...Be on your guard...a person’s life does not consist in the abundance of their
possessions..., [Lk. 12:15 NIV Paraphrased]
Study Material for Mentorship Groups.
Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Anim
We need to emphasize that ‘mentorship’ here must be understood as ‘discipleship’
in the Christian sense and pointing to 2 Timothy 2:2, with reference to Paul
(Mentor) and Timothy (Mentee) [And the things you have heard me say in the
presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men [and women] who will also be
qualified to teach others [NIV].
The Life-Wheel illustration provides us with the conceptual framework for
developing our mentorship programme. This is based on Luke 2:52 which says,
“And Jesus grew in wisdom [intellectually/academically] and stature [physically],
and in favour with God [spiritually and man [socially]”. This passage captures four
important aspects of our human development, which is represented by the four
spokes of the wheel. Let us now focus on the details of the ‘Life-Wheel’
And Jesus grew in
wisdom and stature, and
in favour with God and
entoring relationships bring together people with different backgrounds, positions,
experiences, and race among others. Our mentorship programme is developed in the
context of a Christian university. What this means is that it does not only focus on
providing academic and career guidance but also spiritual and moral development of
the mentees. It is also understood that in the process both the mentor and the mentee
benefit from each other as they share fellowship.
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The four spokes of the Life-Wheel:
1. Intellectual and Academic Development - Emphasis on study plan and
career development
2. Spiritual Development - Emphasis on personal devotion, church and
Study Material for Mentorship Groups.
Social Development - Focus on family life and relationships.
Physical Development - Emphasis on building good self-image and selfesteem, self confidence, fashion and dressing and personal health and
These four domains constitute the most important parts of our lives and if developed in the light of scripture, will offer us a more balanced and meaningful life in society and in
Kingdom of God here on earth.
At the end of each session, our mentors will guide us to discuss three (3) questions which arise from the study. Each member of the group should try to draw a personal
application on how the lessons could be applied to their own lives and what steps would be taken towards achieving that.
A very significant aspect of the mentorship programme is the Evaluation. Here we would like to have your thoughts and feedback on what you and your Mentor have been doing
throughout the semester. A simple form would be given to you to complete at the end of the semester. Your candid opinion will help us to improve upon the programme and how
best to serve your needs and that of the other members of your group. You have my best wishes in this regard.
We would like you to begin by setting out some realistic goals for yourself this semester. The Personal Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (PMEP) is intended as a guide to help you
focus and achieve some goals for your own development and that of the community. It is only when we set goals in life that we can live meaningfully. The great Philosopher,
Socrates once said, ‘The unexamined life is not worth living’ but we can only examine our lives when there is a goal or direction to it. Please take some time to complete this form
and feel free to share your experience at the end of the semester with your friends in the group or perhaps in other mentor groups. You may also want to add a few goals to what
have been suggested here.
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Student Name :
Mobile Number:
Area of
My goals for the semester
(What can I do
personally for the
environment during
the semester)
(What should I do
during the semester
to improve my
chances of obtaining
(What can I do
personally for my
community during
the semester)
Personal goal
(What are my own
personal goals for
the semester?)
What health/fitness/sports goals do I want
to achieve this year?
What do I need to do so
I can achieve my goals?
What help do I need
to achieve my goals?
Is this help available?
Progress achieved as at
(review date)
Personal goal
Personal goal
What hobbies/interests/other non academic
self improvement goals do I want to achieve
this year?
What values do I want other people to see
in me?
What is my emerging overall life goal at the
What average grade/score do I hope to
achieve for my academic studies this year?
What three things am i going to do this
semester in order to deepen my relationship
with God? E.g. 15min quiet time; read my
Bible; pray; share my faith with friends.
Date of Plan ………… Signature of Student……………
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Study Material for Mentorship Groups.
