Technology Plan (2013-2015) - Bennett County School District

P.O. Box 580
Martin, SD 57551
Technology Plan
2013 – 2015
1. District Information:
Bennett County School District 3-1
P.O. Box 580
Martin, SD 57551
District Contact Person:
Wayne Semmler, Superintendent
School Board Approved : May 13, 2013
Date of Submission: May 20, 2013
2. Technology Committee
Wayne Semmler, Superintendent
Chip Sundberg, BCHS Principal
Linnae Slattery, BCHS Technology Aide
Jack Birdsall, BCHS Multi Media
Darrin Indahl, Business Teacher
Laney Waln, BCJH Technology Teacher
Belinda Ready, BCJH Principal/Federal Programs
Stacy Halverson, MGS Principal
Janelle Haynes, MGS Technology Aide
Anne Lyon, MGS Technology Teacher
Mikaela O’Bryan, MGS Classroom Teacher
3. Vision
The Bennett County School District will prepare its students to graduate with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in
higher education and in careers with the confidence not only to dream but also to determine their futures.
As we advance through the 21st Century, the challenge we face is to create an environment that prepares our students to
successfully participate in a highly competitive society. We will cultivate an environment where technology is a part of the
academic culture empowering students to meet state academic standards in all content areas using traditional and innovative
technologies. We will develop independent life-long critical thinkers and learners who can communicate effectively, work
cooperatively, and solve problems efficiently by using technology.
4. Needs Assessment
At the conclusion of each school year, Bennett County School staff complete a Title II Part D survey. The survey addresses
technology use, the integration of technology in the classroom, technology use professionally and technology professional
development. A new survey was used in Mary 2013 with the results attached. Results from the South Dakota District
Technology Survey (2012-2013) have also been used to review technology need and/or growth.
Conversations with recent graduations have suggested that we do a survey to alumni asking them how we could do a better
job preparing them for the job market or for college through our technology curriculum and programs.
Results from these contribute to the goals and objectives of the Technology Plan, prioritizing programs, professional
development and purchases.
5. Consolidated Application
REAP / Title II, Part D: Educational Technology
A full-time technology aide is available in each building to assist teachers in the use of technology, collaborate on projects,
make sure equipment is functioning, meet the needs of the students and staff, and suggest technology sources or programs.
A .5 technology teacher provides technology instruction to MGS students outside of the classroom.
Teacher resources, in-service and workshops focus on the specific needs of the staff as represented on technology surveys
and as part of the Technology Plan. Professional development opportunities will focus on 21 st Century Skills and
integrating technology into the classroom. These will be paid for out of Title I, General Fund and SPED.
6. Three Year Goals
Goal 1: The Bennett County School District will improve the academic achievement of all students with the use of
Use technology to enhance
instruction, extend capability
and promote creativity of staff
Increase student achievement
through the use of data
Provide a .5
Technology teacher
at MGS, a .15
teacher at BCJH and
.85 teacher at BCHS
2013 – 2015
Provide a
Technology Aide in
each building to
provide technical
assistance to
teachers and staff
2013 – 2015
Use SD STARS for
data collection
2013 - 2015
Use AimsWeb as the
Universal Screen for
Benchmark and
Progress Monitoring
2013 - 2015
Teacher Evaluation /
Observation and
lesson plans
General Fund
Title I
Evaluation /
Title I
Increased student
achievement as
measured by Smarter
Increased student
achievement as
measured by
AimsWeb data
$6 / student
Title I
Goal 2: The Bennett County School District will provide professional development to all staff (teachers,
administrators, support staff and parents) to increase technology proficiency.
Provide professional
development opportunities to
all staff which support the
application of 21st Century
technology skills and tools in
teaching and learning
Conduct curriculum
mapping through
technology professional
2013 – 2015
Participate in TIE
workshops, conference,
2013 – 2015
Use In-service days for
staff to present and/or
learn new technology
2013 – 2015
Completed Maps
General Fund
Title I
General Fund
Title I
Workshop journals
In-service agenda
Goal 3: The Bennett County School District will improve technology integration into curriculum and instruction
Integrate technology within the
Common Core State Standards
unit plans
Address technology skills at all
grade levels
Schedule CCSS Unit
Planning sessions
2013 - 2015
Use In-service days for
staff to present and/or
learn new technology
2013 – 2015
Write a technology
curriculum P-12 with
set projects
2013 – 2015
Increase the use of Online textbooks, novels,
2013 – 2015
Completed CCSS
Units for Reading
and Math (with
Social Studies and
Science integrated)
General Fund
Title I
In-service agenda
Completed and
Log of use /
General Fund
Capital Outlay
Goal 4: The Bennett County School District will improve the use of Distance Learning and DDN.
Improve student access to
quality courses
Provide distance
learning courses that
meet the needs of the
students (IE Odyssey
2013 – 2015
Number of
General Fund
Title IX
Journals of
Title I
Academy / GED
Increase professional
development workshops or
courses for staff
Offer staff
opportunities for
studies, etc. online
2013 – 2015
Promote the use of DL and
DDN use to area coaches and
community members
Provide information
to the public about
available usage
2013 – 2015
Logs of DDN use
Goal 5: The Bennett County School District will improve the infrastructure necessary for the district to meet the
needs of the students to achieve the goals and objectives of the BCSD Technology Plan.
Increase wireless
access for students
and staff
Purchase more Bandwidth
2013 – 2015
Network Capital
Purchase LanSchool for
Teacher Usage
Continue BCJH 1-to-1
Teacher and Student
Technology Capital
Replace Promethean and/or
SmartBoards in all
classrooms as necessary
Work records
Technology Capital
Increase 21st Century
Skills usage for staff
and students
Goal 6: The Bennett County School District will plan for future procurement and expansion of telecommunication
services and equipment.
Increase access to information
Increase Bandwidth
2013 – 2015
Cell phone services /
Voice over IP
2013 – 2015
Goal 7: The Bennett County School District will promote parent involvement and increase communication with
parents and community members
Provide district information to
Log of use
Use School Reach
for school
2013 – 2015
Title I
Continue to update
BC Web Site
through SchoolWires
2013 – 2015
Parent Survey
Title I
Continue to use and
provide information
through DDN
Campus / Parent
2013 – 2105
Parent Survey
7. Inventory
Bennett County School District meets the requirements for Public Schools by submitting annual inventory results to the SD
K-12 Data Center. Our record management information on our equipment is submitted to the Business Office annually,
filed in the appropriate school and saved on the site server. The data lists the serial numbers, sticker numbers, purchased
dates, cost and fiscal code. A list of software licenses is attached.
