Presentation Slides for Chapter 17, Part 2 of Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modeling 2nd Edition Mark Z. Jacobson Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-4020 April 1, 2005 Solvation and Hydration Solvation Bonding between solvent and solute in solution Hydration When solvent is liquid water, solvation is hydration Hydration of cations --> lone pairs of electrons on oxygen atom of water attach to cations Hydration of anions --> water molecule attaches to anion via hydrogen bonding Water Equation Quantify amount of hydration with empirical water equation Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson (ZSR) equation Example with two species, x and y m x,m m y,m 1 m x,a m y,a (17.64) mx,a, my,a = molalities of x and y, alone in solution at given relative humidity mx,m, my,m = molalities of x and y, when mixed together, at same relative humidity ZSR Equation ZSR equation predictions for a sucrose (species x) - mannitol (species y) mixture at two different water activities. m x,m m y,m 1 m x,a m y,a Case 1 2 mx,a 0.7751 0.9393 my,a 0.8197 1.0046 mx,m 0.6227 0.1900 my,m 0.1604 0.8014 mx,m/mx,a + my,m/my,a 0.999 1.000 Table 17.2 Water Equation Generalized ZSR equation (17.64) m k,m m k,a 1 k Polynomial expression for molality of electrolyte alone in solution at a given water activity (17.66) mk,a Y0,k Y1,k aw Y2,k a2w Y3,k a3w ... Water Equation Water activities of several electrolytes at 298.15 K 10 20 30 40 50 60 1 Water activity Water activity 0 0.8 0.6 NaNO3 0.4 HNO 0.2 3 H2 SO 4 HCl 0 0 10 20 30 40 Molality 50 60 Fig. 17.4a Water activities of several electrolytes at 298.15 K 0 Water activity Water activity Water Equation 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 0.9 0.8 (NH ) SO 4 2 4 NH NO 4 0.7 0.6 3 NH4 Cl 0.5 0.4 0 Na2 SO 4 NaCl 5 15 20 Molality 10 25 30 Fig. 17.4b Temp. Dependence of Water Activity Temperature dependence of binary water activity coefficients under ambient surface conditions is small. Temperature dependence of water activity (17.67) 2 m m cP v k,a TL L 0 ln aw T ln aw TC * T m m k,a R 0 k,a Polynomial for water activity at reference temperature (17.68) 12 32 0 ln aw A0 A1mk,a A2mk,a A3mk,a ... Temp. Dependence of Water Activity Combine (17.67), (17.68), (17.54) (17.69-70) 12 32 ln aw T A0 A1mk,a A2mk,a E3mk,a E4m2k,a ... 0.5l 2mv TL El Al Ul 2 TC Vl 2 * R T0 Example mHCl= 16 m T = 273 K ---> aw = 0.09 T = 310 K ---> aw = 0.11 Practical Use of Water Equation Rearrange (17.65) (17.71) NC N A c 1 i, j,m cw mv m i, j,a i1 j 1 mi,j,a = binary molalities of species alone in solution ci,j,m = hypothetical mol cm-3 of electrolyte pair when mixed in solution with all other components In a model, ion concentrations known but hypothetical electrolyte concentrations unknown --> find hypothetical concentrations Practical Use of Water Equation Example 17.1: 6 mol m-3 of H+, 6 mol m-3 Na+ 7 mol m-3 of Cl- , 5 mol m-3 of NO3Combine ions in a way to satisfy mole balance constraints cH,m cHNO3,m cHCl,m cNa ,m cNaNO3,m