NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson Recorded: Interviewer: Abstracter: Equipment type: 27 JUN 2012 Debbie Dunsford Debbie Dunsford Fostex FR-2LE Digital Recorder File: 1 of 5 Photo 1: Grace Benson, third year nurse training, 1958. Photo 2: Grace Benson, 2012. Photo 2 Photo 1 000'41" INTRODUCTION Full name GRACE ANNIE HIGHT BENSON. Named after two aunts GRACE MEDLAND and ANNIE MEDLAND of GREAT BARRIER ISLAND. Reference to mother's pride in HIGHT family (cousin SIR JAMES HIGHT, Rector of CANTERBURY UNIVERSITY, and NURSE cousins). 002'53" FAMILY BASED AT GREAT BARRIER ISLAND Describes family origins on GREAT BARRIER ISLAND. THOMAS and ELIZABETH MEDLAND first European East Coast settlers. Family were DAIRY FARMERS. Cream sent to Auckland once a week for second grade butter. Mentions birth in AUCKLAND, then to GREAT BARRIER ISLAND. 004'58" CHILDHOOD AT GREAT BARRIER ISLAND Recalls childhood on GREAT BARRIER ISLAND. Went to AUCKLAND once a year 'to go to the dentist and find ice creams'. Describes 'warm' CHILDHOOD and family life, farm and Island life. Mentions school. [EDUCATION] Family 'very staunch SALVATION ARMY people'. Describes farm providing food and buying clothes from the FARMERS TRADING COMPANY catalogue. Reference to family friend, ROBERT LAIDLAW, of FARMERS TRADING COMPANY. Reference to Aunt GRACE M. MEDLAND's book, Great Barrier Calls. 008'20" LIFE ON GREAT BARRIER WORLD WAR 2 Recalls family's position on GREAT BARRIER ISLAND. Met visiting dignitaries. GREAT BARRIER ISLAND during WORLD WAR 2. Invasion fears. Family built 'a hole in the hill'. Soldiers' camp and family hospitality. Describes. 010'09" MOTHER'S OCCUPATION 1 NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson Parents: SAMUEL MEDLAND (from Cornwall) and CATHERINE 'MURIEL' HIGHT. Mother trained two years as NURSE at THAMES HOSPITAL. Twin sister fully trained at THAMES HOSPITAL. Recalls mother's stories of training at THAMES and return home to care for sick mother. Mentions love of THEATRE and OPERA. Refers to mother helping her mother at home before MARRIAGE. Describes mother's life and work as housewife at GREAT BARRIER ISLAND. 'Did everything for husband and family from getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning to put the clothes in the copper, to put the bread in the oven....' [WOMEN'S WORK] 013'07" CHILDHOOD AT GREAT BARRIER CHILDREN'S WORK and chores on farm. Describes. Mentions SCHOOLING at GREAT BARRIER. Childhood experience of NURSES and NURSING. Mother 'known on the Barrier to be a nurse'. Recalls story of mother assisting at plane crash at CLARIS in 1938. Childhood illnesses and accidents. Describes. File ends 16 minutes 15 seconds. 2 NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson Recorded: Interviewer: Abstracter: Equipment type: 27 JUN 2012 Debbie Dunsford Debbie Dunsford Fostex FR-2LE Digital Recorder File: 2 of 5 000'18" MOTHER'S STORIES OF NURSING Recalls being impressed by mother's NURSING story of sick boy not allowed fluids but just wanted 'a little tup of tea'. Recognised CARING as part of NURSING. Mother afraid of THAMES HOSPITAL MATRON. Recounts. 003'15" SIBLINGS Refers GEORGE SAMUEL, CATHERINE MURIEL, WINNIE CLARA. All had name HIGHT also. Describes relationships with siblings. Describes adult OCCUPATIONS of siblings. Grace youngest but first to leave GREAT BARRIER ISLAND at 18 years old. 005'07" SECONDARY SCHOOLING Enrolled at CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, WELLINGTON, from Form 1. SCHOOLING 'dissolved a bit' on GREAT BARRIER in 1940s. Disrupted by farmwork. Describes family attitudes to EDUCATION. Mentions how school shifted over some years. 