The District’s plan to review and update the network and facilities is reviewed at district technology meetings.
8. Acceptable Use Policy - ATTACHED
Bennett County School District Acceptable Use Policy
Bennett County Laptop Use Contract
Laptop Policy, Procedures and Information
Personal Electronic Device Policy
Cyber Bullying Policy
9. Distance Learning Policy – NO POLICY IN PLACE
Bennett County School District currently provides online learning to students. Opportunities include Odysseyware,
GED, Expert 21, Alecs, and others. Staff has the opportunity to participate in a variety of online courses and/or
webinars. The district supports distance learning, but has no policy in place at this time.
10. Three Year Telecommunications Services and Equipment Policy
BCSD policy for the usage, maintenance, and upgrading of telecommunications equipment is handled through:
VOICE: The BCSD currently utilizes AT&T, Golden West Telecommunications and SDN Communications as the
vendors for all local and long distance services for telephones. The district has a total of 11 voice and 4 fax lines.
These services receive e-rate funding as telecommunication services. As additional lines, maintenance, and/or
services are needed the district works collaboratively with Golden West to implement changes or repairs in the most
efficient manner. The BCSD utilize five cellular phones contracted with AT&T; receiving e-rate funding as a
telecommunication service. Other voice equipment maintenance or repair is often times handled by the technology
aides in the district. BCSD firewall services are provided by Fortigate and troubleshooting with SDN
DATA: The BCSD utilizes Golden West fiber data circuits and switches for the connection of a WAN. The district
utilizes the State Webmail for our school email accounts and SchoolWires for the district website. Switches, web
servers, access points, uninterrupted power supplies, battery packs, etc. are maintained by the technology aides. If
further repair is needed, the vendor is contacted for repair. Computer Village, Rapid City, is the district’s Network
Administrator, providing basic maintenance as needed for repairs and services. (The five-year technology
replacement/purchase plan reflects the need for maintenance and services on eligible e-rate equipment.)
VIDEO: BCSD maintains the Digital Dakota Network (DDN) interactive video communications system using
compressed digital technology to provide a “meeting pipeline” for the district and community. BCHS maintains the
school’s TV station, Channel 19, owned by Golden West Communication. BSCD also maintains the network
connection on the weather channel antenna located at the airport for the SDSU weather.
11. E-rate Records Retention Policy
Bennett County School District Policy will retain the following documentation, to the extent applicable, for five years after
the last date of service, pending any litigation or ongoing audit. Last date of service is the last day of the service delivery
period of the E-rate funding year for recurring services. Last date of service for equipment purchases funded through E-rate
is the latest date of (1) date of purchase of equipment; (2) installation date; or, (3) the date of the E-rate funding
commitment decisions letter.
1. USAC Forms & Certifications
1.1. Form 470, 470 Certification & delivery confirmations (if a form or certification was mailed to SLD). 1.2. Form 471, 471 Certification & delivery
1.3. Form 472 & delivery confirmations
1.4. Form 479 (Consortium members & consortium leaders only)
1.5. Form 486, Certification & delivery confirmations 1.6. Form 500 & delivery confirmations
2. USAC Letters
2.1. Form 470 Receipt Notification Letter (RNL)
2.2. Form 471 Receipt Acknowledgment Letter (RAL) 2.3. Form 471 Out Of Window Letter
2.4. Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) 2.5. Form 486 Notification Letter
2.6. Form 500 Notification Letter
2.7. BEAR
Notification Letter
2.8. Quarterly Disbursement Reports (QDR)
2.9. Other USAC letters
3. Technology Plan & Approval Letter
3.1. Written Technology Plan with Creation Date
3.2. Approved Technology Plan
3.3. Approved Technology Plan updates
3.4. Certified Technology
Plan Approver Letter (or screen print if approval is maintained online) 3.5. Professional Development Training Logs
3.6. Technology Plan Training Sign In Sheets
4. Competitive Bidding, Vendor Evaluation & Contracts
4.1. State and Local Procurement Regulations (printout or website reference)
4.2. RFP/ Public Notice/ Advertisement
4.3. All Vendor responses & Bids
received (winning and losing)
4.4. Bid Evaluation criteria, Evaluation Matrix & Bid ratings (Sample Available) 4.5. Notice of Award letters
4.6. Miscellaneous documents (memorandums, board minutes, notes to file) 4.7. Signed and Dated Contracts/ Service Agreements/ Notice of Award
Letters 4.8. Contract Amendments/Addendums/Extensions
4.9. State Master Contracts (printout or website reference)
4.10. Vendor Correspondence
5. PIA Review
5.1. Letter of Agency (LOA) consortium
5.2. Consultant agreement or LOA
5.3. Responses to PIA inquiries (email, faxes, case numbers)
5.4. Entity
eligibility documentation (state website printout, matching records, etc.) 5.5. Discount eligibility calculation documentation
5.6. Item 21 Attachment
(online or paper)
5.7. Product Service Eligibility (warranties, product descriptions, network diagrams etc.)(for E-rate equipment) 5.8. Budget (Final approved,
Superintendent Letter, draft budget, Grant Letters)
5.9. Request to Cancel Services
6. CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act)
6.1. Undertaking Actions to comply with CIPA (e.g., public notice, public meeting or hearing minutes, etc.) 6.2. Filtering Documentation (purchase,
installation, use)
6.3. Internet Safety Policy
6.4 Logs of filtering incidents
7. Service Delivery & Inventory Management (Applicable for E-rate funded equipment or E-rate funded maintenance)
7.1. Inventory/Asset Registry
7.2. Schematic of equipment
7.3. Receipt of service/ product and installation log (work orders) 7.4. Replacement Log
(replacement or upgrades)
7.5. Maintenance Log
7.6. Equipment transfer log
8. Invoicing & Payments
8.1. Customer Bills
8.2. Calculation Workpapers for BEARs
8.3. Service Certifications
8.4. Proof of Payment of discount and non-discount amounts
(cancelled checks, bank statements) 8.5. Reimbursement from vendor verification (BEAR only)
8.6. Miscellaneous (memos to vendors, notes to file,
9. Change Requests & Appeals
9.1. Appeal Request
9.2. Appeals Delivery Receipt (proof of postmark, fax confirmation) 9.3. Service Substitution Request
9.4. SPIN Change
9.5. Documentation of Funds Returned to USAC
9.6. Invoice Deadline Extension Request
9.7. Service Deadline Delivery Request
Transfer of Equipment Notification
10. Miscellaneous
10.1 PIN mailer (For the authorized user) 10.2 Site Visit documentation
10.3 Audit documentation
12. Children’s Internet Protection Act Information - ATTACHED
CIPA information is provided to parents in each building’s Enrollment Packet. A presentation is made at the first Parent
Teacher Conference of the year by the Technology Aides and is included in classroom instruction. Staff reviews in August.
