Name DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis Test Review Study your

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DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis Test Review
1. Study your DNA and RNA quiz review guide.
2. Draw a nucleotide and label the parts
3. What process makes new DNA molecules?
DNA Replication
4. What enzyme adds more nucleotides to a new strand of DNA and can edit wrongly placed
DNA Polymerases
5. Why is the process in #3 called “semi-conservative”?
Because the new strands are ½ new and ½ old
6. If a DNA strand had the sequence CGTTACCCTA, what would the complementary DNA sequence
7. Which scientists took pictures of DNA with X-Ray defraction?
Franklin and Wilkins
8. Why scientists established base-pairing and the double helix model we use today?
Watson and Crick
9. If we had 40% A, how much C would be in an organism?
10. What process makes RNA?
RNA Transcription
11. Describe the process in #7.
RNA Transcription, like DNA replication, starts with the DNA unzipping. RNA Polymerase then binds to
the promoter and starts adding complementary nucleotides. In RNA A pairs with U, T pairs with A and
G and C pair with each other. The RNA polymerase adds new nucleotides until it reaches the end of the
gene where it stops.
12. What is a promoter?
The sequence at the beginning of the gene that tells RNA Polymerase where, when and how
much protein to express.
13. Where does this process occur in cells?
In the nucleus
14. If you had DNA sequence CATTAGGGACT, what would the complementary RNA sequence be?
15. What are the three kinds of RNA and what are their functions?
Messenger RNA (mRNA) – carries the instructions for making the protein to the ribosome
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) – together with proteins makes up the ribosomes themselves
Transfer RNA (tRNA) – brings amino acids to the ribosome
16. Where does the mRNA go after transcription?
To the ribosome
17. What process makes new proteins?
18. Which organelle “reads” mRNA in order to make a new protein?
19. What are the three letter sequences that tell the ribosome which amino acid belongs next
20. What are the two special codons and what are their functions?
Start – tells the ribosome where to start translation
Stop or nonsense – tells the ribosome where to stop translation
21. What is the monomer of protein?
Amino acids
22. What is the main function of proteins?
23. What is the relationship between DNA and RNA?
DNA is the template for RNA
24. DNA:
Amino Acid
25. What is a mutation?
A change in the sequence of DNA
26. Are most mutations positive, neutral or negative?
27. What disease does the sickle cell mutation allow people to resist?
28. What is a frameshift mutation?
When you add or delete nucleotides and cause the codon “frame” to shift. The exception is
when you add or delete a multiple of three. That will add an extra amino acid or delete one, but
will not change all of the amino acids after the mutation.
29. Which mutation would probably be most serious and why?
a. Inserting 4 nucleotides
b. Inserting 3 nucleotides
c. Deleting 3 nucleotides
d. Deleting 6 nucleotides
A because you deleted a non-multiple of three. This will cause a frameshift. B-d can be serious
but won’t cause a frameshift because they are multiples of 3.
30. Mutation Practice
Original Strand
Mutant Strand
Amino Acid
Amino Acid His-Val-Lys-Leu
Type (insertion, deletion, substitution) Substitution
Effect (missense, nonsense, silent)
31. Draw the following chromosomal mutations