007'39" DESIRE TO BECOME A NURSE Recalls desire for EDUCATION but needed on farm. 'But I always had in sight that I was going to be a nurse'. Describes observing nursing role model, Mrs McLEAN, first DISTRICT HEALTH NURSE at GREAT BARRIER ISLAND. Visited homes on horseback from the other end of the Island. Always well groomed. Another influence, Auntie ANNIE MEDLAND. Describes. 010'12" DETERMINATION TO BE A NURSE Anxious about her level of EDUCATION. Knew she needed 'only two years secondary education'. Describes loving family life, religious upbringing, social activities. 012'56" BECOMING A NURSE Describes desire for EDUCATION but difficult balance FARMWORK and CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. Parents supported her going nursing but concerned about her leaving home. Describes the EDUCATION and work of her cousins. Gap of two years between CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL and going nursing. 016'15" APPLICATION AND INTERVIEW Mother set up interview with Miss (JESSIE) KIRKNESS, MATRON-IN-CHIEF, AUCKLAND. Recalls social and other activities on GREAT BARRIER ISLAND before leaving for NURSE TRAINING. Refers BIBLE IN SCHOOLS, SUNDAY SCHOOL, MUSIC. Impressed by a WEEKLY NEWS glossy page of NEW PLYMOUTH HOSPITAL. Showed nurses doing lots of things 'and in uniform and looking amazing. And I wanted to be like that'. 3 NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson 018'31" INTERVIEW Mentions travel to ARDMORE AIRPORT, AUCKLAND in FOX MOTH plane and places to stay in AUCKLAND. NURSES' HOME seen as safe. 'I think my mother ran the interview'. MATRON-IN-CHIEF, MISS KIRKNESS, very formal, pleasant. Seemed to know mother's nurse cousins at TIMARU. Describes interview and her feelings. No recall medical examination or getting references. 024'10" NURSES' HOME Recalls leaving GREAT BARRIER ISLAND for PRELIM(INARY) SCHOOL. Left TRYPHENA wharf on vessel COROMEL. Recalls homesickness. Describes NURSES' HOME and her room (32 women in her year). Strict, quite formal but very exciting. 'A lot of busyness' on the first day. Refers to friends, AUDREY MITCHELL from MATAMATA, TUI MAXWELL. 028'53" STUDENT PLACEMENT AT AUCKLAND HOSPITALS Enrolled at AUCKLAND SCHOOL OF NURSING. Describes being 'placed' early on, 'told ... no choice', going to MIDDLEMORE for ward experience. Monday to Friday with tutor sisters in PRELIM, then Saturdays to MIDDLEMORE. Reflects that those sent to MIDDLEMORE were more likely to be from country, further from friends and family. Base hospitals were AUCKLAND, GREEN LANE and MIDDLEMORE. Doesn't recall PACIFIC nurses. Describes her special friends, AUDREY MITCHELL, DAPHNE LAWSON, FAY ?, MERLE BLACKBURN. 031'04" PRELIMINARY SCHOOL Describes PRELIM SCHOOL lessons including ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY, NURSING HYGIENE and practical skills, size of class, anxiety about formal classroom skills. Nursing history seemed boring. Reflects she learnt teaching 'needs to be memorable and the student needs to be involved'. Describes being shocked at photos of reproductive system. Describes practical 'Ward-likes' at PRELIM. 'In fact, we used to go back at nights, Audrey and I, to make more beds, to get them perfect and make them in three minutes....' 034'10" UNIFORM AND PRELIM SCHOOL Describes two UNIFORMS and when worn. Strict rules. Describes lessons at PRELIM. TUTOR SISTER possibly called SISTER MCALEER. Describes SISTER SAKER who was in charge of PRELIM and a role model. 