13. Collaboration with Adult Literacy
The Bennett County School District will collaborate with the Bennett County Library (county, city, school) to provide
online/audio literacy materials and literacy training when available.
14. Evaluation
Technology is an increasing driver of change at an ever-increasing rate. In order for the Bennett County School District to
become a leader in education, we must continually evaluate our technology plan. We must evaluate our existing
technology, look into the future, and see what possibilities exist. The following processes will be used to evaluate our plan
of action:
Every spring an annual evaluation of the BCSD Technology Plan will be completed by the technology committee reviewing the goals,
activities, budgets and surveys)
The Consolidated Application annual review will address the technology goals and their coordinated goals.
BCSD staff will complete a survey each May addressing the goals, activities, professional development and curriculum.
BCSD parents and students will complete a survey each May addressing technology usage, curriculum and updates.
Addendums and changes to the Technology Plan will be made as recommended by the Technology team with feedback from the surveys
and annual reviews.
Technology Survey 2013
District Results
During this school year, how often do you use technology for professional activities such as lesson planning,
administrative tasks, and collaboration?
a. Nearly every day
b. About once a week
c. About once a month
d. Rarely or never
e. NA
Supporting Evidence/Examples
During this school year, how often do you use instructional technology with students for activities such as
research, multimedia, simulations, data interpretation, communications, and collaboration?
a. Nearly every day
b. About once a week
c. About once a month
d. Rarely or never
e. NA
Supporting Evidence/Examples
What do you believe to be the existing barriers that you face when you consider using technology in your
teaching? Circle all that apply.
a. I lack the knowledge and skills to use computers/technology in my classroom.
b. Computers/technology is NOT available when I need it.
c. Time to plans lessons using technology
d. Incorporating the technology into my lesson plan doesn’t match
e. Finding student-appropriate computer programs
f. Not enough time, I am busy covering the book
g. NA
h. Other
During this school year, have you received INFORMAL professional development from a technology expert
in your school (including support such as technology assistant, mentor, colleague or co-teaching)?
a. Yes
b. No
Supporting Evidence/Examples
During this school year, have you received FORMAL professional development from a technology expert in
your school (including support such as technology assistant, mentor, colleague or co-teaching)?
a. Yes
b. No
Supporting Evidence/Examples
What additional professional development do you think you need in using technology in your instruction?
Check all that apply.
a. The fundamentals of using a computer
b. Learning word processing tools
c. Hook up printers, scanners, cameras, etc.
d. Incorporating technology into lessons
e. Incorporating SmartBoards/Prometheans into lessons
f. Finding student appropriate programs
How to provide for individualization
If time was scheduled during In-Service 2013-2014, what topics and what time frame do you think is
Example: iPad applications 30 minutes each in-service
Did you participate in any professional development ON-LINE or via DDN this school year?
a. YES
b. NO
c. NA
Supporting Evidence/Examples
How long do you wait for cartridges, repairs, etc. for your technology equipment?
a. The same day
b. 1-2 days
c. 3-4 days
d. Over 4 days
e. NA
10. What issues did your students have with technology this year? Circle all that apply.
a. Availability of computers
b. Availability of iPads
c. Violation of Acceptable Use Policy
d. Bandwidth
e. NA
f. Other
11. What technology equipment needs do you have? How would they enhance student achievement?
Other Comments/Concerns:
Acceptable Network and Internet Use Policy
Bennett County School District
June 2013
The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), 47 U.S.C §254(h)(5) requires public schools to implement certain measure and
actions to ensure that students are restricted from accessing inappropriate materials online using school-owned computers. The
Bennett County School District’s Acceptable Network and Internet Use Policy (hereinafter “AUP”) is intended to set forth the
specific obligations and responsibilities of all users, including students and staff, who access the Bennett County School District’s
Network, and to ensure such use complies with CIPA requirements.
“Network” is defined as any and all Bennett County School District owned computers, servers, hardware or software, the Bennett
county School District’s local are network, wireless access points, the Internet, Internet 2, the Bennett county School District
Intranet, email chat rooms, other forms of direct electronic communications or other communications equipment provided by the
Bennett County School District regardless of the physical location of the user. This AUP applies even when Bennett County School
District provided equipment is used on or off premises of Bennett County School District property.
Acceptable Use
The Network may be used only as a tool to support and advance the functions of the Bennett County school District as well as its
curriculum and educational programs. Access to the Bennett County School District’s Network is a privilege and not a right. Users
of the Network are responsible for their behavior and communications over the Network and access to Network services will be
provided only to those staff and students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner an in accordance with the
Bennett County School District’s Internet Safety Policy and this AUP.
Students may use the Network only in support of educational activities consistent with the educational objectives of the Bennett
County School District. Faculty and staff may use the Network primarily in support of education and research consistent with the
educational objectives of the Bennett County School District. Faculty and staff may access the Network for limited personal use
but not for any commercial or business use; however, such personal use may not violate any applicable rules and regulations or
applicable administrative procedures or interfere with job performance. Use of the Network must be in compliance with
applicable laws, including all copyright laws and all materials on the Network should be presumed to be copyrighted.
All members of the staff who wish to use the Network must sign this AUP whenever requested by the Bennett County School
District, to confirm that the staff person has read and understands this policy and agrees to abide by it. Each student must sign
this AUP annually to confirm that the student has read and understands this policy and agrees to abide by it. Students who are
under 18 must have their parents or guardians sign this AUP and submit it to the Bennett County School District.
Network Etiquette
Users are expected to abide in generally accepted rules of network etiquette (netiquette). These include, but are not limited, to:
A. Be Polite. Do not send or encourage others to send messages that are abusive or otherwise fall in the definition of Prohibited
Use in Section IV.
B. Use appropriate language. Remember you are a representative of your school on a non-private network. You may be alone
on a computer but what you write can be viewed around the world. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate
C. All communications and information accessible via the Network should be considered private property that you cannot
appropriate for your own use without appropriate attribution and consent.
