Brand Spankin’ New Unit: Free Powerpoint Templates Page 1 How do poets express themes of self and identity? How can I express myself through poetry… Do I dare? What is poetry? What is a poem? How do we make meaning of poetry? What strategies can we use to understand poetry? How do poets express themes in their work? How does word choice help readers experience poetry? What devices do poets use? What are some different poetic forms and structures and how do they affect meaning? What makes a poet’s voice intense, unique and memorable? How does performance affect the meaning of the written word in a poem? How are song lyrics and poetry alike and different? What is poetry? What is a poem? What do all poems have in common? Free Powerpoint Templates Page 2 What is poetry? What is a poem? • Anticipation Guide • Definition of Poetry • Poetry Splash – Introduction to Poetry by Billy Collins – Individual Poems • Culminating Project Free Powerpoint Templates Page 3 Final Project 1. Original Poetry Anthology 2. Single Poet Anthology 3. Multiple Poet Anthology Create a poem anthology consisting of 8-12 poems (or songs). Connect the poems with and overarching subject. The final project will include visual representations, forms, themes, identification of figurative language, and interpretations. *Extra credit will be given for anthologies with common themes. Extra Credit will also be given for original artwork. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 4 Poetry Splash Introduction to Poetry by Billy Collins I ask them to take a poem and hold it up to the light like a color slide or press an ear against its hive. I say drop a mouse into a poem and watch him probe his way out, or walk inside the poem's room and feel the walls for a light switch. *This word or line is cool ! This is something important ? I don’t get it I want them to water-ski across the surface of a poem waving at the author's name on the shore. But all they want to do is tie the poem to a chair with rope and torture a confession out of it. They begin beating it with a hose to find out what it really means. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 5 Open your journals. On a clean page, answer the following questions: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. What did you like about the poem? 2. How did the poem make you feel? 3. Which words or phrase did you like? What words or phrases needed clarification? What surprised you? What do you think the poem is about? What might this poem be saying? How can we define poetry? Free Powerpoint Templates Page 6