[Building Good Self-image And Self-esteem, Self-confidence, Fashion and Dressing, Personal Health and Fitness]
“You were made by God and for God – and until you understand that, life will never make sense”- Rev Rick Warren
Faustina E. Enninful (Mrs) and Rev. Dei Awuku
The first three weeks, our focus will be on the Physical aspect of the human development- that is the physical development with reference to ‘stature’ in the
passage we read from Luke 2:52. Our physical development is very important, for without it the other aspects of our development will be difficult to
There are three questions we want to answer as we look at our physical development:
1. Who am I?
2. Where am I going?
3. How can I get to my destination?
These three questions, when carefully analysed, will look at our self-image and self-esteem, the confidence we have in ourselves, our dressing and attitude
towards fashion and your personal health and fitness.
Who am I?
Only a few people have ever taken the time to ask themselves this very important question. In both good and bad times, people are quick to see the other
person rather than themselves.
Experience gathered from interactions from close to a dozen African countries show that many Africans will wish they were white or at least living in the white
man’s country.
Let us look at ourselves when we have a misunderstanding with the other person. We are quick to notice what the other person did to bring the conflict rather
than what we did.
But what is in the question “Who am I?” The answer covers your self-image and esteem. Self image is the mental picture you have of yourself and how you
think others see you.
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The following constitutes your self-image;
Your physical appearance
Academic accomplishments
Value system
Background and environment from which you came
Relationship with people- family, peers, etc
Study Material for Mentorship Groups.
Skills, abilities and competencies
Jobs and job titles held
Roles played in the home, workplace and community
Goals, ambitions and aspirations for the future
Imbibed comments from those around you
Your self-image influences your self-esteem. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself; the kind of respect you have for yourself. A poor self-esteem leads to
low-self-esteem. Your self-image could be bloated or low. It is best for the mentor to have a healthy self-image.
Building self-esteem is a first step towards your happiness and a better life. If you have low confidence or low self esteem you will find it impossible to be the
person you could be and your happiness will be limited. Self esteem increases your confidence. If you have confidence you will respect yourself and then you
can respect others, improve your relationships and become happier....this is not a selfish goal as you will contribute more and share yourself with the world and
those around you.
Low esteem causes depression, unhappiness, insecurity and low confidence. Other's desires may take preference over yours. Inner criticism, that nagging voice of
disapproval inside you, causes you to stumble at every challenge and challenges seem impossible.
How can you improve your self-esteem and self-confidence?
Do you want to increase your self confidence at work, in your daily life and improve your relationships? Then accomplish the following:
1. Face your fears - challenges seem scary but your fears are usually exaggerated. Facing your fears increases your confidence and boosts your esteem.
2. Forget your failures - learn from them. Avoid making the same mistakes again but don't limit yourself by assuming you failed before so you can't succeed
this time. Try again, you're wiser and stronger. Don't be trapped in the past!
3. Know what you want and ask for it. Learn about being assertive - you deserve your dreams to come true!
4. Reward yourself when you succeed. No-one else will! Isn't everything easier when you take time to help yourself? Make a list of your successes and focus
on the positive.
5. Talk - We often make assumptions about a situation or person which are not true. Your attitude and behaviour can be negatively affected so if you have any
doubt or question ask and don't assume you know why or how.
6. Don't be defeated! Try something else. You are not going to be defeated by one failed attempt are you? Doesn't everyone fail before they succeed? All you
need is a different approach.
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The second question for the physical development of an effective mentor is : Where am I going? This is about your goals, ambitions and aspirations for the
future. A good ‘SWOT’ analysis [Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats] of your life helps you to set goals that are achievable. And those goals
with perseverance and discipline, will keep you on track, so that you do not deviate. Again to help you keep in mind where you are going, develop the
characteristics of the giraffe. It looks far ahead more than where it stands. A good mentor must be visionary. S/He must have goals and pass that on to his/her
mentees. Remember that each day moves you into the future and you must prepare yourself for it.
The one important question the mentor needs to remember to answer always is the third: Can I get to my destination? The question is about your physical
appearance and health. Your physical appearance and fitness are very important if you are to succeed in carrying on the duties of a mentor. This is
because your body is always sending and receiving messages from those around you. The way you dress speaks a lot about your character and your values.
Keep the body fit. Here are some five important tips from the medical specialists to help you keep healthy at all times:
1. Eat more fruits and vegetables
4. Exercise regularly
2. Drink plenty of fresh water each day (8 glasses)
5. Keep your environment clean at all times.
3. Relax/rest
Let us conclude this way. We should always remember what the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 ‘Do you not know that your body is the Temple of the Holy
Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price? Therefore honour God with your body. Do not
do anything which will grieve the Holy Spirit who resides in you. Walk Holy, Be Holy. Keep the body fit as a foundation for God to use you for His glory.
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[Family Life and Relationships]
“Your spiritual family is as important as your biological family because it will last forever”.
Eva Esther Shalin Ruban (Mrs) and Rev. Joshua Yirenkyi-Smart
In the next three weeks, our focus will be on the third aspect of the human development- that is the social dimension, which comes from the phrase ‘favour with
man’ as in the passage we read from Luke 2:52. The social development of a person is the driving force of the Life-Wheel.
We ascertain our role in life through our relationships with others. No man is an island. Relationships are what life is all about. God created us
to experience life together. Real fellowship happens when there is real love, honesty and mutual trust for one another. In fellowships, we have leaders and we
should make sure that we are obedient to them and we honour them. Human ego should never be part of fellowship. God has given us special talents and when
one is using that God -given talents we support them so that the fellowships and relationships strive forward for God to be glorified and His purpose is achieved
in life. Life is full of challenges and naturally there arises conflicts may arise . When this happens God always expects you to make the first effort in resolving the
Conflicts sometimes reveal our differences and at the same time expose our weaknesses. When conflicts are resolved in the right spirit, it helps us to grow into
godly maturity.
Relationship is nurtured in stages. Let us have a look at Levinger’s Relationship Theory. He uses the first five English alphabets to explain the stages in
A- Acquaintance / Attraction - Here one steps into a relationship either because of acquaintance or attraction, something that you do attracts or
impresses the other to start the relationship. In our case its mostly acquaintance since we are assigned a mentor upon careful selection.
B- Build Up – The mentee and the mentor nurture and build their relationship through various ways. The mentee feels that he has somebody whom
he can rely on in any situation, either good or bad. We can jot down a convenient time-plan which suits both parties to make sure the relationship
is gradually but steadily building up to achieve the target set.
C - Continuation / Consolidation - The relationship continues and grows steadily. The most important aspect here is time. The greatest gift you can
give someone is time. Because all other gifts can be bought, but time is a divine gift and you cannot buy time.
D – Deterioration – This is the worst stage in a relationship. Both parties involved should take all measures to prevent entry into this stage.
Continuous assessment of the checklist given below could help detect the state of the relationship.
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STUDENT MENTORING PROGRAMME : Study Material for Mentorship Groups.
E – Ending – The last stage is the ending or closure. In case of successful completion of the tenure, the mentor-mentee relationship comes to a
successful end on campus. For some, may be approximately five percent would continue their mentor – mentee relationship for life.
For the mentor – mentee relationship to be a success, we should make a consistent effort to adhere to the following:
Mentee – Mentor
Getting to know mentees
Love and Affection
Sincerely reflect upon progress of
 Test this :
Mentor - Mentee
What is and isn’t working in the relationship.
The progress on the plan charted out at the start of the relationship.
Watch out :
Limited time
Lack of knowledge in specific areas
Over dependence.
Family Life.
Family is the place where we belong. The dictionary defines family as “a household of people related by blood or marriage”. Family support and care is key
to everybody’s success. Many a time we hear people testifying that the success they have achieved was because of the sacrifices of their families. We are not an
accident, a mistake or a photocopy, but God’s original masterpiece. There is only one of you in the entire world! This means you are wonderfully made. Any
time we complain about our looks, we are basically criticizing God. In effect, we are saying that we know better than Him. The Bible confirms that “We are
fearfully and wonderfully made” ( ref?).
