Civil War Battles

capture the Confederate
capital of Richmond, Virginia
defend homelands
capture railroad center in
Chattanooga, Tennessee
blockade seaports along the
Atlantic Ocean
wear down invading Union
troops by using a defensive
stop the blockade by
capturing Union merchant
ships, sink ships with
ironclads, and use blockade
runners to ship goods.
protect the Union capital of
Washington D.C.
destroy Confederate armies
and land
keep European nations from
recognizing the Confederacy
Anaconda Plan
use “Cotton King
Diplomacy” – get help from
Britain and France due to
their need for cotton
Considering the obvious
disadvantages, why did the
Confederacy choose to go to
war against the Union?
The Colonies and the Confederacy
 Were passionate about what they were fighting
for: 13 colonies = independence/freedom
Confederacy = states rights/slavery/way of life
 Used homefield advantage to try to win the war
 Had strong leaders
*As a result, history told the Confederacy that they
had a chance of winning the war.
Battle of Fort
Sumter (333,336)
Battle of Manassas
1st Battle of Bull
Run (342-343)
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Vicksburg
(346, 350-351)
Battle of
Gettysburg (346)
What was the SIGNIFICANCE of the battle?
What was its importance and IMPACT on
the overall war?
Use your North Carolina text to answer the
following questions on “Civil War Battle Questions”
in your notebook by restating the question in your
answer using complete sentences.
1. Describe Sherman’s March to the Sea (348).
What did it look like?
2. What was General Sherman’s purpose?
3. Describe the historical event that happened at
Appomattox Court House (348-349)?
4. In what region were most of the major Civil War
battles fought (344)?
5. Who won most of the major Civil War battles
Battle of
Fort Sumter
Battle of
1st Battle of Bull
What was the SIGNIFICANCE of the
What was its importance and IMPACT
on the overall war?
Confederate forces attack and capture the
fort, marking the beginning of the Civil
War. Lincoln called on Union States to
raise troops for war. Forced states (NC)
to choose sides in the war.
What was the SIGNIFICANCE of the battle?
What was its importance and IMPACT on the overall war?
Confederate forces attack and capture the fort, marking the
Battle of Fort Sumter beginning of the Civil War. Lincoln called on Union States
to raise troops for war.
Battle of
1st Battle of
Bull Run
Battle of Antietam
First major battle of the Civil
War. The Confederate victory
made it clear that the war would
not end quickly.
What was the SIGNIFICANCE of the battle?
What was its importance and IMPACT on the overall war?
Confederate forces attack and capture the fort, marking the
Battle of Fort Sumter beginning of the Civil War. Lincoln called on Union States
to raise troops for war.
Battle of Manassas First major battle of the Civil War. The Confederate
1st Battle of Bull Run victory made it clear that the war would not end quickly.
Battle of
Battle of Vicksburg
The first major confederate attack into
the North. The single bloodiest day
of the Civil War. Some 25,000 men
were killed or wounded. The
Confederates retreated.
What was the SIGNIFICANCE of the battle?
What was its importance and IMPACT on the overall war?
Confederate forces attack and capture the fort, marking the
Battle of Fort Sumter beginning of the Civil War. Lincoln called on Union States
to raise troops for war.
Battle of Manassas First major battle of the Civil War. The Confederate
1st Battle of Bull Run victory made it clear that the war would not end quickly.
Battle of Antietam
The first major confederate attack into the North. The
single bloodiest day of the Civil War. Some 25,000 men
were killed or wounded. The Confederates retreated.
Battle of
The fall of Vicksburg gave the Union
complete control of the Mississippi
Valley and split the South in two. It
marked the turning point in the war.
Battle of Gettysburg
What was the SIGNIFICANCE of the battle?
What was its importance and IMPACT on the overall war?
Confederate forces attack and capture the fort, marking the
Battle of Fort Sumter beginning of the Civil War. Lincoln called on Union States
to raise troops for war.
Battle of Manassas First major battle of the Civil War. The Confederate
1st Battle of Bull Run victory made it clear that the war would not end quickly.
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Vicksburg
Battle of
The first major confederate attack into the North. The
single bloodiest day of the Civil War. Some 25,000 men
were killed or wounded. The Confederates retreated.
The fall of Vicksburg agave the Union complete control of
the Mississippi Valley and split the South in two. It
marked the turning point in the war.
This three day battle caused General Lee to
lose a third of his army (28,000 men) and
never make another major attack on the
North. President Lincoln gave one of his
most famous speeches to dedicate the
battlefield as a national cemetery.
Sherman’s March to
the Sea was a 60mile route of
burned farms,
ripped up
railroads, cut
telegraph wires,
and demolished
factories and
General Sherman’s purpose
was to destroy anything
that supported the
Confederate war effort in
order to get the civilians
to beg for surrender.
The significant event that occurred at
Appomattox Courthouse was that General Lee
(the Confederacy) surrendered to General
Grant (the Union), ending the Civil War.
Most of the Civil War battles
took place in the South.
(southeast U.S. or
east coast/coastal plains)
The Union
won most of
the major
Civil War