GAME RULES Class vs. Mr. Stranberg One person will pick one case. Each case has a number of extra recess minutes. 0 sec 450 sec 30 sec 480 sec 50 sec 540 sec 60 sec 600 sec 100 sec 120 sec 200 sec 240 sec 1 6 11 2 7 12 3 8 13 4 9 14 5 10 15 250sec 300sec 360 sec 420 sec 660 sec 720 sec 780 sec 840 sec 900 sec 16 17 18 19 20 1,500 sec 21 22 23 24 25 2,700 sec 2,000 sec 3,600 sec= 1 Hour 480 seconds (8 min.) 60 seconds (1 min.) 120 seconds (2 min) 2,700 seconds (45 min.) 360 seconds (6 min.) 1,500 seconds (25 min.) 780 sec. (13 min.) 600 seconds (10 min.) 540 seconds (9 min.) 450 seconds (7.5 min.) 840 seconds (14 min.) 250 seconds (4.16 min.) 660 seconds (11 min.) 300 seconds (5min.) 2,700 seconds (45 min.) 900 seconds (15 min.) seconds (15 min.) 100 seconds (1.6 min.) 420 seconds (7 min.) 200 seconds (3.3 min.) 3,600 seconds (60 min.= 1HOUR) 2,000 seconds (33.3 min.) 30 seconds (1/2 min.) 50 seconds 720 seconds (12 min.) 240 seconds (4 min.) 30 seconds 0 seconds Instructions: 1. Highlight and replace text with the proper category name, question and answer. You may also want to insert audio or video clips to ask questions about and make the game more interesting. 2. Click on the number of the chosen question (not the box around the number). If you don’t click on the number, when you go back to the main screen the number will remain black, thus seem like an unanswered question. 3. To go back to the main screen from a question, click on the category title. 4. To view the answer, simply click on the question screen once, or press the right cursor. Do this only once or it will go to the next question in the sequence.