Presentation Chapter Questions

Catcher in the Rye
Presentation Chapter Questions
Chapters 8 – 9
1. On the train, Holden begins flirting with Ms. Morrow and lying
to her about her son. Why do you think he does this? What
does this reveal about Holden?
2. What is Holden’s mood/over-riding emotion when he arrives
at Penn Station? How can you tell? Why do you think he feels
like this?
3. Why does Holden ask the cab driver about where the ducks from Central Park go in
winter? How might this question be symbolic and/or representative of Holden’s deeper
concerns or fears?
4. Why do you think Holden’s first phone call is to Faith Cavendish, rather than any of the
other people he considers calling?
5. Holden has left Pencey and gone into New York City. Can you make between these
early chapters and the early stages of the Hero’s Journey?
6. Salinger (through Holden) gives an interesting description of the goings on at the Edmont
hotel. In what way is the hotel a place in which Salinger is commenting on society
through Holden (p. 60)? Explain.
7. After seeing what goes on at the Edmont Hotel, Holden gives us his opinion on sex. What
is Holden’s attitude towards girls and sex? (62-63) What does this tell us about Holden’s
level of comfort with his sexuality and masculinity?
Chapters 10 – 11
1. Holden describes his sister, Phoebe. What character traits does she have that Holden is
drawn to? In what way are these character traits similar or different to those of other
characters Holden has admitted to caring about?
2. Holden goes down to the Lavender Room and picks up a group of girls. In your opinion,
is Holden’s account of this encounter accurate? Why or why not?
3. Describe Holden’s relationship with Jane Gallagher. Why does his mind keep going back
to her memory? Why do you think it goes back at this particular moment?
4. Describing his holding hands with Jane, Holden says, “All you knew was, you were
happy. You really were:” He then gets very upset, and leaves to return to the hotel. Why
do you think he got so upset? What does this reveal about Holden?
Chapters 12 -13
1. Why does Holden ask the cab driver about where the ducks from Central Park go in
winter? How might this question be symbolic and/or representative of Holden’s deeper
concerns or fears?
2. How does Lillian react to the news that D.B. is now living in Hollywood, and how does
Holden feel about this reaction? Why does Holden feel sorry for Lillian?
3. Holden hires Sunny, the prostitute. Why do you think he hires her? What about her upsets
him? How does Salinger’s description of Sunny (through Holden) highlight Holden’s main
4. What does Holden mean when he describes himself as “partly yellow” (89)? What kinds
of things does Holden tell us he fears? Based on the chapters we’ve read so far, do you
think Holden is at all “yellow”? Why or why not? Refer to his specific actions in the text.
Chapters 14-15
1. What is the purpose of the short recollection of Allie on pages 98-99? Why does Holden think
about Allie at this point in the narrative?
2. After Maurice appears and threatens Holden, Holden begins to imagine himself as a toughguy gangster who has been shot. How might these two incidents be related? Why does
Holden have this fantasy at this particular moment?
3. Examine pages 108-114. What are Holden’s comments on religion and society?
4. In what way is Holden’s encounter with the Nuns similar and different from his encounter with
Sunny (pay close attention to details)? Why is he so surprised by them? Why do you think
Salinger juxtaposed these two incidents?
Chapter 16
1. Holden’s attitude towards childhood is established further in this chapter. In your own
words, what is it? Use specific examples from the chapter to support your argument.
2. Holden notices a little boy skipping down the side of a street. In what way might this
scene be symbolic of Holden’s attitude towards childhood? In what way might it be
symbolic of his own situation?
3. Why is Holden so drawn to the Museum of Natural history? In what way does this give us
insight into Holden’s mindset?
Chapter 17-18
1. Holden attempts to explain his problems to Sally on pages 130-133. What are his
2. Why does Holden want to run away with Sally? From what is he really escaping, in your
3. How do Sally and Holden’s world views differ? What do you think Salinger is trying to
suggest about society here? Do you think he is more sympathetic to Sally or Holden’s
4. How would you describe Holden’s mental state at this point in the novel? What clues has
Salinger given to help you come to this decision? Is Holden aware of his mental state do
you think? Why or why not?
Chapter 19-20
1. Holden meets up with Luce, a former student of Whooton school. What is Holden like in
this encounter? In terms of developing Holden’s character, why do you think Salinger
included this scene?
2. Holden seems to be somewhat obsessed with Luce’s sexual orientation, calling him a
“flit” (slang for homosexual). Why do you think Holden has this reaction to Luce?
3. What is symbolic about the breaking of the “Little Shirley Beans” record?
4. What are Holden’s thoughts on death? How do you think they have been shaped by his
past and current experiences?
Chapter 21-22
1. What comment does Phoebe make after listening to Holden’s complaints about
Pencey? How does this comment show her understanding of Holden?
2. Why does Phoebe get angry at Holden when he names Allie and James Castle when
talking to Phoebe about things he likes?
3. Holden discusses his dream job, being a “catcher in the rye,”but Phoebe points out that
he has mis-remembered the words. In your opinion, why is Holden drawn to this “job,”
and what is significant about the key word he mis-remembered in the poem?
4. What triggers Holden’s crying in Phoebe’s room? Is there anything that differentiates this
cry from the other points in the novel when he weeps?
Chapter 23-24
1. Why is it significant that Holden mentions his association of Mr. Antolini with the death of
James Castle, just as he decides to go visit his former teacher?
2. What is the significance of Holden giving Phoebe his red hunting hat?
3. Why do you think Holden makes the assumption that Mr. Antolini was making a
homosexual advance towards him? Do you think Holden was right in that assumption?
Why or why not?
4. Mr. Antolini suggests that “The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for
a cause while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.”
What does he mean? Is the advice Mr. Antolini gives Holden similar to or different from
the advice he has gotten from other characters, such as Old Spencer, Carl Luce, and
even Phoebe?
Chapter 25
1. How would you characterize Holden’s mental state at this point in the novel? What
comments or details give you this impression?
Why is Holden so angry at the profane graffiti at Phoebe’s school? What does this graffiti
represent for Holden?
3. Why does Holden let Phoebe reach for the golden ring, even though it is dangerous?
What do you think it represents? Is this a significant shift in attitude for Holden? Why or
why not?
Chapter 26
1. Why do you think telling his story makes Holden miss everyone in it?
2. Do you believe Holden has found what he was searching for by the end of the novel?
Why or why not?