037'32" ON WARDS AT MIDDLEMORE Describes typical day on her first ward (ORTHOPAEDIC). Importance of Matron's visit, routine and rules. Hard work, responsibility to do job properly. Describes HIERARCHY 'a class system of who you talked to'. Explains making divided beds for patients in traction and emphasis on bed looking right rather than patient comfort. [DUTIES] 046'48" NON-PATIENT WORK Recalls CLEANING work. Recalls lack of emphasis on talking to patients. If she 4 NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson sat down to talk to a patient, she would have been told 'haven't you got anything better to do, nurse?' Describes MIDDLEMORE's position as a 'B' grade base training school of AUCKLAND SCHOOL OF NURSING, going 'on tour' to other hospitals. 1956 was last year of old CURRICULUM which did not include MATERNITY TRAINING. 050'08" SHIFT STRUCTURE Describes duties and responsibilities of each SHIFT including divided shifts. Describes anxiety about nursing 'very sick people'. Dealing with DEATH of patients. FEAR of speaking to some charge nurses. 057'03" ROLES OF NURSES AT EACH LEVEL Describes transition through each year and work done. JUNIOR STATE EXAM Describes greater role of patient care/supervising students as REGISTERED NURSE in Ward 4 at MIDDLEMORE. Refers Sister GRANDISON, Miss BARKER (assistant-matron), Miss CLELAND (matron). Mentions encouraging a PINKIE (NURSE AIDES trained at CORNWALL HOSPITAL) to become a trained nurse. 061'04" ROLE OF NURSES CONTD Reflects on COLLEAGUESHIP between levels. Describes friendship MISS BARKER and SISTER GRANDISON. Describes role of WARD SISTERS. Describes awareness of hospital housekeeping, use of linen. Describes assistance of NURSE AIDES (training at CORNWALL HOSPITAL). Recalls no COMMUNITY TRAINING. 064'25" ROLE OF DOCTORS Describes doctors at MIDDLEMORE and attitudes towards them. Mentions Mr MANCHESTER, the plastic surgeon of Ward One, and SISTER WILLIAMS. Refers ORTHOPAEDICS, PLASTIC SURGERY, DENTAL UNIT, Mr ROSS NICHOLSON, SISTER JOAN BENSON, OTARA SPINAL UNIT. Describes strong working relationships between some doctors and charge nurses. ENDS 68'24" 5 NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson Recorded: Interviewer: Abstracter: Equipment type: 29 JUN 2012 Debbie Dunsford Debbie Dunsford Fostex FR-2LE Digital Recorder File: 3 of 5 000'01" TRAINING ORGANISATION Describes lectures and classes at PRELIM SCHOOL. TUTOR SISTERS, some doctors' lectures. Not encouraged to ask questions. 007'01" BALANCE BETWEEN STUDY AND WARD WORK Describes travel to AUCKLAND HOSPITAL for STUDY DAYS, fitting in study around work. Recalls keeping up because very keen. Study covered specialties: infectious diseases, diseases of women, eye, ear, nose & throat, internal diseases, children. SHORT PAUSE WHILE PHONE CHECKED 010'26" REFLECTIONS ON TRAINING ORGANISATION Describes relationship of STUDY to ward work and being 'on tour' for different experience. Reflects on perceptions of which hospital gave best training. 012'50" LOYALTY TO MIDDLEMORE Describes student loyalty to MIDDLEMORE HOSPITAL [HOSPITAL HIERARCHY]. Put down by other students as if the 'country cousins'. Relates saying 'Green Lane students are social conscious, Auckland students were study conscious and Middlemore students were unconscious'. 015'05" MOST VALUE TO LEARNING Lack of community experience in training. Mentions realising need for NURSING THEORY. Reflects on instinctive caring by nurses for patients rather than being taught. Recounts story of small boy dying of bone cancer. 018'38" NURSING CURRICULUM Mentions changes in nursing CURRICULUM [MATERNITY TRAINING] but unaware of criticisms. Very practical training. AUCKLAND HOSPITAL BOARD incentives for staff to stay including medal [STAFF RETENTION]. Recounts use of her PRELIM class photo in a recruitment poster (Grace in second row). 