cNaCl,m c Cl ,m c HCl,m cNaCl,m cNO-3 ,m cHNO3 ,m cNaNO3,m Concentrations that satisfy mole balance constraints (Table 17.3) Case cHCl,m cHNO3,m cNaCl,m cNaNO3,m 1 6 0 1 5 2 4 2 3 3 Practical Use of Water Equation Automatic method to recombine ions into hypothetical electrolytes Execute the following three equations, in succession, for each undissociated electrolyte, i,j Electrolyte c i,m c j,m ci, j,m min , j i Cation ci,m ci,m i ci, j,m Anion c j,m cj,m jci, j,m (17.72) Deliquescence Relative Humidity Deliquescence Process by which a particle takes up liquid water, lowering its saturation vapor pressure Deliquescence relative humidity (DRH) The relative humidity at which an initially-dry solid first takes on liquid water during an increase in relative humidity. Above the DRH, the solid may not exist. Crystallization relative humidity (CRH) The relative humidity at which an initially-supersaturated aqueous electrolyte becomes crystalline upon a decrease in relative humidity. Deliquescence Relative Humidity DRHs and CRHs for several electrolytes at 298 K Electrolyte NaCl Na2SO4 NaHSO4 NH4Cl (NH4)2SO4 NH4HSO4 NH4NO3 KCl Oxalic acid DRH(%) 75.28 84.2 52.0 77.1 79.97 40 61.83 84.26 97.3 CRH(%) 47 57-59 <5 47 37-40 <5-22 25-32 62 51.8-56.7 In a mixture, the DRH of a solid in equilibrium with the solution is lower than the DRH of the solid alone Table 17.4 Solid Formation Consider the equilibrium reaction NH 4 NO3 NH 4 NO3 s A solid forms when m NH4 m (17.73) 2 NO3 NH4 ,NO3 KeqT Consider the equilibrium reaction NH 4 NO3 s NH 3 g HNO 3g A solid forms when pNH3 g,s pHNO3 g,s Keq T (17.74) Example Equilibrium Problem Consider two equilibrium reactions (17.75) HCl(g) H+ + Cl- HSO4 2H+ + SO 4 For equilibrium concentrations, solve equilibrium constant equations mole balance equations charge balance equation water equation with Newton-Raphson iteration Example Equilibrium Problem Equilibrium coefficient equations (17.76) m m - 2 H ,eq Cl ,eq H ,Cl ,eq Keq T pHCl,s,eq m H ,eq m 3 SO 4 2 ,eq 2H ,SO 4 2 ,eq Keq T 2 m HSO 4 ,eq H ,HSO 4 ,eq Example Equilibrium Problem Mole balance equations (17.77) CHCl(g),eq c CHCl(g),t h c Cl ,eq Cl ,t h (17.78) c HSO4 ,eq c SO 42 ,eq c c HSO4 ,th SO4 2 ,th Example Equilibrium Problem Vapor pressure as a function of mole concentration (17.79) pHCl,s,eq CHCl(g),s,eq R*T Molality as a function of mole concentration c Cl ,eq m Cl ,eq c w,eq mv Charge balance equation (17.80) c c 2c c + 2 HSO 4 ,eq SO 4 ,eq Cl ,eq H ,eq Example Equilibrium Problem Water equation (17.81) c c c 1 H ,Cl - ,m H ,HSO 4 ,m 2H ,SO 4 2 ,m c w,eq mv m m m 2 H ,Cl ,a H ,HSO ,a 2H ,SO ,a 4 4 Hypothetical mole concentration constraints (17.82) c c - c 2c H ,eq H ,Cl ,m H ,HSO 4 ,m 2H ,SO 4 2 ,m c c Cl ,eq H ,Cl ,m c HSO 4 ,eq c SO 42 ,eq c H ,HSO 4 ,m c 2 2H ,SO 4 ,m Mass-Flux Iterative Method Solve each equation iteratively and iterate over all equations Initialize species concentrations so that charge is conserved No intelligent first guess required Solution mass and charge conserving