Spanish IA week 15, Learning Plan

Learning Plans for Spanish IA, week 15
12/7– 12/11
Monday - Wednesday
Chapter Objectives
(Chapter 2B)
Learn to talk about our classroom in Spanish.
Learn to ask and tell who is doing an action.
Learn to indicate where things are located.
Will be learning how to conjugate the verb Estar.
Review the rules of agreement for nouns and adjectives in a sentence in Spanish.
Compare school in South America with school in the US.
Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions:
How can I talk about my classroom in Spanish and describe where things are
located within the classroom.
How can I conjugate the verb Estar in the present tense in Spanish?
How can I summarize subject/verb/adjective agreement in a sentence in
Learner Objectives: (TEKS)
1) Communication – The student communicates in a language other than English using
the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
(a)Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned materials to socialize and to
provide and obtain information.
(3) Connections – The student uses the language to make connections with other
subject areas and to acquire information.
(b) Use the language to reinforce knowledge of other subject areas.
(4) Comparisons – The student develops insight into the nature of language and culture
by comparing student’s own language and culture to another.
(a) Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of the language through
comparisons of the student’s own language and the language studied.
I can talk about my classroom in Spanish.
I can ask and answer simple questions about where things are located in the classroom.
I will write simple sentences in Spanish describing my classroom.
I will write sentences in Spanish using correct subject/verb/adjective agreement.
Formative Assessments:
Warm ups will be used as a check for understanding.
Cloze activity, white boards and parking lot.
Students will continue practicing the verb estar in present tense.
Students will practice using prepositions of place to describe where things are in
the classroom.
Students will also practice using al and del with prepositions of place.
Students will continue to practice asking and answering questions in the present
Students will work on question words in Spanish as well.
Teaching Strategies:
Students will do written activities with the verb estar.
Students will do written activities with prepositions of place.
Students will ask and answer questions about where things are located around
the room in Spanish.
Students will do listening activities with vocabulary from chapter 2B, which deals
with describing their school day.
Thursday - Friday
Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions:
How can I talk about various topics in Spanish using vocabulary that I have
learned this semester as well as basic beginning grammar?
How can I write simple sentences in Spanish about various topics using basic
beginning grammar and vocabulary learned this semester?
Learner Objectives: (TEKS)
1) Communication – The student communicates in a language other than English using
the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
(a)Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned materials to socialize and to
provide and obtain information.
(3) Connections – The student uses the language to make connections with other
subject areas and to acquire information.
(b) Use the language to reinforce knowledge of other subject areas.
(4) Comparisons – The student develops insight into the nature of language and culture
by comparing student’s own language and culture to another.
(a) Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of the language through
comparisons of the student’s own language and the language studied.
I can begin to review all basic grammar concepts learned in my first semester of Spanish in
order to prepare for my semester exam.
I will do a series of review activities in order to review basic grammar from my first
semester of Spanish.
Teaching Strategies:
Students will receive a review packet for the semester exam review.
We will begin to review basic grammar concepts in class such as basic
noun/adjective/grammar agreement, verb conjugation, vocabulary learned this
semester, etc.
Students will also begin to review for the speaking test, which will be on Monday
and Tuesday of next week.
Students will practice asking and answering basic questions that we have learned
this semester.
We will review how to talk about our name, age, physical descriptions,
characteristics, school, friends and family.