Ch 2 The US Constitution

AP US Government & Politics
Unit 1: Constitutional Underpinnings
HW Ch 2: The US Constitution
Due: Tuesday September 23, 2013
Chapter 2: The Constitution
1. What is a constitution and why is it important?
2. The Declaration of Independence contains the keys of the U.S.’ democratic
philosophy. Describe why it was written and its significance?
3. (a) Who was John Locke? (b) Describe his ideas about natural rights, consent
of the governed and limited government, which were adopted by Jefferson in
the Declaration of Independence.
4. Why is the American Revolution described as a “conservative” revolution?
5. (a) What were the Articles of the Confederation? (b) Describe the key
weaknesses of the Articles which ultimately led to their failure.
6. How did economic inequality contribute to changes in public policies (laws) in
7. What is the significance of Shays’ Rebellion as it relates to the failure of the
Articles of Confederation? (p. 37)
8. (a) What is meant by the term republican government? (b) Is the U.S. today a
republic? Explain. (p. 38)
9. What did the delegates at the Philadelphia Convention who wrote the
Constitution believe about the following: human nature, political conflict,
objects of government and the nature of a republican government? (p.3840)
10. What are factions and why did Madison and other Framers of the Constitution
fear them?
11. (a) Distinguish between the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan.
(b) Describe the Connecticut Compromise.
12. Which states does the Connecticut Compromise favor? Explain.
13. Explain the significance of the “three-fifths compromise.”
14. (a) List the protections offered under the Constitution. (b) Why aren’t more
15. The Madisonian Model of government sought to limit control of the
government by the majority. Provide examples of how this was achieved in the
original U.S. Constitution.
16. (a) Describe Madison’s other ideas about organizing government: separation of
powers, and checks and balances. (b) Provide examples of each.
17. What is federalism and why was this system of government desired by the
18. (a) Compare and contrast federalists and anti-federalists. (p. 49) (b) What
fears did each have?
19. What is the Bill of Rights and why was it a necessary addition before ratification
of the U.S. Constitution was possible?
20. What is a formal amendment and how is it different than an informal
21. (a) Describe the most common formal amendment process. (b) What is the only
other method of formal amendment used?
22. (a) Describe what is meant by the term informal amendment. (b) Provide
examples of the following methods: judicial interpretation, changing political
practices, technology and increasing demands on policymakers.
Option 2: Terms. Identify each term with (a) a definition (in your own words) AND
(b) a reason the term is significant OR an example of the term.
John Locke-A Natural Rights philosopher whose ideas (for example that all are born
with the right to life, liberty and property and that legitimate governments geth their
authority from the consent of the governed) were used by the authors of the US
Declaration of Independence
Natural rights
Consent of the governed
Limited government
Articles of Confederation
Shay’s Rebellion
US Constitution
New Jersey Plan
Virginia Plan
Connecticut Compromise
separation of powers
checks and balances
Federalist Papers
Bill of Rights
Marbury v. Madison
judicial review
formal amendment
informal amendment