Wellness at Work Amber Long, M.Ed. Fitness Coordinator, KU Student Recreation Fitness Center Hollie Swindler, B.S. Graduate Assistant, Fitness, KU Student Recreation Fitness Center An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure…………. Health vs. Wellness Health: Condition of being of sound body with emphasis on freedom from pain and disease. Wellness: A multidimensional state of well-being, a holistic approach to life that encompasses bodily, mental, emotional, environmental, spiritual and community health. ACE Fitness Matters Jan/Feb 2009 7 Dimensions of Wellness 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Emotional Environmental Intellectual Occupational Physical Spiritual Social http://www.undstudenthealth.com /PDFs/recommendations.pdf Emotional Wellness Having the ability to feel and express emotions, like happiness, sadness, and anger. Manage stress, possess self-esteem and self-acceptance, and appropriately sharing your feelings with others. skills include: seeking and providing support, learning time management skills, practicing stress management skills, and accepting and forgiving yourself. http://www.undstudenthealth.com /PDFs/recommendations.pdf Environmental Wellness Includes protecting the earth and its resources and modifying your surroundings to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle. Ideas: conserve water and other natural resources reduce, reuse, recycle minimize your exposure to chemicals renew your relationship with the earth Modifying your environment to remove or minimize barriers. Example: rearranging your work area to allow you to be more productive. http://www.undstudenthealth.com /PDFs/recommendations.pdf Intellectual Wellness Striving to improve your intellect and your creative spark. Examples include: taking a course or workshop learning a foreign language reading for personal enjoyment seeking out persons who challenge you intellectually taking up a hobby. Making health decisions based on solid scientific evidence obtained from reliable sources. http://www.undstudenthealth.com /PDFs/recommendations.pdf Occupational Wellness Preparing and making use of your skills and talents. Finding a career that is meaningful, enjoyable and rewarding is vital to job satisfaction. Ideas include: exploring career options creating a vision of your future being open to learning new skills http://www.undstudenthealth.com /PDFs/recommendations.pdf Physical Wellness Encompasses a variety of healthy behaviors including: adequate exercise proper nutrition abstaining from harmful behaviors like drug use and alcohol abuse http://www.undstudenthealth.com /PDFs/recommendations.pdf Spiritual Wellness Set of beliefs, principles, or values that guide your life. (Not strictly religion) Increase your spiritual well-being by: exploring your spiritual core being inquisitive and curious listen to your heart and following your principles allow yourself and others around you the freedom to be who they are http://www.undstudenthealth.com /PDFs/recommendations.pdf Social Wellness Receiving and giving support to family and friends, enhancing diversity and becoming active in issues that you care about. Ideas include: interacting with people of other cultures, backgrounds & beliefs. cultivating healthy relationships sharing your talents and skills contributing to your community communicating your thoughts, ideas and feelings. http://www.undstudenthealth.com /PDFs/recommendations.pdf Employee Wellness Relatively new concept Unhealthy lifestyle leads to chronic disease: Smoking, poor nutrition, physical inactivity, and alcohol account for 800,000 deaths annually. 108 million people in U.S. have a chronic condition 50% of premature deaths in U.S. are related to modifiable lifestyle factors. Chronic disease accounts for 70% of nations medical costs. Increasing Costs and Concern 12 A bunch of beans…….. “Starbucks spends more on health insurance for employees per year than on raw coffee.” American Heart Association Determinants of Health Health Behaviors 50% Environment 20% Healthy or unhealthy behaviors impact an individuals health more than anything else. Genetics 20% Access to Care 10% Physical Activity Nutrition Tobacco/Alcohol/ Drugs Stress Management Physical (In)activity ACSM recommends 30 min of activity everyday. Most (75%) of Americans do not meet this goal. Exercise 30-40 minutes/day most days per week can delay onset of disability by 10-12 years. Sedentary living costs the nation an estimated $150 billion per year in health care costs. It is estimated that an employer can attribute 15% of all healthcare costs to sedentary related disease. WELCOA.org Reality Bites (nutrition) About 67% of American population is obese. 12% of an employers health care costs attributed to disease related to obesity. McDonalds corporate mission: 4.5 minutes from nearest outlet at all times! Americans spend more on fast food than on higher education, computers or new cars! WELCOA.org Blowing Smoke(tobacco) 23% of population uses tobacco Tobacco associated disease Female age 23- $106,000 Male age 23 - $220,000 WELCOA.org Ahhh! (stress management) Depression is predicted to be the leading occupational disease of the 21st century $300 billion, or $7,500 per employee, is spent annually in the U.S. on stress responsible for more days lost than any other single factor Compensation claims, lost productivity, health insurance claims, medical expenses. Americans work 164 hrs/yr. more than they did 20 yrs ago! Stress Directions, Inc. Corporate Response: Workplace Wellness Trends in corporate response to the rising cost of healthcare: Cost - Shifting • Employees pay higher deductibles, premiums and co-payment fees • 62% of large employers said they would keep costs down by shifting increases to employees • Doesn’t contain costs and alienates employees and unions Public Policy • Lobby lawmakers to impact legislation to control healthcare costs Consumer Driven Health Plans • High-deductible medical plan coupled with an employer-funded reimbursement account for each employee • Intended to encourage more cost-conscious personal healthcare decisions • Account for about 2% of all healthcare coverage in the U.S. Wellness Programs • 33% of companies said that they are placing a greater emphasis on improving employee health through wellness programs and 33% are considering it. • Incentives • Onsite Screenings • Employee Assistance Programs • Online, interactive tools • Communications i.e. newsletter • Healthy vending machine choices •American Heart Association Benefits of Employees Wellness Programming Employer & Employee Benefits Employers can save $2.30 to $10.10 in medical expenses per dollar spent. Helps prevent obesity, cancer, heart disease, hypertension other chronic issues. Less absenteeism, more productivity. Improves worker leadership and morale. Better working environment. www.employeewellnessusa.com Your Wellness at Work University of Kansas – Employee Wellness Services HealthQuest Lifeline Employee Assistance Open Recreation and swimming Weight Watchers Wellness Resource Center Open recreation, fitness programs, outreach programs Robinson Center Psychological services, life coaching KU Recreation Center Screenings, incentives, assessments, chronic condition care, tobacco, weight stress mgmt programs. Hawk Health Environmental Services Others? The next step in employee wellness programming: What now? Step 1: Collect data Step 2: Form Wellness Committee Step 3: Establish goals, objectives & strategic plan Step 4: Design programs based on feedback Step 5: Implement programs Step 6: Evaluation Your Ideas? What are you interested in? Seven dimensions of wellness – specific types of programs or specific areas of concern? What would you participate in? Incentives? Ideas from other organizations? Thank-you! Amber Long Fitness Coordinator, KU Student Recreation Fitness Center Ajlong@ku.edu Hollie Swindler Graduate Assistant, Fitness, KU Student Recreation Fitness Center Hcs@ku.edu An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure………….