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STUDENT MENTORING PROGRAMME : Study Material for Mentorship Groups.
Family life today is under siege. Families are beset by divorce, a crisis in roles, parents persistent absent from home, breakdown of authority, loss of priority and
lack of quality time together. There is also financial pressures and a host of other problems. The Bible teaches that the institution of family is of divine origin and
purpose. The Bible also provides guidelines for good relations within the family. A commitment to the teachings and principles as taught in the Bible provides
for us today, the best hope for the nurture and stability of the family.
God’s purposes for the family have been challenged today, but they cannot be changed. In the Bible, God gives the principles and the power by which His
purposes for the family can be fulfilled.
The Bible calls for the marriage relationship to be characterized by mutual and voluntary submission to one another. This also calls for respect and trust in one
another. The Bible calls for mutual fulfilment in sexual union in the marriage relationship. So sex before marriage is biblically wrong and it is a great sin. The
Bible calls for mutual fidelity in a monogamous relationship. In a family, the wife has to respect and submit to the leadership of her husband and the husband
also has to love, protect and provide for his wife and children if there are any. Children are also admonished to show respect and submit to the authority of their
The Bible also has something to say about how we may treat those who serve us in our homes as ‘house boys’ and ‘maid servants’ as we call them today. In
those days the people who performed such duties were slaves. You can read more about these principles and guidelines for family life from Ephesians 5: 15-31;
6:1-9. This passage provides us with the divine road map for a happy and successful marriage and family life.
This poem by Russell Kelfer sums up the reason for our colour, nationality, family, etc.,
You are who you are for a reason,
You’re part of an intricate plan.
You’re a precious and perfect unique design,
Called God’s special woman or man.
You look like you look for a reason.
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You’re just what he wanted to make.
The parents you had were the ones he chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom-designed with God’s plan in mind,
And they bear the Master’s seal.
No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into his likeness you’d grow.
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Study Material for Mentorship Groups.
You are who you are for a reason,
You’ve been formed by the Master’s rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God!.
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Study Material for Mentorship Groups.
[Personal Devotion, Church and Fellowship]
“Your spiritual family is as important as your biological family because it will last forever”.
Rev.Daniel T.Tackie and Rev.Dei Awuku
Now our focus shifts to the second and most important dimension of the Life-Wheel - The Spiritual Development. It is a discipleship programme which requires
that the mentor will entrust to the mentee what the former has acquired and encourage the latter, the mentee to also pass on to others just as we learn from Paul
and Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2.
The passage that forms the basis for our next discussion is Joshua 3:5. It reads:
Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.
A little background of the passage will help us to understand the promise that consecration holds for the mentor and the mentee. Joshua had led the people of
Israel to enter the Promised Land. Before entering the Promised Land the Israelites were to perform a purification ceremony. During those times, purification was
often done before one can make a sacrifice or as in this particular case, before one can witness a great act of God. So for the people to enter and enjoy the fruit of
the Promised Land, there was the need for the people of God to go through purification.
For the people of Israel and at that time, God’s law stated that a person could become unclean for many reasons – eating certain foods, childbirth, disease, and
touching a dead person among others. God used these various outward signs of uncleanness to illustrate man’s inward uncleanness that comes as a result of sin.
The purification ceremony pictured the importance of approaching God with a pure heart. Like the Israelites we need God’s forgiveness before we approach him
to enjoy the many things that he has for us.
That is why the passage from Joshua 3:5 is relevant for the spiritual development required in this mentorship programme.
In the passage three important things stand out which are relevant to our study :
Consecration of one’s self
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Amazing Things.
We will examine each of these and their relevance to our study.
The word ‘consecration’ is defined as ‘an act by which a person or a thing is dedicated to the service and worship of God.’ In another description it is said that
the word comes from the Hebrew word, ‘qadhesh’ which means, ‘to be set apart’ (from that which is common or unclean).
