RHS Weekly Lesson Plan Essentials Dates 12-1-14 12-2-14 12-3-14 12-4-14 12-5-14 Monday HS-EHS-6-Evaluate the anatomy, physiology, and basic pathophysiology of the muscular and skeletal systems, and perform technical skills related to the systems. Tuesday HS-EHS-6-Evaluate the anatomy, physiology, and basic pathophysiology of the muscular and skeletal systems, and perform technical skills related to the systems. Wednesday HS-EHS-6-Evaluate the anatomy, physiology, and basic pathophysiology of the muscular and skeletal systems, and perform technical skills related to the systems. Thursday HS-EHS-6-Evaluate the anatomy, physiology, and basic pathophysiology of the muscular and skeletal systems, and perform technical skills related to the systems. Essential Question/ Key Question How many bones in the body do we have and what are their names? What is a fracture? Why is it important to keep a bone from moving if you suspect a fracture? Why is it important to use a sling if you suspect an injury to the arm or shoulder? Friday HS-EHS-6-Evaluate the anatomy, physiology, and basic pathophysiology of the muscular and skeletal systems, and perform technical skills related to the systems. What is the importance of first aid for a fractured bone? Lesson Opener Use Quizlet to write down abbreviations #14 Use Quizlet to practice abbreviations #14 Use Quizlet to practice abbreviations #14 Test Tomorrow! Use Quizlet to study abbreviations #14 Test today!! Standard Time 10 min Procedures /Strategies Time 30 min Time 5 min Time 5 min Lesson Summary Assessment / Evaluation 1. Answer the following question on Todays Meet-how many bones do we have in the body? 2. Pair student’s up-use Differentiation from skeletal system test scores and practice naming the bones of the body for 30 minutes. Use study guides or page 1216th edition, page 160-7th edition textbook. The skeletal system study guide is in this week’s lesson folder on my online classroom. 3. Students will take a knowledge quiz afterwards to see if further practice is necessary. Label the bones of the skeleton knowledge quiz. 1. Answer the following question on Todays meetWhat is a fracture? 2. Types of fracturesnearPod presentation. Teacher to give session code. 3. Students will draw each fracture during presentation and take a quiz after on the nearPod presentation. 4. Homework assignment-Skeletal System-Naming the bones of the skeleton-extra practice. nearpod quiz-fractures Results from knowledge quiz. Teacher monitoring of fracture drawing, fracture quiz 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Answer the following question on Todays Meet-Why is it important to keep a bone from moving if you suspect a fracture? Guest Speaker-Mr. Paschal-will demonstrate how EMT responds to bone fracture accidents-7th period. 4th Period: First aid for fractures: Watch educanon video on first aid for a hand fracture-demonstrate first aid as instructed by video and pauses in video. Take pictures for my wonderful days lite and journal. Teacher to check proper technique. Start- workbook handout 16:9Providing First Aid for Bone and Joint Injuries-page 236-237 in workbook. Use pages 498-502- 7th edition and pages 419-423 in 6th- edition textbook. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Abbreviation Test #14 Answer the following question on Todays Meet-What is the purpose of a sling if you suspect an injury to an arm or shoulder? Applying a triangular sling Watch educanon video and apply sling as instructed during pauses in video. Show teacher for check-off. Take picture and journal in My Wonderful Days Lite. Work on completing-workbook handout 16:9Providing First Aid for Bone and Joint Injuries-page 236237 I workbook. Use pages498-502 7th edition and pages 419-423 in 6h edition textbook. Journal 4 things you learned this week in my Wonderful Days Lite-Show Mrs. Wood when finished 1. Answer the following question on Todays MeetWhat is a Dental Assistant? 2. Lindsay WoodDental Assistant-Guest Speaker. 3. She will talk about her career and education required. Socrative true/false questions on first aide for fractured hand. Question answer session during teacher check off. Question and answer session Teacher check off-applying splint Teacher check off-applying triangular splint Question and answer session with guest speaker. RHS Weekly Lesson Plan Essentials Materials Needed iPad, skeletal system label handout, skeletal system study guides-text book page-121-6th edition, page 160-7th edition. iPad iPad, splint, ace bandage, workbook handout-page 236-237, textbook iPad, triangular bandage, workbook handout-page 236-237,textbook iPad