Prohibited Use
The Bennett County School District reserves the absolute right to defined prohibited use of the Network, adopt rules and
regulations applicable to Network use, review use, determine whether activity construes a prohibited use of Network, and
determine the consequences of such inappropriate use. Prohibited use includes, but is not limited, to:
A. Violating any state or federal law or municipal ordinances, such as: Accessing or transmitting pornography of any kind,
obscene depictions, harmful materials, materials that encourage others to violate the law, confidential information or
copyrighted materials;
B. Criminal activities that can be punished under law;
C. Selling or purchasing illegal items or substances
D. The unauthorized collection of email addresses (“harvesting”) of e-mail addresses from the Global Address List and other
Bennett County School directories;
E. Obtaining and/or using anonymous email sites; spamming; spreading viruses;
F. Circumvention of the Bennett County School District’s Technology Protection Measure / filter to access blocked sites;
G. Disclosure of minors’ personal information without proper authorization;
H. Student’s disclosure of personal information, such as student’s name, address, phone number, password, or social security
number, to other users when engaging in online activities including but not limited to chat rooms, email, social networking
Causing harm to others to damage to their property, such as:
Using profane, abusive, or impolite language; threatening, harassing, bullying or making damaging or false
statements about others or accessing, transmitting, or downloading offensive, harassing, or disparaging materials;
b. Deleting, copying, modifying, or forging other users’ names, emails, files or data; disguising one’s identity,
impersonating other users, or sending anonymous email;
Damaging computer equipment, files, data or the network in any way including intententionally accessing,
transmitting or downloading computer viruses or other harmful files or programs, or disrupting any computer
system performance;
d. Using any Bennett County School District computer to pursue “hacking”, internal or external to the Bennett
County School District, or attempting to access information protected by privacy laws; or
Accessing, transmitting or downloading large files, including “chain letters” or any type of “pyramid schemes”.
Engaging in uses that jeopardize access or lead to unauthorized access into others’ accounts or other computer networks,
such as:
Using another’s account password(s) or identifier(s);
b. Interfering with other users’ ability to access their account(s); or
Disclosing your own or anyone’s password to others or allowing them to use your or another’s account(s).
Using the Network or Internet for commercial purposes:
Using the internet for personal financial gain;
b. Using the Internet for personal advertising, promotion or financial gain; or
Conducting for-profit business activities and/or engaging in non-governmental related fundraising or public
relations activities such as solicitation for religious purposes, lobbying for personal political purposes.
Off-Premise Use of Network
Students under the age of 18 should only access Bennett County School District assigned email accounts and/or other Network
components, including but limited to, school assigned computes, such as laptops, tablets or e-readers off of Bennett County School
premises if a parent or legal guardian supervises their usage at all times. The student’s parent/guardian is responsible for
monitoring their usage at all times. The student’s parent/guardian is responsible le for monitoring the minor’s use of the Network
and ensuring such use complies with this AUP.
The Bennett County School District makes no guarantees about the quality of the services provided and is not responsible for
claims, losses, damages, costs, or other obligations arising from the use of the Network or accounts. Any additional charges a user
accrues due to the use of the District’s Network are to be borne by the user. The Bennett county School District denies any
responsibility for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through user access. Any statement, accessible on the
computer Network or Internet, is understood to be the author’s individual point of view and not that of the Bennett County School
District, its affiliates or employees.
Prohibited use of the Network may, for students, result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion from
school or, for employees, suspension or termination of employment. Where circumstance warrant, prohibited use of the Network
may be referred to law enforcement authorities.
When a school administrator has a reasonable belief that a student or staff member has violated a school rule, policy or the law,
and there are facts and inferences that would cause a reasonable person to suspect that a search of the student’s personal
technology device(s), will reveal evidence of a violation of aid school rule, policy or the law, the administrator shall have the
authority to search such device, provided that the scope of the search relates to the suspected violation giving rise to the
reasonable suspicion.
All Bennett County School District employees and students must commit to this agreement to enable them the use of the Internet,
web sites, TV, or photos to appear on the website, KBEN, and in the Booster. Patrons wishing to use the Bennett County School
District technology must also commit to this agreement.
I have read, understand and agree to comply with this Acceptable Network and Internet Use Policy.
Student Name and Signature _______________________________________ Date _____________ Grade ________
My child’s photo may appear:
__________ In the Booster / Lakota Times / Rapid City Journal
__________ On Channel 15 / KBEN
__________ On the Bennett County School District website
__________ In the Bennett County School District newsletter
__________ My child has permission to access the Internet for educational purposes.
Parent Signature ____________________________________________________________________________________ Date _____________________
At anytime, parents that wish to revoke this consent may stop at the office and indicate your intentions.
Bennett County School District
Laptop Use Contract
I, ________________________________________, the student, agree to the following rules for using
computers at Bennett County Schools. (Refer to the attached Bennett County Laptop Policy,
Procedures and Information handbook)
*** ALL laptops will be checked out in the FIRST HOUR class and checked back in at the
end of each day in their FIRST HOUR teacher. Each laptop and the carrying case are
labeled with a code specific to EACH student. Students are NOT to use anyone else’s
1) Use of the school’s computers and Internet is a privilege not a right. If I abuse that privilege, I expect to lose it.
2) I will follow all teacher directions and established procedures when computers are being used. This includes
carrying laptops properly and not eating/drinking when using the computers.
3) I will use the school computers and Internet for the purpose of education and for working on approved school
assignments only. I understand that using the laptops for personal use is not permitted.
4) I will never leave my laptop unattended. (Examples: lunchroom, hallway, gym, etc.)
5) I will not use the computers to listen to music unless it is part of an assigned project. I will not import music into
the laptops unless directed to by a teacher for use in an educational project. I will abide by all copyright laws when
doing this for an educational project.
6) I will only use the school computers and Internet if there are teachers present supervising me. I understand that
unsupervised use is not permitted.
7) I will never loan out my laptop to other individuals.
8) I will use the school computers (software and hardware) and the Internet politely. I will handle all equipment
with care and will not attempt to damage any software or hardware.
8) I will never give out my full name, my home address or telephone number, or my school name, address or
telephone number, to anyone else online without my school's permission.
10) I will not hide things that I am doing on the laptop (online or offline) from my teachers.
11) If I have a technical problem with the computer or the Internet, I will inform my teachers and ask for their help.
12) I understand that I am not responsible for what other people say and do on the Internet; however, if someone
else online says or does something offensive or disturbing, or if I see images on a website that make me feel upset or
disturbed in any way, I will tell my teacher. I will not respond to any messages that make me feel upset, angry or
scared. I will not share the offensive or disturbing thing with other students.
