simple description)
See action plan above (Section C-I. Action Plan Timeline, for details)
Estimated Resource Requirements:
Personnel (staffing and benefits
for professional experts,
reassigned time, classified
Learning Assistance
4 LA’s, 5 hrs
per/week for each
PSY 2 Lab & PSY 5 Stats supplies - TBD
PSY 2 Lab & PSY 5 Stats
supplies - TBD
Proposed personnel workload may be covered by:
New Hires:
Faculty # of position
Classified staff # of positions 4
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s)' current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain Learning Assistant funding
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project (obtained by/from):
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain:
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain:
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources: