Edit existing class information as necessary


Class Scheduling

Change of Master (COM) – EXISTING


Document steps for end users to input COM to editing existing class.

Access COM

Obtain COM Security Assignment Request for authorized access for electronic submission.

Visit Faculty & Staff>Instructional Support Services>Class Schedule Building and select link

( http://www.pc.maricopa.edu/index.php?page=129&subpage=485&quicksec=104424 )

Once you receive notification COM Access has been assigned, you can visit http://apps.pc.maricopa.edu/com



 Password: MEMO password


Edit Existing Class

Change of Master tab displays

Class Number – fill in field with appropriate

Class #

– using drop down list, select term associated with

Class #

Edit Class – select button; if Class # is not valid (i.e., canceled) or it is not associated with selected term, the following message displays

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The existing record with autopopulated fields displays (not all the fields are displayed in this screen shot)

Class Scheduling

Change of Master (COM) – EXISTING

Edit existing class information as necessary – refer to instructions for creating NEW COM

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Class Scheduling

Change of Master (COM) – EXISTING

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Class Scheduling

Change of Master (COM) – EXISTING

Include additional Meeting Patterns by selecting Add new meeting pattern link (blue highlighted text)

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Class Scheduling

Change of Master (COM) – EXISTING requires email request submitted to Events to assign Classroom

Start & End Dates & Times auto fills with the word None select to save informa tion & select to empty fields return to form to change existing input, select link & Edit meeting pattern window displays with existing input. Make changes & Save or Cancel removes existing



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Class Scheduling

Change of Master (COM) – EXISTING

always first selection in drop down

ISS/ClsSchdl/OfcProc/ChngMstrs/COM Existing select to save informa tion & return to form

6 of 11 select to empty fields


Class Scheduling

Change of Master (COM) – EXISTING saved information displays

Include additional Instructors by selecting Add new instructor link (blue highlighted text) to change existing input, select link & Edit instructor window displays with existing input. Make changes & Save or Cancel remo ves exis ting

Removing Instructor or Changing Instructor to Staff

Inst ruct

Best practice is to select Staff from drop down rather than selecting delete option so both the form and the email notification indicate Staff rather than a deletion.


If amount is zero, class displays as closed and self-service is unavailable

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Class Scheduling

Change of Master (COM) – EXISTING

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saved information displays

Class Scheduling

Change of Master (COM) – EXISTING to change existing input, select & edit each field as needed. Save occurs when

Submit Request button is selected (found at the end) removes existing



NOTE : the following displays at the top of the page when your submission is successful.

Return to Change of Master tab

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Class Scheduling

Change of Master (COM) – EXISTING

NOTE : if the following displays; correct errors & select Submit Request

3 System Generated Email Notifications

 Workflow COM – initial request

 COM: - Encoded – SIS update completed

 RETURNED – need additional information selecting Submit Request

 sends a system-generated email to Administration indicating a COM requires action in workflow queue

 another email to Requester indicating COM for ABC123 NEW (placeholder for class number) 4116 moved to workflow stage Administration Approval

If Administration indicates approval,

 a system -generated email is sent to Class Scheduling indicating a COM requires action in workflow queue

 COM is moved to workflow stage Class Scheduling (ISS)

Class Scheduling encodes class information into SIS and selects Complete.

 A system -generated email is sent to Requester indicating COM is complete

 Requester verifies information 24 to 72 hours after receipt of system -generated email indicating COM is complete through any one of several means including BOEXi reports, Faculty or Student Center & Find A Class

If Administration indicates reject,

 a system -generated email is sent to Requester indicating COM is rejected and the reason if Administration indicated one

 COM is moved to Requester’s workflow stage MyCOMs

If Requester addresses rejection

 selects Submit Request and email and workflow cycle begins again

If Requester does not address rejection

 request remains in Requester ‘s workflow queue.


Return to Change of Master tab to begin inputting another new class or to begin editing existing class.

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Class Scheduling

Change of Master (COM) - EXISTING

Process and Procedures Workflow

1 day +

Change Existing Class: Revise previously completed COM & submit request


Dpt Chair or Program


1 immediate

Moves to Class

Scheduling workflow queue




24-72 hrs

Encode Class info

& mark as complete

4 immediate

System-generated email sent to

Requester indicating

COM is complete 5

24-72 hrs

Display in

Student Center &

Find A Class



Student Services,

Dual Enrollment

Update Existing Class*

*Request to decrease Enrollment Capacity not associated with a classroom change and special work load requests require approval immediate

Moves to

Administration workflow queue



& or Dean

2 immediate

Approved -

Moves to Class

Scheduling workflow queue

3 immediate

Rejected - Moves to Requester’s workflow queue


1 day +

Verify accuracy of encoded class information


Dpt Chair or Program



1 day +

Addresses rejected info & resubmits


Dpt Chair or Program




1 day +

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