13) I will not participate in any unacceptable use of the school network/computers. Unacceptable use of the
network at school means using the computers, the Internet or the school servers to:
a) To promote any illegal activity or to participate in illegal activity
b) Violate LanSchool
c) Bully, harass or stalk others.
d) Commit copyright violations, such as illegal copying of music files, movies, pictures or software. Includes copying and pasting
copyrighted material into class assignments.
e) Transmit obscene, hateful or threatening communications.
f) Communicate or publish inaccurate, defamatory or racially offensive materials.
g) Invade someone else's private computer files or read their email.
h) Play electronic games unless authorized by a teacher.
i) Download, install, or modify software without teacher permission or approval.
j) Knowingly upload or download any computer virus.
k) Attempt to by-pass any school imposed restrictions on the computer equipment or access to the District’s network. For example,
trying to figure out a password of another computer user, trespassing in another’s files or work, or trying to open the lock on the
laptop cart.
l) Transmit via email any unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail", "spam", "chain letters", "pyramid schemes", or any
other form of email solicitation.
m) Promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities, promote physical harm or injury against any group or
individual, or promote any act of cruelty to animals. This may include, but is not limited to, providing instructions on how to
assemble bombs and other weapons, where to obtain bombs or other weapons.
n) Engage in commercial activities online such as buying or selling things, without permission from my teachers.
o) View and/or download or upload pornographic pictures or stories.
p) Send in someone else's email address to a "Crush" or "Secret Admirer" website, or to any website collecting other people's email
addresses for any purpose whatsoever.
q) Attack other people's computers, Internet connections, websites, or damage or deface anyone else's website.
r) Use another student’s laptop/computer without teacher approve
13) I understand that my parents could be held financially liable for any damage I cause to computers at school. Any
violation of the District’s Policy will result in student discipline in accordance with the applicable Code of Conduct.
(This may include the loss of the laptop.)
Damaged computers get very costly to repair. Listed below are just a couple of repair cost examples
1) New Screen:
2) Bad/broken Power supply:
3) Damaged or lost carrying-case with shoulder strap:
4) Lost or stolen LAPTOP:
14) I understand that the laptop I am given for use is the property of the Bennett County School District.
I have read and agree to the stipulations set forth in the “Laptop Policy, Procedures and Information”, the
“Acceptable Use Policy” and the “Laptop Use Contract”.
Student Name (please print):________________________________________ Date: _____________
Student Signature_____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian (please print): ____________________________________ Date:____________
Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________________
Laptop Policy, Procedures,
and Information
Bennett County School District
The focus of the Classroom Connections Project at Bennett County School District is to prepare students for
their future, a world of digital technology and information. As we enter the twenty-first century, excellence in
education requires that technology be seamlessly integrated throughout the educational program. Increasing
access to technology is essential for that future, and the learning tool of these twenty-first century students is the
laptop computer. The individual use of laptops is a way to empower students to learn at their full potential and to
prepare them for the real world of college and the workplace. Laptops encourage students to solve problems
and think critically by stimulating analytical thinking. Learning results from the continuous dynamic interaction
among students, educators, parents and the extended community. Technology immersion does not diminish the
vital role of the teacher. To the contrary, it transforms the teacher from a director of learning to a facilitator of
The policies, procedures and information within this document apply to all laptops used at Bennett County
Schools, including any other device considered by the Administration to come under this policy. Teachers may
set additional requirements for computer use in their classroom.
1.1 Receiving Your Laptop
Laptops will be distributed each year once the parent/guardian and student have signed their contract.
Laptops will be collected at the end of each school year for maintenance, cleaning and software installations.
Students will retain their original laptop each year for in-house usage. The laptops are not to be sent home.
1.2 Laptop Check-Out/Check-In
Laptops, accessories, and cases will be checked out to each student every morning in FIRST HOUR. They will
be returned to their FIRST HOUR CLASS at the end of each day (or to their FIRST HOUR teacher if they leave
early.) Students who are tardy and miss FIRST HOUR will need to wait until class has ended prior to getting
their laptop for the day.
At the end of the year laptops, accessories and cases must be returned to their homeroom during final checkout
on the last day of school. Students who withdraw, are suspended or expelled, or terminate enrollment at BCJH
for any other reason must return their individual school laptop computer on the date of termination.
If a student fails to return the computer at the end of the school year or upon termination of enrollment at BCJH
that student will be subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability. The student will also pay the replacement cost
of the computer, or, if applicable, any insurance deductible. Failure to return the computer will result in a grand
theft report being filed with the Bennett County Police Department.
Furthermore, the student will be responsible for any damage to the computer, consistent with the District’s
Laptop Computer Protection Plan and must return the computer and accessories to the school in satisfactory
condition. The student may be charged a fee for any needed repairs not to exceed the replacement cost of the
1.3 Check-in Fines
If your laptop and/or carrying case has been damaged or defaced, you will be fined respectively for the damage
at the end of the year during student laptop check-in or when checking out to transfer to another district.
If a student laptop is not returned during year-end check-in or upon transferring out of district, the administration
will be in charge of seeing this equipment is returned in a timely manner. If the administration is not successful,
this matter will be turned over to local law enforcement.
Students are responsible for the general care of the laptop they have been issued by the school. Laptops that
are broken or fail to work properly must be taken to the Technology Coordinator or her designees. The school
district will be responsible for repairing computers that malfunction. Computers that have been damaged from
normal use or accidentally will be repaired with no cost or minimal cost to the student. Students will be entirely
responsible for the cost of repairs to computers that are damaged intentionally.
2.1 General Precautions
No food or drink is allowed next to your laptop while it is in use.
Cords, cables, and removable storage devices must be inserted carefully into the laptop.
Students should never carry their laptops while the screen is open, unless directed to do so by a teacher.
Laptops should be shut down before moving them to conserve battery life.
Laptops and carrying cases must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels that are not the
property of the Bennett County School District.
Laptops must never be left in an unsupervised area.
Students are responsible for keeping their laptop’s battery charged for school each day.
2.2 Carrying Laptops
The protective cases provided with laptops have sufficient padding to protect the laptop from normal treatment
and provide a suitable means for carrying the computer within the school. The guidelines below should be
Laptops should always be within the protective case when carried.
DO NOT put anything other than the computer inside the protective case.
The laptop must be turned off before placing it in the carrying case.
2.3 Screen Care
The laptop screens can be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. The screens are particularly sensitive to
damage from excessive pressure on the screen.
Do not lean on the top of the laptop when it is closed.
Do not place anything near the laptop that could put pressure on the screen.
Do not place anything in the carrying case that will press against the cover.
Do not poke the screen.
Do not place anything on the keyboard before closing the lid (e.g. pens, pencils, or disks).
Clean the screen with a soft, dry cloth or anti-static cloth.
