Text Organization

Description: Two or more events, concepts,
objects or places are compared,
showing how they are alike and/or
Signal Words: but, however, in contrast,
different from, unlike, similarly,
the same, alike
“Cold Vs. Flu”
The flu and the common cold are both
respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different
viruses. Because these two types of illnesses have
similar flu-like symptoms, it can be difficult to tell the
difference between them based on symptoms alone.
In general, the flu is worse than the common cold, and
symptoms such as fever, body aches, extreme
tiredness, and dry cough are more common and
intense. Colds are usually milder than the flu. People
with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy
nose. Colds generally do not result in serious health
problems, such as pneumonia, bacterial infections, or
Comparison: “Cold Vs. Flu”
*usually milder than
the flu
*respira*more likely to have a tory
runny or stuffy nose illness
* generally do not
by virus
result in serious
health problems
*worse than the
common cold
*symptoms such as
fever, body aches,
extreme tiredness,
and dry cough are
*symptoms more
intense, can result in
more serious health
Description: Items or events are listed in
numerical or chronological order.
Signal Words: first, second, later, next, then,
finally, after when; may include
“About Jeff Kinney”
Jeff Kinney was born in Maryland and attended the
University of Maryland in the early 1990s. It was there that
Jeff ran a comic strip in the school newspaper and decided
to become a cartoonist. He was not successful, however.
Then, he began publishing installments of Diary of a Wimpy
Kid on Funbrain.com. In 2006, he signed a book deal for his
Wimpy Kid ideas. Soon, his book was a New York Times
bestseller. He followed up this success with several more
Wimpy Kid books. In 2009, Kinney’s books were made into
a movie. Finally, Kinney realized that his early failures were
what helped him become successful. Just think, if Kinney
had not persevered, we’d never know the comic
adventures of Greg Heffley!
Sequence: “About Jeff Kinney”
Jeff Kinney was born
in Maryland.
He went to the
University of Maryland
and published comics
in the school paper.
Jeff publish “Wimpy
Kid” comics on
His book was made
into a movie in 2009.
His first book was
published and became
a bestseller. He wrote
several more books.
Cause & Effect
Description: The causes of an event and its
resulting effect(s) are presented.
Signal Words: if, then, as a result, therefore,
consequently, since, because,
thus, this led to, hence
“Benefits of Playing Sports”
Playing a sport is much more than the sole act of
pushing your body through exhaustion or using your skills to
reach your goal. There are many other physical and social
benefits to becoming involved in a sport. To begin with, if
you participate in sports, then your muscular mass, stamina,
lung capacity, and elasticity will all increase. Further, most
sports test a person’s ability to handle tense situations. Thus,
an athlete will develop strong character, a competitive spirit,
and personal responsibility. Finally, playing sports enriches a
person’s life with a variety of new people, including
teammates, other competitors, and coaches. Hence, an
athlete is likely to make many new friends as a result of
playing a sport. As you can see, sports can change one’s life
for the better!
Cause & Effect:
“Benefits of Playing Sports”
a Sport
Description: A topic is described by listing
characteristics, details, features,
attributes, and
Signal Words: for example, for instance, such
as, also, including, in particular, is
“My Guitar”
My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped
blond guitar--the first instrument I taught myself how to
play. It's nothing fancy, just a Madeira folk guitar, all scuffed
and scratched and finger-printed. At the top is a bramble of
copper-wound strings, each one hooked through the eye of
a silver tuning key. The strings are stretched down a long,
slim neck, its frets tarnished, the wood worn by years of
fingers pressing chords and picking notes. The body of the
Madeira is shaped like an enormous yellow pear, one that
was slightly damaged in shipping. The blond wood has
been chipped and gouged to gray, particularly where the
pick guard fell off years ago. No, it's not a beautiful
instrument, but it still lets me make music, and for that I
will always treasure it.
Description: “My Guitar”
scuffed and
and fingerprinted
folk guitar
shaped like
yellow pear
and gouged
to gray
long, slim
You decide!!!
An earthquake can cause a lot of damage and
sometimes deaths. An earthquake is shaking ground
caused by breaking and sliding rocks. The closer you
are to these rocks, the more damage you will see.
Many people die because buildings are shaken apart
and fall on them. Earthquakes also can cause large
waves in the oceans and lakes. They also can cause
landslides and mud volcanoes. These resulting
events can lead to floods, fires, and disease.
Which one????
Cause and Effect
Problem and Solution
You decide!!!
One problem with the modern Olympics is that it has become very big
and expensive to operate. The city or country that hosts the games
often loses a lot of money. A stadium, pools, and playing fields must
be built for the athletic events and housing is needed for the athletes
who come from around the world. And all of these facilities are used
for only 2 weeks! In 1984, Los Angeles solved these problems by
charging a fee for companies who wanted to be official sponsors of
the games. Companies like McDonald's paid a lot of money to be part
of the Olympics. Many buildings that were already built in the Los
Angeles area were also used. The Coliseum where the 1932 games
were held was used again and many colleges and universities in the
area became playing and living sites.
Which one????
Cause and Effect
Problem and Solution
You decide!!!
A butterfly makes a lot of changes in its life.
First, a male and a female mate. Next the
female lays eggs. Then the eggs hatch into
little caterpillars. After shedding its skin
several times, the caterpillar forms a
Which one????
Cause and Effect
Problem and Solution
You decide!!!
A pencil and a pen are alike in most ways.
They both are long and thin. Both are
writing tools to use on paper. Both
writing tools cost very little. Pencil
marks can be erased because they are
made with graphite. Most pen marks
cannot be erased, because they are
made with ink.
Which one????
Cause and Effect
Problem and Solution