Welcome! Mrs. Hatch & Mrs. Watson We teach: Exploring Family and Consumer Sciences I & II Exploring Career Decisions First Quarter Second Quarter Understand interests, attitudes, values, personality, learning styles, and skills. Understand how interests, values, and personality influence career choices. EXPLORING CAREER DECISIONS WHO AM I and WHAT CAN I BECOME? HOW DO I GET THERE? Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Understand the world of work and skills needed for employment success. Understand job search techniques. First Quarter Second Quarter Understand FCCLA Interpersonal Relationships Understand Housing and Interiors EXPLORING FCS I Third Quarter Understand Nutrition and Wellness Fourth Quarter Understand Personal Finance and Resource Management First Quarter Second Quarter Understand FCCLA Interpersonal Relationships Understand Apparel EXPLORING FCS II Fourth Quarter Third Quarter 8th grade Understand Food Service and Hospitality Understand Early Care and Education (American Red Cross Babysitter Certification) Mrs. Watson’s & Mrs. Hatch’s Rules Most IMPORTANT RULES EVER… For Life 1. Make smart choices. 2.Keep your dear teacher happy. What to Expect… We will follow certain classroom protocols. We will be organized, efficient, and on task. • • • In order to do so, we will follow these rules: Follow directions quickly Do not get out of your seat without permission. Do not speak unless: – You raise your hand, and I call on you. – I ask you a question and you are responding – I instruct you otherwise (for example, during group work) GRADING SCALE A B C D F 93-100 85-92 77-84 70-76 69-0 My job is to help you learn, therefore a D or F is NOT acceptable. I will return work that is not A, B, or C quality. GRADES continued… Progress Reports are issued once a quarter. PLEASE see me before the end of the grading period if you need additional assistance. Make-Up Work If you are absent, you are expected to make-up all class work, tests, quizzes, and homework assignments that you missed. Upon your return from an absence, you are given two days for each day you were absent to complete and turn in all missed assignments. For example: If you were absent for two days, then you have four days to complete make-up work to receive full credit. It is your responsibility to see me if you need make-up work! Supplies: What do I need for class? You need the following : 1. 2. 3. 4. Pocket Folder Pen (black ink) or Pencil Loose Leaf Paper $3.00 for Sewing Supplies – Life Skills only 5. FCCLA Dues Supplies: Mrs. Hatch & Mrs. Watson’s Wish List If possible, we would love if you could bring any of the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. Kleenex Bisquick Sugar ½ inch elastic FCCLA What is FCCLA? It is the ultimate leadership experience! We will be part of the national organization of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc. What is FCCLA? FCCLA is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work and societal issues through family and consumer sciences education. Chapter projects focus on a variety of youth concerns, including school violence, teen pregnancy, parenting, family relations, community service, substance abuse, peer pressure, leadership, nutrition and fitness, and career exploration. • Stay tuned on more information on how to join and why you should join the FCCLA “family”! • You will receive more information during the first week of school. Our theme this year is: FCCLA: Comments? Questions?