and always converges Example solution for one equilibrium equation Equilibrium equation and coefficient relation DD EE ... AA B B ... AA BB ... D E Keq T D E ... Mass-Flux Iterative Method 1) Calculate smallest ratio of mole concentration to moles in denominator and numerator, respectively (17.83) C D,0 C E,0 Qd min , D E c A,0 c B,0 Qn min , A B 2) Initialize two parameters z1 0.5(Qd Qn) x1 Qd z 1 Mass-Flux Iterative Method Add mass flux factor (x) to mole concentrations (17.84) c A,l1 c A,l A xl c B,l1 cB,l B x l CD,l1 CD,l D x l CE,l 1 CE,l E x l 3) Compare ratio of activities to equilibrium coefficient (17.85) F A m B A B m A,l1 B,l 1 AB,l1 D E pD,l1 pE,l1 1 Keq T Mass-Flux Iterative Method 4) Cut z in half zl1 0.5zl 5) Check convergence 1 F 1 1 (17.86) xl 1 z l 1 xl 1 z l 1 convergence Return to (17.84) until convergence occurs Analytical Equilibrium Iteration Method Solve most equations analytically but iterate over all equations Reactions of the form DA Solve the equilibrium equation (17.87) c A,c c A,0 x fin Kr c D,c cD,0 x fin Solution for change in concentration (17.88) c D,0 K r c A,0 x fin 1 Kr Final concentrations cA,c cA,0 x fin cD,c cD,0 x fin Analytical Equilibrium Iteration Method Reactions of the form D+EA+B Solve the equilibrium equation (17.89) c A,0 x fin c B,0 x fin c A,cc B,c Kr c D,cc E,c c D,0 x fin c E,0 x fin Solution for change in concentration (17.90) c A,0 c B,0 c D,0 Kr cE,0 Kr cA,0 cB,0 cD,0Kr c E,0Kr 41 Kr c A,0 c B,0 c D,0c E,0 2 x fin 21 Kr Analytical Equilibrium Iteration Method Final concentrations cA,c cA,0 x fin cB,c cB,0 x fin cD,c cD,0 x fin cE,c cE,0 x fin Analytical Equilibrium Iteration Method Reactions of the form D(s)2A+B Check if solid can form (17.91) cA,0 2cD,0 cB,0 2cD,0 Kr 2 If so, solve the equilibrium equation (17.92) 2 2 c A,cc B,c c A,0 2x fin c B,0 x fin Kr Analytical Equilibrium Iteration Method Iterative Newton-Raphson procedure (17.93) fn x x 3fin,n qx 2fin,n rx fin,n s 0 f x 3x 2fin,n 2qx fin,n r q c A,0 c B,0 r c A,0 c B,0 0.25c 2A,0 s c 2A,0 c B,0 K r fn x x fin,n1 x fin,n fnx Analytical Equilibrium Iteration Method Final concentrations cA,c cA,0 2x fin cB,c cB,0 x fin cD,c cD,0 x fin Equilibrium Solver Results g m-3 -3 Concentration (g m) ) Concentration ( Aerosol composition versus NaCl concentration when the relative humidity was 90%. Other initial conditions were H2SO4(aq) = 10 g m-3, HCl(g) = 0 g m-3, NH3(g) = 10 g m-3, HNO3(g) = 30 g m-3, and T = 298 K. 30 NO3- 25 20 H2O(aq) x 0.1 15 SO 42- 10 NH4+ 5 Cl - 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 NaCl concentration (g m -3) 30 Fig. 17.4 Equilibrium Solver Results g m-3 ) -3) Concentration (g m Concentration ( Aerosol composition versus relative humidity. Initial conditions were H2SO4(aq) = 10 g m-3, HCl(g) = 0 g m-3, NH3(g) = 10 g m-3, HNO3(g) = 30 g m-3, and T = 298 K. 25 20 NH4NO3(s) NO3- 15 (NH4)2SO 4(s) 10 SO 42NH4+ 5 H2O(aq) x 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 Relative humidity (percent) 100 Fig. 17.5 Dissolutional