021'13" EXAMS JUNIOR STATE EXAM end of first year. Describes study, anxiety, social life, support of friends. [OTAHUHU BAPTIST CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE]. 'My first work was to be a nurse, always.' Describes preparation for EXAMS. Refers SENIOR STATE EXAM. 026'35" CELEBRATION & COMMITMENT TO STUDIES Describes social activities with OTAHUHU BAPTIST CHURCH group. No ALCOHOL. Beach visits. Friend AUDREY MITCHELL had a car which was unusual. In first year went for trip to ROTORUA together. Describes MIDDLEMORE's NURSES' CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP and her FAITH at time. Quotes Nurse's Prayer. Reflects that the Prayer brought together the 6 NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson practicalities of nursing and theory as a personal baseline for her. Uncommon for nurses to seek a theory of nursing at the time. 031'40" PATIENTS, TREATMENT AND TECHNOLOGY Describes types of ward and nursing experience at MIDDLEMORE. Describes fainting in horror at a LUMBAR PUNCTURE procedure. Describes OPERATING THEATRE experience 'very scary and very regimented but amazing'. 036'42" PATIENTS TREATMENTS CONTINUED Recalls 'specialing' an agitated patient who threatened her. Felt unprepared to deal with it. Mentions PLASTIC SURGERY and MIDDLEMORE's specialties. 040'50" EMOTIONAL ASPECTS Recalls coping personally with DEATH or talked to other nurses off duty. 'If I had to cry, I remember going into the linen room or the sluice room and you could have a cry by the sterilisers because it was steamed up anyway.' 045'07" TREATMENTS & EQUIPMENT Describes common drug for older people (DIGOXIN from digitalis plant) that could be dangerous and required extra nursing care. Cites associated mnemonic. Predominantly men with heart problems in MEDICAL WARD. Describes use of enema cans and bulky intravenous fluid equipment. 049'00" WEIGHTS AND LIFTING Describes lifting, problem of fixed beds, use of pillows and bed as piece of equipment. 'It was satisfying to make a person comfortable.' Agrees some nurses would have left nursing due to back problems. Refers LAMINECTOMY. 053'15" NURSES' HOME 'Very regimented military HOME SISTER.' Possibly SISTER GOUDIE. Describes aspects of NURSES' HOME life. Sleep, room inspection. Some nurses came in after 10pm. Recalls loving baths. 'Get rid of aching bodies because they were aching. Our feet were sore, our bodies were aching most of the time'. Awareness of MIDDLEMORE work being heavier than elsewhere. Separate rooms 'our haven'. Recalls sharing and FRIENDSHIPS. 057'20" DINING ROOM AND MEALS Describes dining room and FOOD. 'Typical and common was marble - mashed potato, marble carrot and parsnip, stewed up cabbage really white and corned beef - a good meal!' 061'00" UNIFORMS Describes pale blue dress and white ward UNIFORMS and changes as progressed. Twin buttons on a shank. 'We always had to make time for buttoning'. Describes LAUNDRY process. Talks about GROOMING. Looking smart 'valued'. 064'14" VISITORS RULES around visitors to NURSES' HOME. FILE 3 ENDS 65 minutes 06 seconds 7 NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson Recorded: Interviewer: Abstracter: Equipment type: 29 JUN 2012 Debbie Dunsford Debbie Dunsford Fostex FR-2LE Digital Recorder File: 4 of 5 003'27" CHRISTMAS AT THE HOSPITAL CHRISTMAS 'a beautiful time' in hospitals. Describes. 006'05" HOMESICKNESS Recalls coping with HOMESICKNESS. Recalls trips home to GREAT BARRIER ISLAND. FREDDIE LADD ran a GRUMMAN WIDGEON seaplane service and landed on MEDLANDS BEACH. Visited family at MILFORD and friends in MT ALBERT. 008'06" SENIOR NURSES ON WARDS Describes relationship to and teaching role of SENIOR NURSES on wards. Some more able than others. 