IB summer prep work Use conjuguemos.com, click on French verbs

IB summer prep work
Use conjuguemos.com, click on French verbs for conjugation practice. The following verbs should be
natural in conjugating orally and in writing: être, avoir, faire, aller, pouvoir, devoir, vouloir,
regular –er, -ir, & -re verbs.
The following tenses should also be mostly natural and understood: present, passé composé (with avoir,
être, reflexive verbs), l’imparfait, le futur, le conditionnel,
1. You should brush up on the use of the subjonctif (beyond use with il faut que…)
Use conjuguemos.com, click on French vocab (book) find Discovering French Rouge for vocab
practice/repetition. It’s a good idea to jump back a few lessons every once in a while to re-use
vocabulary. For example if you’re working through lesson 10, try the vocab from lesson 6 to see what you
remember or need to work on.
Students already having completed one year of IB, create a quizlet with this year’s vocab on it to maintain
those words going into next year.
If you are looking for extra practice I strongly encourage that you attend “Le Cercle Français.” It is held
twice a month. Go solo or with someone else and try to interact with some French speakers of all levels.
1. The following dates will be held at the Broadway Coffeehouse 1300 Broadway St. NE from
6:30-8:00pm- June 12, July 10, August 14, &September 11- These are all Fridays.
2. The following dates will be held at the Salem Public Library from 6:30-8:00pmJune 23, July 28, & August 25- These are all Tuesdays.
As preparation for IB French, you need to also begin listening to French radio, TV, or podcasts- rfi.fr, 7
jours sur la planète, radiocanada.ca, TV5 monde. Practice writing brief summaries of what you hear. Read
articles from- lemonde.fr, 1jour1actu.com, lefigaro.fr, leparisien.fr, lequipe.fr, lapresse.ca, lavenir.net,
gfm.sn etc.
1. You need to send to me 3 summaries at some point during the summer- The first by July 26th,
the second by August 9th, & the third by August 30th.
 The summaries must contain 2 parts:
 1st- A healthy paragraph summarizing the information read; placed into your own
words without inserting personal reaction/opinion.
 2nd- A healthier paragraph interacting with, analyzing, comparing, connecting, and
evaluating the article, the information, the tone, the impact, outcomes, etc.
2. Use the following quizlet to learn & study IB-level connector words:
You should use these in your writing of your summaries as well as in other uses of
French. I GUARANTEE that these words WILL appear on the IB Test!!!
 We will have a quiz at the end of the 1st week back where some of these words will be
Please email me at any time for help/explanation. Although I cannot be available 24/7, I will do my best
to respond as quickly as possible. Send me any writing activities that you have done for me to look over
and send corrections/feedback to you. You are more than welcome to send other French work that you
have done as well.