Growth Saturation vapor pressure of gas q over particle size i pq,s,i (17.95) m q,i Hq Saturation vapor pressure as function of gas mole concentration (17.96) pq,s,i Cq,s,i R* T Molality as function of particle mole concentration m q,i c q,i mvc w,i (17.97) Dissolutional Growth Substitute (17.95) and (17.97) into (17.96) C q,s,i pq,s,i m q,i (17.98) c q,i c q,i * * R T R TH q m vcw ,i R TH q Hq,i * where (17.99) Hq,i mvc w,i R* TH q Dissolutional Growth Condensational growth equations dc q,i,t dt k q,i,t h Cq,t Sq,i,t h Cq,s,i,t h (16.67) (16.68) dCq,t dt NB h Cq,s,i,t kq,i,t hCq,t Sq,i,t i1 Dissolutional Growth Substitute (17.98) --> Dissolutional growth equations dc q,i,t dt (17.100) cq,i,t k q,i,t h q,i,t h Cq,t S H q,i,t h (17.101) dCq,t dt N B cq,i,t k q,i,t h q,i,t h Cq,t S H q,i,t h i1 Analytical Predictor of Dissolution Integrate (17.100) for final aerosol concentration c q,i,t Hq,i,t h C q,t Sq,i,t h (17.102) H q,i,t h Cq,t hSq,i,t h k q,i,t h c q,i,t h S exp H q,i,t h q,i,t h Mole balance equation Cq,t (17.103) NB NB i1 i 1 cq,i,t Cq,t h cq,i,t h Substitute (17.102) into (17.103) NB (17.104) hSq,i,t h k q,i,t h C q,t h cq,i,t h 1 exp Hq,i,t h i1 C q,t N B H hSq,i,t h k q,i,t h q,i,t h 1 1 exp Hq,i,t h h Si,q,t i1 Growth During Dissociation Growth equation for hydrochloric acid (17.105) dc Cl,i,t k HCl,i,t h CHCl,t SHCl,i,t h C HCl,s,i,t dt Total dissolved chlorine (17.106) c Cl,i,t c HClaq,i,t c Cl -,i,t Find saturation mole concentration from equilibrium expressions (17.107) HClHCl(aq) (17.108) HCl(aq)H++Cl- Growth During Dissociation Equilibrium coefficient relations m HClaq ,i mol H HCl pHCl,s,i kg atm m H + ,i m Cl - ,i 2 + i,H Cl m HClaq ,i (17.107) (17.108) mol KHCl kg Equilibrium coefficient relations in terms of mole concentration (17.109) cCl,i CHCl,s,i KHCl,i 2 * KHCl mv cw,i R T K HCl,i = HHCl 1 2 + c H ,i i,H + Cl - (17.110) Dissolution of Acids/Bases Substitute saturation mole concentration into growth equation (17.111) dc Cl,i,t cCl,i,t k HCl,i,t h CHCl,t SHCl,i,t h dt K HCl,i,t h Mole balance equation CHCl,t (17.112) NB NB i 1 i1 cCl,i,t CHCl,t h cCl,i,th Dissolution for Dissociating Species Integrate (17.111) for final aerosol concentration (17.113) Substitute (17.113) into (17.112) C HCl,t (17.114) KHCl,i,th CHCl,t c Cl,i,t SCl - ,i,t h hk HCl,i,t h SHCl,i,t KHCl,i,t h CHCl,t h cCl,i,t h exp SHCl,i,t K h HCl,i,t h N B hk HCl,i,t h S HCl,i,t h C HCl,t h c Cl,i,t h 1 exp K HCl,i,t h i1 N B K hk S HCl,i,t h HCl,i,t h HCl,i,t h 1 1 exp SHCl,i,t K HCl,i,t h h i1 Solve for Ammonia/Ammonium Charge balance equation (17.115) cNH4 +,i,t cH+,i,t c,i,t 0 where (17.116) c ,i,t cNO 3- ,i,t c Cl - ,i,t cHSO 4- ,i,t 2cSO 4 2- ,i,t zc q,i,t h q Mole balance equation CHCl,t CNH 3,t (17.117) NB cNH3 aq,i,t cNH4 +,i,t i1 CNH3 ,t h NB cNH3 aq,i,th cNH4 +,i,th Ctot i 1 Solve for Ammonia/Ammonium Equilibrium expressions NH3(g)NH3(aq) NH3(aq)+H+NH4+ Equilibrium coefficient expressions m NH 3 aq ,i mol H NH3 pNH kg atm (17.118) (17.119) (17.118) 3 (17.119) m NH ,i i,NH