Agenda- Quarter 2 7th Grade Social Studies, Mrs. Pitner Wednesday, October 14 Learning Goal: I can understand the factors leading to the Civil War. Warm-Up: Write down agenda items for today Agenda: Quarter 2 Procedures Classroom Competition Team Trivia No Homework Classroom Expectations – Quarter 2 Quarter One Expectations PLUS You will write in your agenda daily (spontaneous agenda checks for a grade!). You will write in complete sentences (except for notes) and use proper spelling/punctuation. Thursday, October 15 Learning Goal: I can understand the factors leading to the Civil War. Warm-Up: Write down agenda items for today Agenda: John Brown DBQ Practice No Homework Friday, October 16 Learning Goal: I can understand the factors leading to the Civil War. Warm-Up: Write down important dates in agenda (Mrs. Pitner will tell you!) Agenda: John Brown DBQ Practice Agenda Check! No Homework Exit Ticket Write down 3 fun facts about yourself!! Monday, October 19 Learning Goal: I can understand the factors leading to the Civil War. Warm-Up: N/A Agenda: John Brown DBQ Practice Vocab No Homework Was John Brown a hero or a misguided fanatic? Write a paragraph answering the question Have a thesis statement Use textual evidence (2 PIEs) Do NOT use the word “I” or any abbreviations! If it says “I” in a quotation, change it using [ ] ex: John Brown says “[he] never intended…” Thesis Statement (SEPARATE SENTENCE). PIE 1. PIE 2. . John Brown was __________ PIE 1….. PIE 2….. Vocabulary Terms Confederate States of America (502) Jefferson Davis (502) Secede (502) Fort Sumter (511-512) Robert E. Lee (512) Border States (512) Anaconda Plan (513) First Battle of Bull Run (514) Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson (515) Enlist (517) Andersonville (519) Monitor (521) Merrimack (521) George McClellan (523) Ulysses S. Grant (524) Battle of Shiloh (524) William Tecumseh Sherman (525) Battle of Antietam (527) Plunder (527) Tuesday, October 20 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Explain P.I.E. for writing using documents. Agenda: Introduce Civil Baseball Cards War Vocab Homework: Baseball Cards Slip Wednesday, October 21 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Define and describe one of your vocab terms. Agenda: Civil War Vocab Civil War Story Board Homework: Baseball Cards Slip Thursday, October 22 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Define and describe one of your vocab terms. Agenda: Civil War Vocab Civil War Story Board Homework: Baseball Cards Slip Friday, October 23 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Primary Source Analysis: Why does the writer support secession? Agenda: Civil War Story Board Baseball Cards Review Fort Sumter/First Battle of Bull Run Notes Homework: Baseball Cards, Study Vocab Why does the writer support secession? “In January next we shall take leave of the Union and shall construct with our Sister Cotton States a government for ourselves. Whether the other Slave States will join seems very uncertain at least for the present. The condition of affairs at the North since the election of an Abolitionist for President makes it necessary for us to get away as quickly as possible.” -E.B. Heyward, South Carolina, Nov. 20, 1860 Monday, October 26 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Study for Quiz!! (Write fun fact about yourself) Agenda: Civil War Vocab Quiz Fort Sumter/First Battle of Bull Run Notes Homework: Baseball Cards Tuesday, October 27 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Describe the Anaconda Plan IN DETAIL. Agenda: Baseball First Cards Project Research Battle of Bull Run Play Homework: Baseball Cards Wednesday, October 28 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Write down 2 facts from the video about the life of a soldier during the Civil War Agenda: Civil War Letters Homework: Baseball Cards, Finish Paragraph DBQ Notes Use complete sentences! Use proper spelling and grammar!!! Sentences must have a subject and a verb Do not capitalize random words in the middle of a sentence Do NOT use “I believe,” “I think,” or any “I” statements at all! Address historical figures/authors/other people by last name after introducing them. Ex: John Brown was a hero. Brown states… Use the text accurately – only change words in a quote if you NEED to, and if you do use brackets! Do not use abbreviations in schoolwork! Do not write how you talk!! DBQ Notes Quotes should flow smoothly with the rest of your sentence Help yourself by eliminating as many pronouns as possible from quotes you want to use Only use the parts of quotes that are absolutely necessary – no super long quotes Quotations in your sentence start with a lowercase letter Ex: Mrs. Pitner says “never use uppercase letters at the start…” “Doc A states…” is NOT your point for PIE!!! Points need to be something you can defend! Use the same verb tense throughout! Thursday, October 29 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Describe the Anaconda Plan IN DETAIL. Agenda: Baseball Cards Project Research First Battle of Bull Run Play Homework: Baseball Cards, Paragraph Due