Arnoldi Chemistry Reactions Chapter 11 Reading Assignment 11.1

Chapter 11 Reading Assignment
Describing Chemical Reactions
pp 316 – 325
1. Describe two chemical reactions that take place in the natural world.
2. FILL IN THE BLANK All chemical reactions involve ________ substances.
3. Label each of the following as word equations, chemical equations, or neither.
Water decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen gases.
2H2O(l)  2 H2(g) + O2(g)
Water  Hydrogen + Oxygen
4. Define Catalyst
5. What do each of the following symbols mean in a chemical equation?
(s) (l) (g) (aq)
6. Define Coefficient
7. How does Dalton’s concept of the Law of Conservation of Mass relate to
balancing equations?
8. What hint is provided by the “Remember” box on page 324?
Types of Chemical Reactions
pp 326 - 339
9. We call the “combination” reaction “Synthesis”. What is a key feature of this
type of reaction?
10. What does the hint on p329 “Remember” remind us?
11. What is a key feature of decomposition reactions?
12. Describe the decomposition reaction that occurs when an airbag is inflated.
Hmmm… based on our periodic table unit, why could this be a problem?
13. What do we know about the activity of the halogens on the periodic table?
14. Why is reactivity of a metal or nonmetal important when looking at single
replacement reactions?
15. True or False When two aqueous solutions of ionic compounds come in contact
with each other, they must react.
Explain your answer.
16. What are two key components of combustion reactions?
17. Answer Question # 33 on page 339 here.
18. Answer Question # 36 on page 339 here.
Reactions in Aqueous Solution
pp 340 – 341