kg 4 4 KNH 3 m NH 3 aq ,i m H + ,i i,H + mol Solve for Ammonia/Ammonium NH4+/H+ activity coefficient relationship (17.120) 2 i,NH 4 i,NH4 i,NO3 i,NH 4 NO3 i,H + i,H + i,NO 3 2 + i,H NO3 2 i,NH 4 i,Cl - i,NH4 Cl i,H + i,Cl 2 + i,H Cl Equilibrium coefficient relations in terms of mole concentration (17.121,2) c NH3 aq ,i mol * HNH 3 ,i H H R NH 3,i NH3 Tm vc w,i C mol NH3 c NH4 + ,i i,H + cm3 1 KNH 3 ,i K NH3 ,i = KNH 3 + c NH3 aq ,i c H ,i mol mv cw,i i,NH4 Solve for Ammonia/Ammonium Ion concentration in each size bin (17.124) c ,i,t CNH ,t HNH ,i,t h K NH ,i,t h 3 3 3 c NH4 + ,i,t CNH3 ,t HNH 3 ,i,t h K NH3 ,i,t h 1 Substitute into mole-balance equation (17.125) CNH3 ,t H NH3 ,i,t h NB ,i,t h KNH ,i,t h Ctot 0 CNH3 ,t c,i,t CNH 3 ,t HNH 3 3 i 1 C H K 1 NH ,t NH ,i,t h NH ,i,t h 3 3 3 Solve for Ammonia/Ammonium Iterate for ammonia gas concentration CNH3 ,t,n1 CNH3 ,t,n fnCNH ,t,n 3 (17.126) fn CNH3 ,t,n where (17.128) fn CNH 3,t,n c ,i,t H NH3 ,i,t h K NH3 ,i,t h 3,i,t h HNH CNH3 ,t,n H NH3 ,i,t h K NH3 ,i,t h 1 N B 2 1 c ,i,t CNH ,t,n HNH ,i,t h KNH ,i,t h 3 3 3 i1 2 C H K 1 NH ,t,n NH ,i,t h NH ,i,t h 3 3 3 Simulations of Growth/Dissociation dN (No. cm-3) / dlog10 Dp dM (g m-3) / dlog10 Dp Initial distributions for simulation Fig. 17.7 Aerosol concentrations, summed over all sizes, during nonequilibrium growth plus internal aerosol equilibrium at RH=90 percent when h=5 s. g m-3 Summed concentration (g m-3)) Summed concentration ( Simulations of Growth/Dissociation 30 (b) h=5s 25 NO - 3 20 H O x 0.1 2 15 S(VI) 10 Cl 5 NH - + 4 + Na 0 0 2 4 6 8 Time from start (h) 10 12 Simulations of Growth/Dissociation -3 gmm-3) ) Summed concentration (g Same as previous slide, but h=300 s 30 (c) h=300s 25 NO - 3 20 H O x 0.1 2 15 S(VI) 10 Cl 5 NH - + 4 + Na 0 0 2 4 6 8 Time from start (h) 10 12 Nonequilibrium Growth of Solids Gas-solid equilibrium reactions NH4NO3(s)NH4(g)+HNO3(g) NH4Cl(s)NH4(g)+HCl(g) Solids can form when (17.129) (17.130) (17.131) pNH3 pHNO3 KNH4NO3 (17.132) pNH3 pHCl KNH4 Cl Nonequilibrium Growth of Solids Gas-solid equilibrium coefficient relation (17.133) * CNH3 ,s,t CHNO 3 ,s,t KNH 4 NO3 R T 2 (17.134) * CNH3 ,s,t CHCl,s,t KNH4Cl R T 2 Nonequilibrium Growth of Solids Growth equations for gases that form solids (solids formed during operator-split equilibrium calculation) dc NO3 ,i,t dt k HNO3 ,i,th CHNO3 ,t S HNO3 ,i,th CHNO3,s,t dc Cl ,i,t k HCl,i,t h CHCl,t SHCl,i,t h CHCl,s,t dt Simulations of Solid Growth g m-3 -3) Summed concentration (g m ) Time-dependent aerosol concentrations, summed over all sizes, during nonequilibrium growth plus internal aerosol equilibrium at RH=10 percent when h=5 s. NH NO (s) 4 (NH ) SO (s) 3 4 2 4 10 NaCl(s) (a) h=5s Na SO (s) 2 1 NaNO (s) 4 NH Cl(s) 4 3 0 2 4 6 8 Time from start (h) 10 12 Fig. 17.8 Simulations of Solid Growth g m-3-3) Summed concentration (g m ) Same as previous slide, but h=300 s NH NO (s) 4 (NH ) SO (s) 3 4 2 4 10 NaCl(s) (b) h=300s Na SO (s) 2 1 NaNO (s) 4 NH Cl(s) 4 3 0 2 4 6 8 Time from start (h) 10 12 Fig. 17.8