French 1 Final Exam Study Guide

French 1 Final Exam Study Guide
Chapitre 1
Vocab –
 greetings
 introducing someone
 classroom vocab
 commands
 writing logical questions to given responses
Grammar –
 the verb ‘avoir’
 subject pronouns (je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles)
 indefinite articles (un/une/des)
Chapitre 2
Vocab –
 activities
 likes and dislikes
 sports
Grammar –
 definite articles (le/la/l’/les)
 ER verbs
 contractions with à and the def. articles (au, à la, aux, à l’)
Chapitre 3
Vocab –
 describing people with adjectives
 family members
Grammar –
 adjective agreement
 the verb être
 possessive adjectives
 contractions with de and the def. articles (du, de la, des, de l’)
 C’est vs. Il est
Chapitre 4
Vocab –
 school subjects
 telling time
 times of day and days of the week
Grammar –
 RE verbs
 -ger and –cer verbs
Test format
The written portion of the test has several sections.
You will be asked to choose a vocabulary word that does not belong with
the others from a list of 5. Another multiple choice section involves
selecting the best word to complete a sentence.
Respond using complete sentences to questions about a school schedule
Compare and contrast the French and American school systems (in
1. You will see answers, such as “Je m’appelle Luc.” You will write a
logical question.
2. Describe two people (a girl and a boy) in a picture using complete
sentences, adjectives, and connectors (et, mais).
3. Write sentences to tell time.
4. Write sentences about a family tree using using ‘de’ to show possession
(ex. Justin est le mari de Mlle Beattie.).
5. Write a letter (at least 7-10 good sentences) to a pen pal introducing
yourself, and asking a few questions about him/her.
Speaking assessment
With a partner, have a conversation in which you discuss the following:
 greet each other and ask how you are doing
 name
 age
 if you play sports and/or musical instruments
 ask at least two questions about each other’s families
 what classes you have and at what times (choose two or three)
For your speaking assessment, you will be graded as follows:
5-vocabulary - use a variety of vocabulary
5-grammar - subject/verb agreement, word order, word choice
5-pronunciation - use your best French accent!
10-communication - does the listener understand the message of the
Study tips
 Start studying now for the final.
 Practice reading the Exprimons-nous vocabulary out loud – you will
need a lot of this vocabulary on the writing portion of the test
 Make flashcards for words that you have difficulty remembering
 Complete the vocab and grammar activities for each
chapter – you don’t have to do it all in one night. Do half of a
chapter each night from now until the final.
 Complete the quia activities that I will start putting online
 Study with a partner, have someone at home quiz you on vocab
words and the Exprimons-nous vocab
 Make verb charts to practice avoir, être, and ER verbs