011'00" WARD HIERARCHY Describes ward HIERARCHY with similar structure throughout the AUCKLAND HOSPITAL BOARD. STUDENT NURSES able to speak to STAFF NURSES, but not usually to CHARGE NURSES or DOCTORS until later. Recounts story of HIERARCHY during mother's training at THAMES HOSPITAL. Mentions DR ROY LANGE (father of DAVID LANGE, New Zealand Prime Minister in the 1980s). Grace won the DR AND MRS LANGE PRIZE at her graduation (Highest marks in State Examination for MIDDLEMORE Nurses). 014'55" DOCTORS' ROUNDS & WARD WORK Describes getting ready for DOCTORS' ROUNDS and preparation of patients for surgery. 016'58" MALE NURSES Doesn't recall any MALE TRAINEE NURSES at MIDDLEMORE. There were ORDERLIES. 018'12" SOCIAL LIFE & BOYFRIEND Describes days off with FRIENDS. Refers SHOPPING, OTAHUHU, QUEEN STREET, FARMERS TRADING COMPANY, MEALS. Went to BEACH in friend's [AUDREY MITCHELL] car. OTAHUHU BAPTIST CHURCH group. BOYFRIEND [ALAN BENSON]. CHARGE NURSE [JOAN BENSON]. Mentions BOYFRIENDS and MARRIAGE straight after training. 022'00" FRIENDSHIPS AND RELATIONSHIPS Describes FRIENDSHIPS and COLLEAGUESHIP, encouragement of PINKIES who had done their NURSE AIDE training at CORNWALL HOSPITAL. Mentions group from NURSES' CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP and social activities. Recalls MONEY not a problem as family helped. Attended OTAHUHU BAPTIST CHURCH. Describes relationships between intakes of nurses. 023'34" BOYFRIEND [ALAN BENSON] Describes ALAN BENSON's encouragement of her WORK and STUDY. ALAN 8 NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson worked at OTAHUHU RAILWAY WORKSHOPS as trainee accountant., then BIBLE TRAINING INSTITUTE [BTI] in 1960. Describes ALAN's desire to be a missionary with CHINA INLAND MISSION. Grace did one year at BTI after completing four years nursing. GLANDULAR FEVER. MARRIGE. 027'17" SOCIAL LIFE AND HOSPITAL SOCIAL LIFE Recalls going to CINEMA at MISSION BAY and OTAHUHU. Also BALLET and CIVIC THEATRE. Describes activities at SOCIAL HALL at MIDDLEMORE. Hard to get off duty. 032'27" SOCIALISING WITH HOSPITAL STAFF PARTIES and SOCIALISING. More likely after graduating. Describes. 034'20" ALCOHOL & SMOKING Describes lack of ALCOHOL use as students. Family was SALVATION ARMY. Lack of SMOKING among student nurse colleagues. Describes her own attempts at SMOKING. Awareness of health concerns about SMOKING, TB WARDS, GREEN LANE. Describes. 039'00" ENGAGEMENT, CAREERS & MARRIAGE Describes ENGAGEMENT, CAREERS. ALAN BENSON unable to be MISSIONARY, and became a TEACHER. Some friends MARRIED immediately after GRADUATION. Describes with examples. 044'12" INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS Not aware LESBIAN RELATIONSHPS. Strong FRIENDSHIPS. Describes. Shared confidences but kept PATIENT PRIVACY [JOAN BENSON]. Not aware of PREGNANCIES among student nurses. 048'36" SPORT TENNIS at MIDDLEMORE. Native tree walk at MIDDLEMORE. Describes sending seedlings from GREAT BARRIER ISLAND to MIDDLEMORE HOSPITAL when established [FOREST AND BIRD SOCIETY]. 050'00" NURSES CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP At MIDDLEMORE. Describes. 051'25" SICKNESS Describes procedure if sick. SICK PARADE with Dr COLVIN, MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT. Describes circumstances including MEASLES. Good care in SICK BAY. 054'06" NURSING COMPARED TO OTHER JOBS Valued nursing as a PROFESSION. 'I was always so glad I was a nurse. It was so complex and it was so interesting and it was so huge and it was so important and it was so amazing.' 055'12" STUDENT NURSES ASSOCIATION Does not recall a STUDENT NURSES' ASSOCIATION at MIDDLEMORE. Joined REGISTERED NURSES' ASSOCIATION once qualified. Describes rewards of qualification. 