v.3 09/2012
Welcome to your first Humanities homework booklet. This one focuses on History, specifically the history of these islands before the events you will study in class.
The idea behind this booklet is that you can organise your homework in a way that suits you so that you can do it when you want to do it.
You must do all of the activities in bold. But you probably should have a go at the EXTENSION activities as well.
This booklet will be taken in and marked by your teacher at the end of the fortnight then it will be put into your assessment book.
So long as you finish all the tasks before the final deadline, it doesn’t matter when you do the activities.
You can do it ten-minute bursts or in two-hour sessions. It should take you 2-3 hours to complete the whole thing.
You can work with your friends (that’s work with not copy from) or on your own.
It is important that you read the pages before answering the questions.
You will need to use the internet for some of the activities. If you don’t have the internet at home then you can always use the computers in the Library in a lunchtime.
Good luck, I hope you enjoy it!
This book was given to you on: ____________________________________________________
This book will completed by: ____________________________________________________
The country we live in is called the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
It is situated on a collection of islands.
The biggest islands are Britain and Ireland.
Shade Britain red and Ireland blue.
However, our country is not that simple. Our country is actually made up of four smaller countries. These are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Leave England white and shade Wales red,
Scotland blue and Northern Ireland green.
EXTENSION: Can you find out which national symbols belong to which country? Colour this list the same colours you used for the second map. (Be careful - Some countries have more than 1!)
Rose, leek, dragon, thistle, daffodil, shamrock, a red lion standing up, three lions lying down, harp.
Many, many different people have come to live in these islands throughout history.
Some have come to live and work and some people have invaded and come to take over.
Over the next few pages we are going to meet some of the most famous. Watch out, though! Because some of these things happened a long, long time ago, historians are not always sure whether the things that are supposed to have happened actually did happen, or whether they are just myths and legends.
Celtic period
Roman period
Saxon period
Medieval period
100 1
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Viking period
As you go through the booklet you will need to return to this page to put these labels next to the right time in the timeline. (CLUE: Look at the top right-hand corner of each of the pages.)
Julius Caesar comes to Britain
Boudicca’s rebellion.
The Battle of Stamford Bridge ends the
Viking Age.
Hengist and Horsa come to Britain.
Alfred the Great dies.
The Romans leave Britain.
Vikings raid the monastery at
Cnut becomes king of England.
Claudius invades Britain
Finding out about the past is difficult and the further back you go the more difficult it is.
One of the first groups of people to live in Britain and Ireland about who we have some information were the Celts who lived in the Iron Age. The Celts were farmers and sometimes warriors. The lived in groups called tribes. There were many different Celtic tribes in these islands. We call the Celts that lived in Britain ‘Britons’ to tell them apart from Celts that lived in other parts of Europe.
We know about the Celts because some of the things they made and used survive today. A lot has been discovered by archaeologists. Also, other things have been written down by historians.
By using the Library, books or the internet, see if you can match these Celtic things with their description. (HINT:http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/celts may help)
THING a torc woad hill fort mistletoe druids
A paint that Celts used to decorate their bodies – especially if they were going into battle.
A plant that grows in the branches of tall trees. The Celts thought it had magical powers.
These people were at the heart of the Celts’ religion. They were doctors and wise men as well as priests.
A necklace usually made of bronze or gold to show how rich and important the person wearing it was.
The type of place where Celts lived. They were so high up to make them easier to defend against enemies.
EXTENSION: Design your own Celtic torc and staple it into this booklet.
The Celtic Britons were living quite happily, farming, fighting, fishing, mining and trading with other Celts on the continent until 55BC. In that year the Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar, turned up. He brought thousands of soldiers with him and made the Celts in Southern England pay him money. He soon went away again but later another Roman was to turn up and he intended to stick around…
Hello, my name is Claudius. I am
Emperor of Rome. This means that
I control all of the area shaded on this map. I am the most powerful man in the world.
However, I never wanted to be Emperor! I’d much rather be an historian!
Being Emperor is really dangerous! There are lots of people who want me dead so they can take over. Only the Roman army can protect me.
The problem is, I’m not really a soldier. They think I’m a bit of a sissy. What I need to do is to win a war and take over some new land to impress them and keep them loyal.
Hmm, I wonder… where could I invade?
Claudius chose to invade Britain in 43AD. However, in history things are never really that simple. Below are other reasons why Claudius invaded Britain. Colour the reasons that are to do with MAKING CLAUDIUS LOOK GOOD red and the reasons to do with MONEY, green.
Britain had lots of useful things like tin.
Claudius could make the
Celts who lived in Britain pay him taxes.
The only other Roman to have come to Britain was the famous emperor Julius Caesar (54BC). If Claudius could take over Britain people might think he had done something that even Caesar couldn’t manage.
Claudius could give bits of Britain to his soldiers.
The people in Rome really liked to celebrate winning wars.
EXTENSION: Can you find out what Claudius called his son? ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/claudius.shtml
might help). Write your answer here._________________________________________________________________________________________
Why do you think he might have called him this? “He may have been called this because ________________________
Statue of Boudicca on Westminster pier in London.
During the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) the government asked a sculptor called Thomas
Thornycroft to design a statue of the British
Celtic queen Boudicca (You say, “Boo-dik-a”).
Read about Boudicca’s rebellion at http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/r omans/rebellion . (You need to read all of the sections.)
So, why would the Victorians, who lived many, many years after Boudicca died, want to put up a statue of a Celtic queen who lost a battle?
Below are statements about the Victorians and statements about Boudicca. Link the statements to show the similarities between Boudicca and
Queen Victoria was a very powerful and popular queen.
