Faculty Survey Nov/Dec 2011 29 respondents (51.8% response rate) Faculty Profile How many quarters have you taught at BGI? 1 21% Where is your home base? Further afield 14% Greater Seattle area 38% West Coast 21% 5+ 65% 2-4 14% Pacific Northwest 27% What is your primary occupation? 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% BGI core faculty Faculty member at other higher educational institution Consultant Other private sector practitioner 90 80 70 Faculty Motivation 60 % 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree • • potential opportunity to relocate to area if there was enough of a career reason to move belonging to a community, I do not have one now Emphasis on people, then practice, then theory. • • • • I think there's a difference between what "attracted" me to BGI and what keeps me here. I answered the former question. Don Piper's knowledge on the subject. Jill The 'leadership' item above is too vague for me. Do you mean BGI's leadership in the field, opportunities for leadership at BGI, the leadership and personal development emphasis? a desire to teach and have greater/catalytic impact through teaching • • • I considered it an honor to be asked to teach here and it is the culture and amazing community that keep me coming. Other than the over-work situation, this is how the world should operate: collaboration, respect, competence, strong communication skills, etc. didn't know any students until I started teaching, but heard they were great. • I was present at the BGI formulating idea stage and was part of a team that brought Sustainable Biz conference to Seattle from the Bay Area. Strongly supported the mission from the beginning. • Opportunity to serve by bringing business case to young people who want to change the world Faculty Needs 70 60 50 40 % 30 20 10 0 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Which Additional Opportunities Would You Be Interested in Pursuing With BGI? Faculty Opportunities yes Delivering workshops, seminars, webinars in your area of expertise no 23 5 9 Development work Consulting 12 21 5 Online education development 19 7 Research 16 10 • Happy as a clam already. • Flipping the classroom, creating great podcasts • not sure what development work is---fundraising?? • LPD training for faculty • I would have preferred a scale like #4/5 than the binary choice • I'm not sure your definition of development...development of courses or fundraising for the org. Yes if the former. Given that I want to simplify my life the single thing BGI could do is help me get well-paid speaking gigs. For the right project, team consulting might be fascinating if on ground-breaking projects since we share a complimentary set of skills and know how to work together and bring a unique mindset. • funds to create a case study work group and lab Faculty Communication 90 80 70 60 50 Least Effective % Effective 40 Most Effective 30 20 10 0 Email Website BGI Channel phone/conf call Faculty Comments • as a newer adjunct faculty, and one who has taught summer intensive only (Winter 2012 will be my first full quarter teaching), I don't know quite how I fit, what it means, how much work it's really going to be (which scares me), and what the future might be. I don't have a business background so I don't really know the core content but I'm trying to fit myself into that. I'm at a disadvantage by being in Bay Area rather than local. It may take me years to get a thorough understanding, and be able to spend enough time to get a full picture. • Disappointed that BGI 2.0 will reduce/eliminate focused Entrepreneurship class, but I understand the logic and hold no grudge. - Ted Ladd • The most important additional support to me would be compensation for curriculum development that's separate from compensation for teaching. • keep important communication flowing; I was surprised to learn that our class (2nd yr.) had 47 students. Seems like a fair bit of attrition, but I have no information to use to assess this # Imagine the experience of an adjunct faculty coming into - or in and out of- the BGI system. Find every way possible to support them and enable them to do a great job with minimum time. Even little things like providing photos and short bios of all students, IT support for every session, a one page list of BGI staff and who to go to for what issues/questions, administrative support, etc. • Faculty should be adequately compensated for curriculum development. Recognize and compensate for the time it takes to teach for BGI -- way beyond most adjunct positions/situations. Build additional benefits that faculty get from their involvement. • we appreciate and believe in the school and enjoy helping it to grow, but we're tired of being 'nickel and dimed' (both in $ terms and in terms of time) and our efforts expected rather than appreciated • If a faculty's skills will no longer be needed in the long run, then an upfront conversation should happen. As oppose to them finding out due to what looks like neglect or lack of caring. Also, I have talked to several students in their second year who realize that what is taught in LPD and in team work (was People and Teams) to students is not taught to faculty and staff. This relational type of work contributes significantly to the "soul" of BGI, and the lack of skills/knowledge of this material by the faculty and staff creates a confusing paradox that is felt by some students. Thank you for soliciting for faculty feedback. I realize that no system is perfect. Asking for our feedback contributes to the BGI culture and effectiveness, and helps support all involved in the ongoing change efforts. • Thanks for taking our increasing stress seriously and providing a forum to address or redress the issues. It would be good to share the results of this survey with us. • Burnout and over-work relative to pay or time have been an ongoing challenge; but redesigning the integrated curriculum has brought this to a head. It is possible, if future years are more tweaking than all out redesign, and if you keep most of the same faculty, the outcry you are hearing this year might subside a bit. • • • Having a full-time faculty position in another institution limits my time so I appreicate BGI's sensitivity to the degree of participation expected in nonclassroom activities. I do appreciate the collaborative learning communty and opportunities to connect via faculty meeitngs and retreats. We are all in denial that our students use Facebook heavily. need to develop Seattle differently from Islanwood • Nice design of the survey. I think it captures the key issues. Thanks. And as always, thanks for asking. • The delays in contracts and lack of information shared regarding this process (to date) has been very disruptive.