Laptops are intended for use at school each day. In addition to teacher expectations for laptop use, school
messages, announcements, calendars and schedules may be accessed using the laptop computer. Students
must be responsible to bring their laptop to all classes, unless specifically instructed not to do so by their
3.1 Laptop Undergoing Repair
Loaner laptops may be issued to students when they leave their laptops for repair with the Technology
Coordinator or his designee.
In cases where use of the laptop has caused batteries to become discharged, students may be able to connect
their computers to a power outlet in class.
3.2 Screensavers
The screensaver installed will be the original desktop. DO NOT ALTER the screensaver.
3.3 Sound, Music, Games, or Programs
Sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes.
Do not download/save any music, games, or programs to the hard drive. All software must be district
provided. Storage space will be available on the laptop—BUT it will NOT be backed up in case of reimaging.
 Please save all information on your server!
4.1 Originally Installed Software
The software originally installed by the BCJH must remain on the laptop in usable condition and be easily
accessible at all times.
 Adobe Acrobat Reader
 Lanschool
 Firefox
 Microsoft Office 2008 including Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Publisher
 Orchard
 Symantec
From time to time the school may add software applications for use in a particular course. The licenses for this
software require that the software be deleted from laptops at the completion of the course. Periodic checks of
laptops will be made to ensure that students have deleted software that is no longer required in class,
that the school has not exceeded its licenses or that additional software or programs have been added
without permission.
4.2 Virus Protection
The laptop has anti-virus protection software. If a student is notified that a virus has been detected he/she
should report that to the teacher or Technology Coordinator.
4.3 Additional Software
Students are not allowed to load additional software on their laptops.
4.4 Inspection
Students may be selected at random to provide their laptop for inspection.
4.5 Procedure for Re-loading Software
If technical difficulties occur or illegal software is discovered, the technician will copy all files in the Home folder.
The hard drive will then be re-formatted. Authorized software will be installed and the data files reinstated in the
Home folder. The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of any software deleted due to a re-format
and re-image.
5.6 Software upgrades
Upgrade versions of licensed software are available from time to time. Students may be required to check in
their laptops for periodic updates.
5. Acceptable Use Policy, Internet and Electronic Mail
Netiquette - Students are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include
(but are not limited to) the following:
Be polite. Do not get abusive in your messages to others. Do not send or display offensive
messages or pictures.
Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language. Do
not harass, insult, or attack others. Illegal activities are strictly forbidden.
Do not reveal your personal address or phone numbers of students or faculty.
Network storage areas will be treated like school lockers. Network and school administrators may
review files and communications to maintain the system responsibly. Users should not expect that
files stored in district servers would be private. Trespassing in another’s folders, work or files is
prohibited and will result in loss of privileges. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities
will be reported to the authorities.
Do not use the network in such a way that would disrupt the use of the network by other users
(intentionally wasting limited resources).
All communications and information accessible via the network should not be assumed to be
private property.
Students are banned from utilizing Internet Chat Rooms, unless under the direct supervision of
school personnel for an educational purpose.
No Warranties - The Bennett County School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or
implied, for the service it is providing. The Bennett County School District will not be responsible for any
damages students suffer. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, misdeliveries, or
service interruptions caused by its own negligence or your errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained
via the Internet is at a student’s own risk. The Bennett County School District specifically denies any
responsibilities for accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services. The Bennett County School
District cannot be responsible for inappropriate or offensive material students encounter on the Internet. If
offensive material would cause students personal embarrassment or other emotional or psychological damage
students should not use the system.
Security - Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many
users. If students feel they can identify a security problem on the Internet, they must notify a system
administrator. Do not demonstrate the problem to other users. Do not use another individual’s account without
written permission from that individual. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems
with other computer systems may be denied access to Internet.
Vandalism - Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempts
to harm or destroy data of another user, Internet or any of the above listed agencies or others networks that are
connected to DDN. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading, creation, or intentional transmission of
computer viruses.
Conditions as stated in this document are applicable to the Bennett County School District. These terms and
conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with policies of the Bennett County School Board,
the laws of the State of South Dakota, and the United States of America.
5.1 Statement of Agreement With AUP
I understand and will abide by the above Terms and Conditions for Internet. I further understand that any
violation of the regulations above is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any
violation or damage to the computer network, individual computers, computer equipment, and/or
Internet/electronic mail, my access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action taken and/or
appropriate legal action. Furthermore, I understand that I will be responsible for paying for said damages and
professional services in their entirety.
6. Responsibilities of Technology Use
Many responsibilities result from the use of these available technologies in the educational setting.
6.1 Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Talk to your children about values and the standards that your children should follow on the use of the
Internet just as you do on the use of all media information sources such as television, telephones, movies,
and radio.
6.2 Student Responsibilities
Use computers in a responsible and ethical manner.
Obey general school rules concerning behavior and communication that applies to computer use.
Use all technology resources in an appropriate manner so as to not damage school equipment.
 This “damage” includes, but is not limited to, the loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries,
misdeliveries or service interruptions caused by the student’s own negligence, errors or omissions. Use of
any information obtained via Bennett County School District’s designated Internet System is at your own
risk. any security problems they may encounter.
Monitor all activity on their account(s).
Students should always log off the computer after they are done working to protect their accounts and files.
If a student does not log off, any email or Internet activity under their name will be considered their
If a student should receive email containing inappropriate or abusive language or if the subject matter is
questionable, he/she is asked to print a copy and turn it in to the office.
6.3 School Responsibilities
 Provide Internet and email access to its students
o Access logs and emails will be treated similar to school lockers. The Bennett County School
District reserves the right to review, monitor and restrict information stored on or transmitted via
Bennett County School District owned equipment and to investigate inappropriate use of
 Provide Internet blocking of inappropriate materials.
 Provide network data storage areas.
 Provide staff guidance to aid students in doing research and help assure student compliance of the
acceptable use policy.
6.4 Student Activities Strictly Prohibited
Activities which students are prohibited from engaging in include, but are not limited to, the following:
Illegal installation or transmission of copyrighted materials
Any action that violates existing Board policy or public law
Access or use of any other email program or account other than the one issued by the school (i.e.: Hotmail,
Yahoo Mail, MSN Mail, etc.)
Using email to harass or bully others
Use of chat rooms, sites selling term papers, book reports and other forms of student work
Messaging services (i.e. MSN Messenger, ICQ, etc.)
