TIM team mentorship

TIM Team Mentorship
So in this beautiful year of 2014-15 you all have decided to become TIM team members.
TIM teaming will bring about certain qualities of leadership, faith, and mentorship. Let’s focus
on the last word for a moment. That last word is mentorship.
Mentorship is guiding someone around the facets of life. Kids will have questions about
life. Some of those questions are as follows. What’s high school like? How do you get a
girlfriend/boyfriend? What’s middle school like? Those are some general questions about life. Of
course you may be involved in faith based questions as well. Be willing to answer those as well.
Mentorship doesn’t just involve answering the tough questions of life. It involves being
intentional about the kids you mentor. It involves putting aside your interests for a moment and
putting their interests first. It involves getting to know their story. Find some common ground
with first then work with faith. You have three jobs to do with the kids as mentors and these jobs
aren’t difficult. In fact they are very rewarding.
1. Hang out with them and get to know them. This may seem intimidating at first but it
might involve simple things as asking questions about their life. Take a genuine interest
in the kid who you are mentoring. The more interested you are in their life the better off
you will be. Such questions may be simple. (ex. What’s your favorite sports team?)
2. The more interested you are in their life the better your interactions will become. They
will be more open about their faith. Ask them if there is anything you can pray for. It may
be something good. (ex. Passing a test) It may also be something going on in their lives
(mom and dad is feeling sick).
3. The last thing you’ll be doing is working with the kids in classes. Don’t worry you won’t
be teaching these classes. You’ll be helping with lessons/games. At 11:50 am you will
join the class to meet with your mentee to highs, lows, and prayers.
If you have any questions about mentoring just know that Derek and I will be here to help you