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Final Jeopardy
The person who defined the id, ego,
and superego (as well as many other
Who is Freud?
The person who conducted a study
where teachers had to shock learners
if the learners gave an incorrect
Who is Milgram?
The person who developed
the idea of the general
adaptation syndrome.
Who is Selye?
The person who believed that
children feel naturally weak and
that people strive for superiority.
Who is Adler?
The person who founded the
social-cognitive perspective.
Who is Albert Bandura?
John just got back from
serving in the army. For the
past five weeks he has had
haunting memories,
nightmares, social
withdrawal, and jumpy
What is PTSD?
Fred is experiencing
disorganized and
delusional thinking,
disturbed perceptions, and
inappropriate emotions and
What is schizophrenia?
Emily has an anxiety disorder
where she has unwanted
repetitive thoughts and/or
What is OCD?
Katherine exhibits a lack of
conscience for wrongdoing, even
towards her friends and family
What is antisocial personality disorder?
Charlie has an anxiety disorder in
which he is continually tense,
apprehensive, and in a state of
autonomic nervous system arousal.
What is generalized anxiety disorder?
The theory that an emotion-arousing
stimulus simultaneously triggers
physiological responses and the
subjective experience of emotion.
What is the Cannon-Bard theory?
The theory that our experience of
emotion is our awareness of our
physiological responses to emotionarousing stimuli.
What is the James-Lange theory?
The theory that explains people’s
tendency to give causal
explanations for someone’s
What is the attribution theory?
The theory that we act to reduce
the discomfort we feel when two
of our thoughts are inconsistent.
What is the cognitive dissonance theory?
The theory that proposes that faith
in one’s worldview and the pursuit
of self-esteem provide protection
against a deeply rooted fear of
What is the terror management theory?
An individual’s characteristic
pattern of thinking, feeling, and
What is personality?
The self perceived satisfaction
and happiness with one’s life.
What is subjective well being?
The type of coping that attempts to
alleviate stress by avoiding or
ignoring a stressor and attending to
emotional needs related to one’s
stress reaction.
What is emotion-focused coping?
A behavior therapy procedure that
conditions new responses to stimuli
that trigger unwanted behaviors.
What is counterconditioning?
Influence resulting from one’s
willingness to accept other’s
opinions about reality.
What is information social influence?
Repression, regression, reaction
formation, projection,
rationalization, sublimation, and
What are the defense mechanisms?
The arousal level that optimizes
performance on difficult or
unrehearsed tasks.
What is low arousal?
The attitude that therapists take on
where they are genuine, honest,
and nice no matter what.
What is unconditional positive regard?
The area of the brain that is
likely to be inactive during
depressed states.
What is the left frontal lobe?
The phenomenon that repeated
exposure to novel stimuli increases
liking of them.
$500 Answer from H5
What is the mere exposure effect?
Final Jeopardy
I’m an adorable puppy who loves playing fetch!
Final Jeopardy Answer
Who is Lilly?