Internet/Computer Games
Use of outside program disks
Use of outside data disks without prior approval from the Technology Coordinator
Downloading illegal files, including music or other data files
Spamming-Sending mass or inappropriate emails
Gaining access to other student’s accounts, files, and/or data
Password sharing
Use of the school’s internet/email accounts for financial or commercial gain or for any illegal activity
Use of anonymous proxy servers or other attempts to negate firewall/filtering systems
Giving out personal information except in an instructional context or in the performance of Bennett County
School District business and with permission of the school district.
Participation in credit card fraud, electronic forgery or other forms of illegal behavior.
Vandalism (any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware, software or data, including, but not limited
to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses or computer programs that can infiltrate computer systems
and/or damage software components) of school equipment will not be allowed
Transmission or accessing materials that are obscene, offensive, threatening or otherwise intended to
harass or demean recipients.
6.5 Laptop Care
Students will be held responsible for maintaining their individual school computers and keeping them in good
working order.
Computer batteries must be charged and ready for school each day.
Only labels or stickers approved by the Bennett County School District may be applied to the computer.
Computer cases furnished by the Bennett County school district must be returned with only normal wear
and no alterations to avoid paying a case replacement fee of $33.00.
Computers that malfunction or are damaged must first be reported to the Technology Coordinator. The
school district will be responsible for repairing computers that malfunction. Computers that have been
damaged from normal use or accidentally will be repaired with no cost or minimal cost to the student.
Students will be entirely responsible for the cost of repairs to computers that are damaged intentionally.
Accidental laptop damage: Students who have recorded 3 or more instances of accidental laptop
damage may be asked to check their laptop in at the Office. Future laptop privileges will be
determined by the Technology Coordinator and the Administration.
Computers that are stolen must be reported immediately to the Administrative Office and the police
6.6 Legal Propriety
Comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements. Ignorance of the law is not
immunity. If you are unsure, ask a teacher or parent.
Plagiarism is a violation of the BCSD Discipline Policy. Give credit to all sources used, whether quoted or
summarized. This includes all forms of media on the Internet, such as graphics, movies, music, and text.
Use or possession of hacking software is strictly prohibited and violators will be subject to consequences of
the Discipline Policy. Violation of applicable state or federal law, including the South Dakota Penal Code,
Computer Crimes, will result in criminal prosecution or disciplinary action by the District.
6.7 Student Discipline
Consequences for violations of this policy will be handled under the Bennett County School Discipline Plan.
Discipline consequences may vary depending on the severity of the offense.
Computers owned by the Bennett County School District are for educational purposes ONLY.
7.1 Laptop Identification
Student laptops will be labeled in the manner specified by the school. Laptops can be identified in the following
Record of serial number
 Sticker # and Computer Number
Individual User account name and password
7.2 Storing Your Laptop
When students are not using their laptops, they should be stored in their cases or left in their homeroom.
Nothing should be placed on top of the laptop.
7.3 Laptops Left in Unsupervised Areas
Under no circumstances should laptops be left in unsupervised areas. Unsupervised areas include the school
grounds and campus, the cafeteria, computer lab, locker rooms, library, unlocked classrooms, dressing rooms
and hallways. Any computer left in these areas is in danger of being stolen.
Unsupervised laptops will be confiscated by staff and taken to the Office. This action will result in the student
being required to “check out” their laptop from the Office for 3 weeks. Second offense will result in the loss of
laptop privileges for 3 weeks.
8.1 Applecare warranty
This coverage is purchased by the Bennett County School District as part of the purchase price of the
equipment. Apple warrants the laptops from defects in materials and workmanship. This limited warranty covers
normal use, mechanical breakdown or faulty construction and will provide replacement parts necessary to repair
the laptop or laptop replacement. The Apple warranty does not warrant against damage caused by misuse,
abuse, accidents or computer viruses. Please report all laptop problems to the Technology Coordinator.
The Technology Coordinator is located at the High School and coordinates the repair work for laptops. Services
provided include the following:
Hardware maintenance and repairs
Password identification
User account support
Operating system or software configuration support
Application information
Re-imaging hard drives
Updates and software installations
Coordination of warranty repairs
Distribution of loaner laptops and batteries
10. Use of Technology Resources
10.1 Regulations
The use of the Bennett County School District’s technology resources is a privilege, not a right. The privilege of
using the technology resources provided by the Bennett County School District is not transferable or extendible
by students to people or groups outside the district and terminates when a student is no longer enrolled in the
Bennett County School District. This policy is provided to make all users aware of the responsibilities associated
with efficient, ethical, and lawful use of technology resources. If a person violates any of the User Terms and
Conditions named in this policy, privileges may be terminated, access to the school district technology
resources may be denied, and the appropriate disciplinary action shall be applied. The Bennett County School
District’s Discipline Policy shall be applied to student infractions.
10.2 User Terms and Conditions
The use of Bennett County School District’s technology resources is subject to the following terms and
The use of technology resources must be for educational and/or research purposes consistent with the
mission, goals, and objectives of the Bennett County School District along with State & Federal regulations.
In compliance with federal law, the school district shall make reasonable effort to restrict access to
inappropriate materials and shall monitor the on-line activities of the end users in the school environment.
User accounts are considered the property of the school district. Network administrators may review school
computers to maintain system integrity and to insure that users are using the system responsibly. Users
should not expect that anything stored on school computers or networks will be private.
Prohibited technology resources activities include, but are not limited to, the following those outlined in the
following 2 sections.
10.3 Computer Laptop Violations
Sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing offensive, profane, threatening, pornographic,
obscene, or sexually explicit materials.
Downloading or transmitting multi-player game, music, or video files using the school network.
Vandalizing, damaging, or disabling property of the school or another individual or organization.
Accessing another individual’s materials, information, or files without permission.
Using the network or Internet for commercial, political campaign, or financial gain purposes.
Releasing files, home address, personal phone numbers, passwords, or other vital accessing information to
Promoting or soliciting for illegal activities.
Attempting to repair, remove or install hardware components reserved for an authorized service technician.
Violating copyright or other protected material laws.
Subscribing to mailing lists, mass e-mail messages, games, or other services that generate several
messages that can slow the system and waste other users’ time and access.
Intentionally wasting school resources.
Infractions of Section 11.3 will result in the following consequences:
1st Offense – Student(s) will checking/checkout their laptops from the Linnae’s Office daily for three (3)
2nd Offense – Three (3) weeks of laptop privilege suspension
3rd Offense –Loss of laptop privileges for a length of time determined by the administration and the help
10.4 Computer Network Violations
Attempting to log on to the Internet or network (servers, routers, switches, printers, firewall) as a system
Sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing pornographic or sexually explicit materials.
