APPLICATION FORM MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS IN ENGLISH TAUGHT WITH SUPPORT FROM WOODBURY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY Choose the program you apply for: EXECUTIVE MBA MBA – INNOVATION AND DATA ANALYSIS Please type (in exceptional cases write clearly and legibly using capital letters) 1. YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS Surname/Family name: Title: Mr./Mrs./Miss/Dr. (please circle) First/Given Name and Other Name/s: Parents’ names Father’s: Date of birth (dd/mm/yy) Mother’s: / / Permanent Address Female Male Correspondence Address (if different) Street: City: Zip/Post-code: Country: From (date) Telephone (landline): Fax: Telephone (mobile): Email: Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences 5 Jana Kazimierza St., 01-248 Warsaw, Poland Until (date) tel. +48 22 380 0586, fax +48 22 380-05-10 e-mail:, Your country of citizenship: Place of Birth: Your passport: Country: Series: Number: Permanent residency in Poland? Valid until: Yes: No: 2. EDUCATION/DEGREES OBTAINED (all fields have to be filled in) Secondary / High School: Name of School: Address: Country: Years of studies: BA degree or a BA degree equivalent: Name of School: Address: Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences 5 Jana Kazimierza St., 01-248 Warsaw, Poland tel. +48 22 380 0586, fax +48 22 380-05-10 e-mail:, Country: Years of studies: Field of studies: Degree Obtained (if none, then indicate the number of years completed): MA degree or an MA degree equivalent: Name of School: Address: Country: Years of studies: Field of studies: Degree Obtained (if none, then indicate the number of years completed): Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences 5 Jana Kazimierza St., 01-248 Warsaw, Poland tel. +48 22 380 0586, fax +48 22 380-05-10 e-mail:, 3. CURRENT OCCUPATION Company/Organization Name and Address: Your position: 4. APPLICATION PACKAGE (Please make sure that you collect all the documents below and send them together with the completed application form to as attachments): Curriculum Vitae (Resume) written in English; copy of your BA/BSc (or MA/MSc) diploma together with its transcript (if the diploma is issued in any other language than Polish, English or Russian, certified translation should be provided to any of the above languages); copy of your passport or official ID (only the page(s) showing your name, picture and passport number). 5. DECLARATION The statements on this form are to the best of my knowledge and belief correct. I understand that my acceptance will be based upon the information given in this form, and that if I am found to have given false information, the acceptance may be withdrawn. I understand that the information supplied on this form will be retained by the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and will be used for the purpose of processing my application. In the event that my application is successful I understand that the information will form part of my participant record. I agree to have my personal data processed during the admission process at the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences in accordance with the Act of 29 August 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (unified text: Journal of Laws of 2014, item 1182 with amendments). Signed………………............................................………… Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences 5 Jana Kazimierza St., 01-248 Warsaw, Poland Date………………………………… tel. +48 22 380 0586, fax +48 22 380-05-10 e-mail:,