056'12" PAY AND CONDITIONS Describes hard work, long hours. Describes provision of UNIFORM, LAUNDRY, 9 NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson LODGING. PAY 'minimum' but happy to get it. Unaware of MALE NURSE pay or others' wages. Work hard but very satisfying. 063'13" FINAL EXAM & GRADUATION Recalls formal GRADUATION ceremony at AUCKLAND TOWN HALL. Won two prizes: NEWMAN CUP and PAPATOETOE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY PRIZE for Best Theoretical and Practical Nurse at Middlemore. Describes parents's pride: 'Daughter Grace ran off with all the prizes'. Chairman of Board, Mr CAUGHEY, and all the matrons (Miss CLELAND and Miss BARKER from MIDDLEMORE). Nightingale Pledge. Grace did not go to GRADUATION BALL at SORRENTO. Church upbringing, wrong to dance. FILE 4 ENDS 71 Minutes 38 Seconds. 10 NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson Recorded: Interviewer: Abstracter: Equipment type: 29 JUN 2012 Debbie Dunsford Debbie Dunsford Fostex FR-2LE Digital Recorder File: 5 of 5 000'16" STAFF NURSE STAFF NURSE after graduating, giving more individualised patient care, working with doctors. Describes. [Sister GRANDISON, Ward 4 (medical) at MIDDLEMORE, Miss BARKER (Assistant Matron) and Miss CLELAND (Matron)]. Describes FRIENDSHIP SISTER GRANDISON and MISS BARKER. 008'00" MATERNITY NURSING MATERNITY NURSE TRAINING. Describes practices at time including fathers not usually being present [Refers DR AND MRS LILEY]. Experience influenced her views on how CHILDBIRTH should be. Describes own choice of maternity hospital [Refers GRANTLY DICK-READ and DR SPACKMAN]. 013'53" POST MATERNITY TRAINING BIBLE TRAINING INSTITUTE Describes finishing four years with AUCKLAND HOSPITAL BOARD (1960). Received medals and prize [MISS MILLAR, MATRON]. Describes GRACE (in 1961) and ALAN going to BTI (BAPTIST TABERNACLE, QUEEN STREET, and then in LINCOLN ROAD, HENDERSON). Bible studies and communication training. MARRIAGE January 1962. Health problems [GLANDULAR FEVER] Alan at TEACHERS' COLLEGE, then GLADSTONE ROAD PRIMARY SCHOOL. Grace's PREGNANCY [daughter MICHELLE BENSON born at BELLEVUE PRIVATE HOSPITAL]. 019'25" PART TIME WORK AFTER MARRIAGE Describes being a mother and working at WARRENGATE PRIVATE HOSPITAL, MT ALBERT. 022'50" KING COUNTRY, TE KUITI HOSPITAL Alan got TEACHING job at MAPIU SCHOOL [between TE KUITI and TAUMARUNUI]. Lived at ARATAURA. Describes life and work by both in school and Alan drove school bus. MIDDLEMORE colleague came to live at KOPAKI nearby. Describes SOCIALIZING at the time. Recalls encounter groups at GREAT BARRIER ISLAND and started to build own place there in the 1970s. 026'00" TE KUITI HOSPITAL Worked as NIGHT SUPERVISOR around 1966. Daughter KAREN BENSON born TE KUITI HOSPITAL. Describes TE KUITI HOSPITAL. Describes skill of Indianborn surgeon MR AZAIREH. 028'53" DANNEVIRKE HOSPITAL Describes career move for Alan so Grace could work full-time [DANNEVIRKE HOSPITAL, TAHARAITI SCHOOL]. Describes involvement with MAORI MORMON community of TAHARAITI. Influence on family's lives and thinking. Learned about TREATY OF WAITANGI. Learned about DEATH, dying and TANGI. 034'31" GRACE'S CAREER Recalls how they planned the CAREER of each. Alan involved NEW ZEALAND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE [NZEI]. Grace worked as AFTERNOON and NIGHT 11 NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson SUPERVISOR, then FULL TIME CHARGE NURSE (MEDICAL SURGICAL WARD). Contrasts MIDDLEMORE and DANNEVIRKE. TEAM NURSING starting and more REGISTERED NURSES on shifts. Describes closing of REGISTERED NURSE TRAINING SCHOOL at DANNEVIRKE mid-1960s and move to 18 months COMMUNITY NURSE TRAINING. Describes her desire to teach mid 1970s. 039'49" TEACHING & FURTHER EDUCATION Describes beginning of own EDUCATION to be a teacher (MASSEY UNIVERSITY, BACHELOR OF ARTS). Became interested in movement of NURSING EDUCATION. Involved in REGISTERED NURSES' ASSOCIATION as nursing training moved to TECHNICAL INSTITUTES. 