The name Victoria means ‘victory’.
The Victorians were very proud of their country.
The Victorians were very proud of their army.
Victorians thought of themselves as fair and just.
Boudicca was treated very unfairly by the Romans.
Boudicca nearly defeated the mighty
Roman army.
Boudicca tried to protect her country from being invaded.
Boudicca was a powerful queen.
Some people think ‘Boudicca’ means
EXTENSION: Can you find a book in the Library that mentions Boudicca? Write its name here: ____________________________________
The Romans stayed in charge of Britain for around 350 years, which is a long time, especially as they were not invited! They built fine houses, new towns and better roads in Britain.
However, by the fifth century the Romans had to leave Britain.
Lots of people were attacking different parts of the Roman Empire and the city of Rome itself was under threat. By 410AD every
Roman soldier had left Britain in order to go and protect Rome.
This meant that the Celtic Britons were in charge again. But it also meant that the different tribes could fight amongst themselves…
Hengist & Horsa.
(They were twins).
Around 450AD a leader of a Celtic tribe, a king called Vortigern, was having trouble with his neighbours, a tribe called the Picts, so he hired some help. He asked two brothers called
Hengist and Horsa from Jutland (in what is now Denmark) to bring an army to fight for him.
A. …demanded more money from
Vortigern. However this made
Vortigern furious and he refused to pay Hengist and Horsa more money.
C. People from across northern
Europe came to take land from the Celts. They became known as the Anglo-Saxons. Many of the people in England are, at least in part, descended from these
E. …they were here to live! Other people from Hengist and Horsa’s homeland saw them taking over land in England and decided to do the same.
G. After the fighting, Hengist,
Horsa were paid by Vortigern.
However, they didn’t leave.
B. They wanted to stay and farm because farming in England was better than in Jutland. Hengist and Horsa invited more people from their country to come and live in England. They also...
D. Hengist and Horsa brought three ship-loads of soldiers over to Britain to help the Celtic king
Vortigern fight against his enemies.
F. When Vortigern refused to pay
Hengist and Horsa more money they decided to use their army to take over parts of England.
Instead of coming over to fight…
H. They didn’t leave because they decided to stay and farm in
Correct Order
The people who came after Hengist and Horsa were from different parts of northern
Europe. The biggest groups were the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. Today we generally call them the Anglo-Saxons.
They were good at fighting and took over large parts of Britain, driving the Celts northwards and westwards. They have given us many names for places, especially in
England. See if you can match the name of the places to their definition…
East Anglia
The kingdom of the West Saxons.
The kingdom of the East Saxons.
The land of the Angles.
The kingdom of the South Saxons
The land of the Eastern Angles.
Celts still lived here
The Anglo-Saxons took over and drove the Celts north and west.
Saxon England was divided up into 5 different kingdoms.
Use www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/anglo
_saxons to label the 5 kingdoms on the map.
(Although this website is aimed at Primary school kids we are going to use it in a secondary school sort of a way. Don’t think that you’re going backwards!)
A statue of Alfred the Great.
The most famous of the Saxon kings was a man called Alfred the Great. Using the same website. Write down (at least) three interesting things about Alfred the Great.
EXTENSION: Can you find out the names of three other Anglo-Saxon kings?___________________________________________________
The Anglo-Saxons didn’t have England to themselves for long before another bunch of aggressive northern Europeans turned up; the Vikings.
Use http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/vikings to answer the following questions.
Name the three countries that the Vikings came from.
What did “Going Viking” mean?
In what year was the first Viking raid on Britain?
Why did Vikings attack monasteries?
What was the name of the area where the Vikings settled in England?
What is the name of famous Viking who became king of England in 1016?
Name at least three places, other than Britain, where the Vikings went.
EXTENSION: Can you find out what Danegeld was?_______________________________________________________________________
The Vikings were quite a war-like bunch. Historians believe they know quite a bit about how they lived, sailed, traded and fought. However, sometimes it’s difficult to tell myths from truths.
Read some things that have been claimed about Viking warfare:
• Some Vikings were called berserkers. They got themselves whipped-up into a frenzy before they went ‘berserk’ in battle.
•Some people claim that these berserkers took drugs before battle to make them think that they were invincible.
• Some people claim that the berserkers sometimes went into battle completely naked!
Imagine how terrified you would be if a big hairy man was running towards you who thought he was so tough he didn’t need any armour! Also, where would you put your eyes?
• It has been reported that Vikings sometimes used a particularly vicious way of killing people. It was called the blood eagle. What they did was tear the victims ribs away from their spine and pull out their lungs. This made their back look like a bloody eagle spreading its wings. Yuck! It is also reported that salt was sometimes poured into the wounds to make the death even more painful. Some people say that the Saxon king Edmund suffered this grisly end. (He was later made Saint Edmund and was buried at…)
EXTENSION: Where was St. Edmund buried?_______________________________________________________________________
Some Vikings had quite strange and cool names. See if you can match the name to Viking.
Erik Bloodaxe
Ivar the
A Viking warrior who had an illness that made his bones very weak.
He was very clever but weak. This was good because, apparently, his brother was strong but stupid.
The King of Norway who became king of the Saxon kingdom of
Northumbria. He got his name from his reputation as a vicious fighter (and the fact hed probably killed his half-brother.)
A Viking who was briefly became king of England. He had a big beard that was split into two.
The Viking age finally came to an end when the Saxon King Harold defeated the Viking king
Harald Hardrada at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066. Of course, the Battle of Hastings in the same year ended the Saxon age as well. But, you’ll learn all about these things in lessons…