This sends a clear message to all of us as well. Our walk with the Lord is a discipleship process that holds a promise for all who make such commitment. But for
that promise to be realized, there is the need for us to consecrate ourselves by holy living.
How will we live the holy life? He is to live by the word of God. The word of God should be close to his heart, reading the Bible and praying every day. His/her
life must show that he knows the scripture and he/she lives it.
The passage in Joshua talks about tomorrow. Yes! Both the mentor and the mentee have their tomorrow. People come to study in Colleges because they want to
see a better tomorrow in many areas of their lives – in their selected occupations, family lives, progress, health and many other areas they will have to meet in the
future. But without a firm spiritual development that has built a firm relationship with God, one can attain all the academic laurels but the future he/she is looking
for will not be achieved because of sin in the life of the person. So, there is a tomorrow for both the mentor and the mentee, but for a tomorrow that is assured, it
is good that you build a strong spiritual relationship with the maker.
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Study Material for Mentorship Groups.
Finally, the passage talks about amazing things that God is going to do for those who come to Him consecrated. What are these amazing things? The paragraph
above has listed some of the benefits a consecrated heart can gain from the mentorship programme. A little research from the Diverse Leadership Mentoring
Programme from the United States adds some more of the amazing things that the Lord is about to do for mentors and mentees who consecrate themselves and
take the programme seriously. They include:
Gaining leadership attribute and understanding of leadership as it relates to professional and personal development
Learning the meaning and application of leadership skills in a variety of environments such as the workplace and public through the eyes and
experiences of leaders with diverse backgrounds
Gaining access to the experiences of professionals for guidance in time management, communication and networking skills.
Develop skills and knowledge to become future mentors.
Exposure to new and different thinking styles, knowledge and perspective.
Every student knows that life on campus and in the classrooms is transitional. It is to prepare you for a better life in the future. However, it is also a life full of
choices. The Spiritual development aspect of the study is designed to help us appreciate the need for a closer walk with God and in making daily decisions to
please him in all that we do that we can cause his amazing blessings to shower upon us.
Our prayer is that you will make a choice by living a consecrated life, a life of holiness, a life based on the word of God so that the amazing things you have
been dreaming of becomes a reality. So make the right choice.
Personal Devotion is the key to our success. For any relationship to be successful, both parties should take initiative for the relationship to grow stronger. God
also expects the same thing from us. He has created us in His own image and all that he expects from us is to maintain a good relationship with Him. Anything
we do that brings pleasure to God is an act of worship. Worship is not only music. We should start and end every single day with God in our devotion.
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Daily devotion involves prayer, reading and meditating upon the Word of God. When we meditate upon God’s word it finds a place in our heart. And when the
word of God is hidden in our hearts it prevents us from falling into sin. David observed this when he said, ‘I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not
sin against you’ (Psalm 119:11). This was a further response to a question he had raised earlier thus: ‘How can a young man keep his way pure? The response
was that ‘By living according to your word’ (Psalm 119:9).
Real worship is based on God’s word. Mark 12:30 says “Love the Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all
your strength”. It simply means that when we seek God, we give our ‘all’ to Him. Complete surrender to God is what worship is all about. The only way to
achieve all our hearts desire is just to seek His kingdom first. Our God is an awesome God but he is also a jealous God. He wants to be first in our lives. When
we give Him the first place, he takes care of everything for us. He is so faithful and so true. Our God is full of love, compassion, mercy and abundant grace. The
Bible says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the things shall be added unto you”. So let us seek God first.
If God’s blessings and miracles have to come to pass in our lives then we should be honest with God, Holy and Righteous and with no bitterness whatsoever in
our hearts. Sin can be a barrier for our blessings. Whatever God has purposed and planned for us will be always ours, but if we don’t see any blessing in our
lives, in spite of consistent prayer, then it may be time to reflect on our life to see the reason we are not experiencing his peace and blessing.