042'00" WORK AS NURSE TUTOR Recalls challenge between theory and practice of teaching and teaching on the ward. Attended WELLLINGTON TEACHERS' COLLEGE course for tutors in hospital schools of nursing. Learned how to teach and lecture. Lived at WELLINGTON HOSPITAL with MISS BONNER [previously MATRON of DANNEVIRKE and was PRINCIPAL NURSE of WELLINGTON]. DANNEVIRKE HOSPITAL enrolled course. Describes participants and type of nursing undertaken. Grace puts her view that COMMUNITY NURSE training didn't really fit as they always had to work under supervision. Reflects on own growth as a teacher of nursing. Quite a few MAORI on community nursing course. 047'02" FURTHER CAREER GOALS CAREER DEVELOPMENT. Wanted to teach in a TECHNICAL INSTITUTE. Describes unsuccessful application for PRINCIPAL NURSE at DANNEVIRKE HOSPITAL. Accepted role at MIT [MANUKAU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, SOUTH AUCKLAND] as tutor. Describes reasons for accepting [Refers JAN GRANT, YVONNE SHADBOLT]. Alan got job at WINDY RIDGE SCHOOL on NORTH SHORE. 050'00" REGISTERED NURSES ASSOCIATION INVOLVEMENT Involved DANNEVIRKE BRANCH NZRNA [LATER NZNO] many years. Role on NZRNA Branch Council and two years as President. Describes activities. Describes changes in NURSING EDUCATION [Refers NAN KINROSS at MASSEY and SCHOOL OF ADVANCED NURSING in WELLINGTON]. Describes personal focus on professional nursing and education, theory needed for nursing. DANNEVIRKE HOSPITAL the hub for NZRNA. Describes local NZRNA membership and activities. 055'30" NURSING AS A CAREER IN 1970S Describes HIERARCHY of MEDICINE, PHYSIOTHERAPY, NURSING and challenge for nursing of identifying its specialty alongside other professionals. FLORENCE NIGHTGALE trying to teaching that back in 1860. Autonomy not as easy to see as in nursing as other professions. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS came up as a specialty. 058'45" MOVE TO MANUKAU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1982 Describes professional transition from teacher to lecturer in move to MIT. Refers colleague BEV JOHNSON, MIDDLEMORE. 12 NERF Nursing Oral History Project 1950s/1960s Abstract Grace Annie Hight Benson Reflects on own training as a nurse and modern education including ethics, communication skills, cultural safety and the TREATY OF WAITANGI. 065'15" CHANGES TO STRUCTURE OF COURSE Refers to changes to nursing qualification and CURRICULUM at MIT. DIPLOMA OF NURSING. BACHELOR OF HEALTH SCIENCE. BACHELOR OF NURSING. 066'50" FURTHER EDUCATION 1990S Describes own further EDUCATION in 1990s. Refers AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY, BACHELOR OF EDUCATION, VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON, MASTERS DEGREE. 'Best years of my life.' Refers JILL WHITE, MARGIE MARTIN, SHERYL MOSS. Part time study while working full time (1996-1999). 072'24" REFLECTIONS ON STUDY Reflects on being a student, stress of working and studying, health issues. 075'00" CHANGES IN MEDICINE & NURSING OVER YEARS Reflects on nursing as a specialty of working with human responses to their health problems. Basic premise of caring and responding to the patient. 078'34" RETIREMENT Reflects on career, changes in nursing and new developments in teaching nurses. Refers MIDDLEMORE and COUNTIES MANUKAU HEALTH BOARD. FILE 5 AND INTERVIEW ENDS 80 Minutes 48 Seconds. 13