tomorrow! Friday, October 30 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Write a quiz question about something we’ve learned so far about the Civil War. Agenda: Grading Civil Warm-Ups & Collect Paragraph War Video Homework: Baseball Cards Monday, November 2 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Which side – North or South –had a bigger population? How might that help them in the Civil War? Agenda: Civil War Map Civil War Advantages Homework: Baseball Cards Tuesday, November 3 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Monday: Which side – North or South – had a bigger population? How might that help them in the Civil War? Tuesday: How many states were in the Union? The Confederacy? Agenda: Civil War Map & Civil War Advantages Homework: Baseball Cards Secession Dates South Carolina: December 20, 1860 Mississippi: January 9, 1861 Florida: January 10, 1861 Alabama: January 11, 1861 Georgia: January 19, 1861 Louisiana: January 26, 1861 Texas: February 1, 1861 Virginia: April 17, 1861 Arkansas: May 6, 1861 North Carolina: May 20, 1861 Tennessee: June 8, 1861 Make a T- Chart: Northern Advantages Southern Advantages Put the following advantages onto your chart. Better generals More railroads Determination Outdoorsmen Fought a primarily defensive war on their homeland More Factories (Industry) More Men to Fight (Large Population) More naval vessels/shipyards Friday, November 6 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: What was the North’s biggest advantage? Why? Agenda: Civil War Quiz Questions Homework: Baseball Cards P. 532: Chapter 16 Assessment #20-28, 35, 37-39 USE COMPLETE SENTENCES Write the question and the answer Monday, November 9 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: What caused the high death rates during the Civil War? (Use pgs. 519-521 for help!) Agenda: Civil War Quiz Questions Homework: Baseball Cards Tuesday, November 10 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: How did the South plan to win the war? Agenda: Civil War Stations Homework: Baseball Cards – DUE IN ONE WEEK!!! Progress Report Grades Due Friday – get in late work ASAP!! Thursday, November 12 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Complete the chart (next page) Agenda: Civil War Notes Civil War Stations Life of a Soldier Homework: Baseball Cards – Progress Report Grades Due Friday – get in late work ASAP!! Union Confederacy Reasons for Fighting To preserve the Union To gain independence Advantages (Pick 1 – use p. 514) More factories, More soldiers (large pop), More railroads Outdoorsmen, Better generals Disadvantages (Pick 1 – use p. 514) Long supply lines, Offensive war, fewer good generals Less people, less factories (supplies), just starting country Military Strategies Offensive (Anaconda Plan) Defensive Battle Victories Battle of Shiloh Ft. Sumter, First Battle of Bull Run Friday, November 13 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Complete the chart (next page) Agenda: Civil War Notes Civil War Stations Life of a Soldier Homework: Baseball Cards – Union Confederacy Reasons for Fighting To preserve the Union To gain independence Advantages (Pick 1 – use p. 514) More population, more railroads, industry (factories), more resources Better generals, defensive battle on own land Disadvantages (Pick 1 – use p. 514) Not very good fighters, not so good generals, long supply lines Not as many troops, fewer factories, less resources, less naval power Military Strategies Offensive (Anaconda Plan) Defensive Battle Victories Battle of Shiloh First Battle of Bull Run! Monday, November 16 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Give one fun fact from the stations. Agenda: Civil Life War Notes of a Soldier Homework: Baseball Cards – DUE TOMORROW!!!! Tuesday, November 17 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Monday: Give one fun fact from the stations. Tuesday: Describe the impact the CW had on the economy. Agenda: Civil No War Notes Homework Letters to Soldiers Address the letter “Dear Hero” or “Dear Defender of Freedom” Write them a nice note for the holidays! Say thank you!!! Can write a return address to Casteel: Casteel High School c/o (your name) (Mrs. Pitner’s class) 24901 S. Power Rd. Queen Creek, AZ 85142 Wednesday, November 18 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Write down a question you have about what is covered on Student News Agenda: Baseball No Cards Presentations Homework 1. Rubric 2. Bibliography 3. Reflection Cards on top!! Thursday, November 19 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Write down one question you have about Student News. Agenda: Baseball No Cards Presentations Homework 1. Rubric 2. Bibliography 3. Reflection Cards on top!! Friday, November 20 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Write down one way the Civil War impacted society. Agenda: Civil War Notes Introduction Homework: to Gettysburg DBQ Read through DBQ documents TWICE. Answer the Background Essay ?s Monday, November 23 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Why was the Battle of Gettysburg considered the “turning