Section 1

Matter is made of tiny particles. What is the
behavior of these particles in the different
states of matter?
Which is the easiest to hold in your hands?
small rock
100mL of water
helium from a balloon
Which is the most difficult
to hold in your hands?
Science Standard 8.3.e: Students know
that in solids the atoms are closely locked
in position and can only vibrate; in liquids
the atoms and molecules are more
loosely connected and can collide with
and move past one another; and in gases
the atoms and molecules are free to
move independently, colliding frequently.
solid: has definite shape and a definite
crystalline solid: solids that are made up of
amorphous solid: solids in which particles
are not arranged in a regular pattern.
liquid: has a definite volume but no shape
of its own.
fluid: substance that flows (liquid & gas).
surface tension: the result of an inward pull
among the molecules of a liquid that brings
the molecules on the surface closer
viscosity: a liquid’s resistance to flowing.
gas: has no definite shape or volume.
The particles in a solid are closely locked in
position and can only vibrate.
Let’s act like a solid!
What would happen if the
jar the solid is contained inside broke?
 The shape of the solid would stay the same if
the jar broke.
Would the volume of the solid change if it were
moved to a larger container?
 The volume of the solid would stay the same if
it were moved to another container.
Quartz is an example of a crystalline solid
because its particles are arranged in a regular
Butter is an example of an amorphous solid
because it is not arranged in a regular pattern.
The particles in a liquid are more loosely
connected and can collide with and move
past one another.
Let’s act like a liquid!
What would happen if the
jar the liquid is contained inside broke?
 The liquid would spread out into a puddle
because the particles flow around each other.
Would the volume of the liquid change if it were
moved to a larger container?
 The volume of the liquid would stay the same
if it were moved to another container.
In gases, the atoms and molecules are free to
move independently, colliding frequently.
Let’s act like a gas!
What would happen if the
jar the gas is contained inside broke?
 The shape of the gas would continue to
change and spread outward because the
particles in a gas move apart in many different
Would the volume of the gas change if it were
moved to a larger container?
 The volume of the gas would increase because
it would spread to fill the container.
 Surface tension causes water to act like a form
of skin when droplets form on a surface.
 Liquids with high viscosity
flow slowly (honey).
 Liquids with low viscosity
flow quickly (water).
 What kind of solid is
 What kind of solid is
 What property of
liquids causes water
form droplets?
surface tension
 Name a liquid with a
high viscosity?
see next slide
 Answer
#1, 4, 11
 Finish the
 Write a detailed SUMMARY of the section and
complete the UNANSWERED QUESTIONS section of
your notes.
 Choose two of the remaining Depth & Complexity
ICONS in your notes and explain how they relate to
this section.