Installing, enabling, launching, or creating programs that interfere with the performance of the network,
Internet, or hardware technology resources.
Creating, uploading, or transmitting computer viruses.
Attempting to defeat computer or network security.
Infractions of Section 10.4 will result in the following consequences:
Suspension of laptop computer, referral to law enforcement authorities, and possible long term suspension
or recommended expulsion from school.
11. Cost of Repairs
Lost Adaptor
Loss of Battery
Damaged/Lost Case Sleeve
Broken/cracked screen
Additional Fees may be assessed depending on
condition of laptop upon Check-In
Lost laptop
INTENTIONAL DAMAGE: Students/Parents are responsible for full payment of intentional damages to laptops.
Warranty, Accidental Damage Protection, or Applecare Protection DOES NOT cover intentional damage of the
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: In cases of theft, vandalism and other criminal acts, a police report, or in the
case of fire, a fire report MUST be filed by the student or parent for the protection coverage to take place. A
copy of the police/fire report must be provided to the principal’s office.
INTENTIONAL DAMAGE: Students/Parents are responsible for full payment of intentional damages to laptops.
Warranty, Accidental Damage Protection, or School District Laptop Protection DOES NOT cover intentional
damage of the laptops.
Each student and their parent/guardian MUST sign the Bennett County
School District Laptop Use Contract BEFORE they will be issued their
Personal Electronic Device Policy
The Bennett County School District understands the importance that Personal Electronic Devices play in our daily
lives. Yet, there are instances when certain devices are not appropriate in the school environment.
Personal Electronic Devices (P.E.D.’s) encompass any electronic item in an individual’s possession that is not
provided through the school district. Devices included within this policy may have any one of the following
Creates and maintains a network connection either through wireless or cellular means in which to
connect to the Internet or other computing network,
Record or playback audio, video, or textural data, and
Allow for real-time or near real-time communications via any means to other individuals.
The use of P.E.D.’s are prohibited during the school day and during private extracurricular sessions with the school
environment. Private extracurricular sessions include events such as sports’ practices or academic activities outside
of the normal school day in which the public is not invited to participate.
There are exceptions to this rule. P.E.D.’s may be allowed only when a teacher or administrator gives an individual
permission to use a P.E.D device. During these times, all activity must be related to the specific task assigned.
Individuals may be asked to provide their P.E.D for examination in order to ensure compliancy with Federal and
State regulations. Individuals may not post data on the Internet or other storage device without authorization and
may be asked to remove data that is not in compliance with other rules and regulations.
Data collected or transmitted on a P.E.D. must follow all rules associated with all district policies, such as the
Acceptable Use Policy.
In an effort to ensure that the district is in compliance with the Children’s Information Protection Act and the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act, among others, we cannot allow individuals to post information that:
Does not meet district professional or ethical standards,
Depicts individual in a situation that is negative towards one’s dignity, and
Violates privacy and security regulations already in place.
Failure to abide by the rules outlined above may result in disciplinary action based on the buildings discipline
Students are responsible for the security of the P.E.D.’s they bring to school. The district is not responsible for lost,
stolen, damaged, or unauthorized use of personal electronic devices. Further, the district is not liable to any student
or parent/guardian for any claims, losses, damages, suits, expensed, or costs of any kind arising out of the use or
possession of a student’s personal electronic device.
Bennett County School District – Policy Manual
Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying is all forms of harassment over the Internet or other forms of electronic, communications, including
cell phones. Students and staff will refrain from using communication devices or Bennett County School District
property to harass or stalk another. The District’s computer Network and the Internet, whether accessed at school
or away from school, during or after school hours, may not be used for the purpose of cyber bullying. All forms of
cyber bullying are unacceptable and viewed as a violation of this policy and the District’s acceptable computer use
policy and procedures.
Users are responsible for the appropriateness of the material they transmit. Hate mail, harassment, discriminatory
remarks, or other anti social behaviors are expressly prohibited. Cyber bullying includes, but is not limited to the
following misuses of technology: harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another person by
sending or posting inappropriate and hurtful e-mail messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or
images, or web site postings, including blogs. It is also recognized that the author (poster or sender) of the
inappropriate material is often disguised (logged on) as someone else.
Students and community members, who believe they have been victims of such misuses of technology, as described
in this policy, should not erase the offending material from the system. A copy of the material should be brought to
the attention of a principal or teacher.
The administration shall fully investigate all reports of cyber bullying.
In situations in which cyber bullying originated from a non-school computer, but brought to the attention of school
officials, any disciplinary action shall be based upon whether the conduct is determined to be severely disruptive of
the educational process so that it markedly interrupts or severely impedes the day-to-day operations of a school. In
addition, such conduct must also violate a school policy. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, threats, or
making a threat off school grounds, to harm a member of the school staff or a student.
Malicious use of the District’s computer system to develop programs or to institute practices that harass other users
to gain unauthorized access to any entity on the system and/or damage the components of an entity on the network
is prohibited.
Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, the loss of computer privileges, detention, suspension, or
expulsion for verified perpetrators of cyber bullying. In addition, when any kind of threat is communicated or when
a hate crime is committed, it shall be reported to law officials.
Children’s Internet Protection
It is the policy of the Bennett County School District to prevent user access over its computer
network to, or transmissions of, inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other
forms of direct electronic communications; prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful
online activity; prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use or dissemination of personal
identification information of minors; and comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act.
To the extent, practical, technology protection measures (filters) shall be used to block or filter
Internet, or other forms of electronic communications, access to inappropriate information.
Specifically, as required by CIPA, blocking shall be applied to visual depictions of material
deemed obscene or child pornography, or to any material deemed harmful to minors. Subject to
staff supervision, technology protections measures may be disabled or in the case of minors,
minimized only for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.
To the extent practical, steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of uses of the
Bennett County School District online computer network when using electronic mail, chat rooms,
instant messaging, and other forms of direct electronic communications.
Specifically, as required by CIPA, prevention of inappropriate network usage includes:
unauthorized access, including s-called “hacking” and other unlawful activities and unauthorized
disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.
It shall be the responsibility of all members of the Bennett County School District staff to
supervise and monitor the usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in
accordance with this policy and the CIPA.
Procedures for the disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection shall be the
responsibility of the Bennett County School District administrators and technology aides.
The Bennett County School District School Board reviews and approves the CIPA and Acceptable
Use Policy at their annual July School Board meeting.
Parent forums to review Internet polices are scheduled to be held in conjunction with Back to
School events each fall, Parent Teacher Conferences, DDN Parent Portal trainings, Parent
Involvement meetings and/or Dakota STEP review sessions.