Mentoring Action Plan template

Wraparound Services NT
Mentoring Action Plan template
Mentoring Action Plan
This Mentoring Action Plan can be used to record the meetings held and document actions
arising from meetings. Please complete during the meeting. It provides a summary of the
meeting and creates action points for both the mentor and new employee to work on before the
next meeting.
Mentoring Action Plan
Section 1 Participant’s Information
Date and venue of meeting
Name of new employee
Name of mentor
Section 2 Questionnaire
What is going well at work?
New employee
What is not going well at work?
New employee
What feedback have you received at work?
New employee
What is your main goal to achieve between now and the next meeting? Your goal should be
SMART—Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, Time-bound.
New employee
When will our next meeting be held? Where will it be held?
Time and date
Section 3 Signatures
Please sign this form at the end of your meeting.
New employee
Department of Business
14 June 2015, version 1
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