“Happy is the man who doesn’t give in and do wrong when he is tempted, for afterwards he will get as his reward the crown of life that God has
promised those who love him”. James 1:12. So let us overcome temptation at all times by developing the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit – love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (See Galatians (5: 22-23).
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Achieving Academic Excellence
Rev. Prof. E.H. Ofori- Amankwah and Dorcas Nuertey
I have achieved academic excellence myself, but I look at how great men and women down the ages approached their studies or their
work, to achieve excellence and breakthrough. These are fertile brains; the great inventors, the greatest musicians known for their
compositions; scientists who have found panacea to pain and suffering of humanity. The great architects who have taught us the
economical use of space; those whose achievements have led to revolutions in transport and communication, particularly air transport,
and telecommunication, particularly radio, TV, and now, in our generation, space phone and internet.
I keep on asking myself some of these questions:
1. Were all these inventors and thinkers born great?
2. Were they all precious children, born with IQs that are higher than those of other people?
3. What is the secret of their breakthrough?
4. What do great men and women have in common?
Beloved, it goes without saying that there can be no true success outside Christ.
John 1:8 instructs:
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that mayest observe to so
according to all that is written therein: for then shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success”.
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Picture of an average class of about 100 students
1st class
2nd- 1
2nd - 2
Based on nearly 40 years of university teaching, my findings are that:
1. Out of an average class of 100 students, there is a small percentage of about 3-5 of precocious students (i.e. with exceptionally high
intelligent quotient) going for 1st class. They are people born bright and intelligent, who would make a first class in any discipline –
French, classics, music, engineering, law, medicine and what have you.
These are the Daniels, the Samuels and the Josephs we read of in the Bible (see for example: Daniel 1:4. 17; Genesis 39:3-4; 1 Samuel
If you are in this talented group, praise God for your lives. I pray that your blessings and gifting will endure till the Lord will come.
Do not be like Samson or Esau to gamble your birthright away.
2. There is also normally about 20% of class of about 100 falling into the category of second class (upper) division. Most of the things
said about 1st class students will apply to this group as well.
3. There is also the category of average second class (lower) division students, who are in the majority 50 -60% in the class. They are
followed by the unfortunate third class of about 5% of the class and lastly by a small percentage (2%) of failures. My advice to all the
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three categories of students (second class (lower), third class, and failures) is as follows: these are golden keys laid in my palm for the
edification of God’s people:
Thank God for your life; do not give up but persevere to the end.
Make the best use of your time studying, and cut off unnecessary traveling, wild mid-night parties and jamborees, drunkenness
and sexual immorality.
Bring your notes up to date, and find time to revise every topic fortnightly rather than waiting to do so when the main
examinations are around the corner. Proverbs 6; 6- 11 is very instructive here
As you persevere through your course remember the great heights achieved by men and women were not by hasty flight; while
people went to sleep, they were burning the midnight candle to study, work, pray or do their research. Perseverance has its own
reward of success and divine breakthrough.
Emulate great men and women of proven track record who can be of beneficial influence upon your life, while carefully
avoiding charlatans, gossips and idlers- psalm 1; 1-3
Remember always that time does not wait on any man; and 1st January 2011 (Saturday) can never be any other day/date than
1st January 2011; no two days are alike or even or exactly the same. Therefore, do not procrastinate till tomorrow what you can
possibly accomplish today! And move away from aimless people who want to waste your time!
As to the writing of examinations, make sure that you read every question to the end and know what the examiner is asking
for. Do not hastily jump to this conclusion and set yourself new questions not asked by the examiner.
Your writing should be eligible, and your language lucid and coherent. Avoid stenographic language.
Remember, above all, that “honesty is the best policy”. When you have done your best, you can say to yourself: it is better to
fail an examination than to be caught cheating. This rule should apply to continuous assessment so that you do not adopt other
people’s work as your own.
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