point” of the war? Agenda: Gettysburg Homework: DBQ DBQ Documents B-D (p. 471-475) Tuesday, November 24 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: What does it mean to “bucket” the documents when writing a DBQ? Agenda: Gettysburg Homework: DBQ Finish outline, write intro paragraph Wednesday, November 25 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: What is the thesis of your Gettysburg DBQ? Agenda: Grading Warmups Gettysburg DBQ DUE! No Homework Reminder: Written portion of final next Wednesday/Thursday! To turn in your typed DBQ: Save the file in your S drive Save as: Your name Gettysburg DBQ *Make sure your name is on the actual document (like a header) Monday, November 30 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Review (no warm-up) Agenda: DBQ Review No Homework (though you may want to review DBQ how-tos!) Want extra credit? Come do extra Civil War Stations! (+10 extra credit points!!) Grading Warm-Ups Each day worth a total of 3 points! 1 point: wrote down question 1 point: wrote down answer ½ point: picked a number for the learning goal ½ point: explained where they are on the learning goal Each weekly reflection (2 things learned this week) worth 2 points, one point for each thing they learned Total: 28 points DBQ Tips/Reminders No personal pronouns (I, you, we, us) “War” is not synonymous with “battle” Properly cite your sources! “This is a super awesome quote” (Document A). Thesis must address the question being asked! Your essay should answer the question!! Intro statement should tell what the paragraph will be about Your “E”s in your PIE should clearly and thoroughly explain how your P and I relates to your thesis DBQ Activity In your partnerships: Read each DBQ response When you finish, rank the response 1-10 1: Not very good at all 10: Super duper awesome On a separate sheet of paper, critique the response: 1. Does it have a grabber? 2. Does it have background info? Does it have a thesis? 4. Do the body paragraphs have an intro statement? 5. Does it have PIEs? 6. Are the PIEs well explained? Do they make sense? Are they convincing? 7. Does the concluding paragraph restate the thesis? 8. Does it use proper spelling/grammar? 3. 9. Does it properly cite the sources? Tuesday, December 1 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: If your DBQ was on the hardships of the Civil War, what could 3 potential “buckets” be? Agenda: Harriet Tubman Background Essay Civil War Storyboard No Homework (though you may want to review DBQ how-tos!) Want extra credit? Come do extra Civil War Stations! (+10 extra credit points!!) Wednesday, December 2 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Clear desks except for pencil. Agenda: DBQ No Final Homework Want extra credit? Come do extra Civil War Stations! (+10 extra credit points!!) Extra Credit Stations 1. Raising Armies 2. Army Camp Life 3. Field Artillery 4. Horsemen 5. War on the Water 6. Black Volunteers 7. Secret War 8. Battles (Finish Chart!) #1 #3 #2 Civil War Stations 2 #4 Thursday, December 3 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Clear desks except for pencil. Agenda: DBQ No Final Homework Want extra credit? Come do extra Civil War Stations! (+10 extra credit points!!) Extra Credit Stations 1. Raising Armies 2. Army Camp Life 3. Field Artillery 4. Horsemen 5. War on the Water 6. Black Volunteers 7. Secret War 8. Battles (Finish Chart!) #1 #3 #2 Civil War Stations 2 #4 Friday, December 4 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Agenda: DBQ No Final Homework Monday, December 7 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Agenda: DBQ No Final Homework Tuesday, December 8 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: What was the hardest part about writing your DBQ final? Why was it hard? Agenda: Civil War Storyboard Chapter No 18 Vocabulary Homework Wednesday, December 9 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: What is the significance of Appomattox Court House? Agenda: Civil War Storyboard Chapter Civil No 18 Vocabulary War Film Clip Homework Thursday, December 10 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: What was Sherman’s March to the Sea? Agenda: Civil War Storyboard Chapter Civil No 18 Vocabulary War Film Clip Homework Friday, December 11 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: What is the significance of Appomattox Court House? Agenda: Civil War Storyboard Chapter Civil No 18 Vocabulary War Film Clip Homework Monday, December 14 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Name the rights protected by the First Amendment. Agenda: Final Exam Review Day Homework: Study for Exam Tuesday, December 15 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: Name the 5 themes of geography Agenda: Final Exam Review Day Homework: Study for Exam Wednesday, December 16 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: What was your favorite moment from this semester? Agenda: Final Exam Day Thursday, December 17 Learning Goal: I can understand the key events and people of the Civil War. Warm-Up: What was your favorite moment from this semester? Agenda: Final Exam Day