February 19 - Wright State University

Student Government
Wright State University
February 19, 2013
Week 7
Call to Order: 7:00 p.m.
Attendance: Joseph Gibbons, Spencer Brannon, Tiffany Fridley, Jennifer Barbadora, Abigail Galligan, Lauren Ouwerkerk,
JB Saul, Isaiah Hill, Elizabeth Adebayo, Kenny Burr, Aashwin Sachdev, Isaiah Morales, Lexis Gillette-Corsi, Jeremy Keller,
Sukhmanjit Singh, Samantha Young, Kyle Powell, Josh Hilgefort, Rachel Fagan, Jackie Kucirka, Andrea Sackett, and
Ryan Rushing.
Absent: Elizabeth Adebayo, Matthew Harmon, Lindsey Hofmeyer, Brent Aebi, and Michael Nickels
Approval of Minutes: Approved from February 12, 2013
Executive Reports
o President- Joseph Gibbons: My life has been completely surrounded by the Provost Search Committee and
assisting some senators on their projects. I have also been available in the office for our students.
o Vice-President- Matthew Harmon: The past couple of weeks have been extremely busy. President Gibbons
and I went to Lake Campus to discuss the possibility of adding a senate position. I met with athletics to discuss
the possibility of promoting student government at the basketball game. They let us throw out t-shirts for the
raider shuffle. Step Afrika was awesome! I am planning on creating a Dance Marathon committee. I have
attended the provost public forums. Student Activities let me be a evaluate proposals for the collaboration
award. I met with Gary Meeting to discuss SOBC. Lastly, we held our senate meeting.
o Chief of Staff- Spencer Brannon: These past weeks have been wonderful. At last, the recommendation to
rename the buildings has passed in Building and Grounds and will be before the Faculty Senate meeting and
before the April 4th Trustees meeting. I have been working on a graduation guarantee proposal for colleges
here and the university system of Ohio. IT would be a four year contract that students could sign with the
university that says that “I will graduate in four years” so that every student has an equal opportunity to
graduate in 4 years if they are doing what they are supposed to. I am meeting with the provost next week as
well. I met with Dr. Barrett last week about the multicultural millennium conference. This will be in the first
week in October. I am going to be finding a diversity figure for this. We are talking about multiculturalism and
affirmative action this year and next year we are discussing about multicultural affairs and immigration.
o Chief Justice- Tiffany Fridley: For the last couple of weeks, we have opened up the positions for the senate
positions and Vice President/President for next week. Please pass on your senator application to 2 candidates.
The first election candidates meeting was tonight and several more will take place. The election time schedule
will be pushed back by one week. I have concluded my search for my new associate as well.
o Director of Internal Affairs- Jennifer Barbadora: These past weeks, I have worked on updating the various
templates for the transition packet with our new members’ names and information, as well as updating the
new members on the internal information. I have worked on the budget and will be attending the SOBC
meeting this week to find out more information about this. E-Board will be discussing the budget soon as well.
I will be also working with Matt on Relay for Life and for the Dance Marathon. Thanks!
o Speaker of the House- Abigail Galligan: We opened up House Applications last week and we pushed the
timeline back a little so that most of it falls after Spring break. The applications are not due until March 6 th. We
have worked on getting things together for SOBC and Dining services came to our last meeting to discuss the
current process underway.
Cabinet Reports
o Assistant Speaker of the House- Lauren Ouwerkerk: I have been working with printing requests for
organizations; we still have $18000 for organizations! Please look at the open dates. Tunnel painting is March
16th at 9:00 am, applications due at March 6th.
o Secretary of the House- JB Saul: The House passed 13-05 to renovate the amphitheater. I attended a CIO
advisory panel as well.
o Director of Academic Affairs- Isaiah Hill: I have begun the transition period with Matt Harmon, the past
Director of Academic Affairs.
o Director of Disability Affairs- Kenny Burr: We had our first disability advisory meeting. We discussed the
various projects as well as new initiatives, like problems with the test proctoring center as well as the general
education proposal.
o Director of Campus Culture- Elizabeth Adebayo: RCA will be having a diversity week in the Woods before the
end of the school year. I have spoken with one of the RA’s and they would like to collaborate with Jackie and I
to come up with projects that could be culturally inclusive and educational. I will be attending their SWAT
meeting tomorrow at 4PM. I have been given the opportunity to collaborate with the big six to have a
philanthropy event within March. I have been working to get all of them together and I plan on meeting with
them before the end of this week.
o Associate of International Affairs- Aashwin Sachdev: It is nice to be back after a week of missing meeting with
our wonderful members. I went to the Valentine’s dance, an event well-attended by our international students.
It is great to see the high attendance and to know our efforts are becoming very successful! I will be taking
over Ally’s hours. I have been working with the language initiative as well.
o Director of Public Relations- Isaiah Morales: I attended the REACH open forum and I have also been helping
Jackie with Recycle Mania as far as the flyers. I designed the flyer for Brent’s last event! The brochure is printed
as well.
o Director of Student Affairs- Lindsey Hofmeyer: Although it is late in the year, I do have two potential
candidates for associate positions; one for veteran's affairs and one for athletics. I am merely waiting on them
to finish the paperwork, but in the meantime I am trying to get together who they would contact if/when they
get the position. Also, for the 2nd Mile Committee, within a matter of 2 weeks, we conjured up the idea of
starting a 2nd Mile Scholarship fund for a student who is not eligible for need or merit based aid and we now
already have the scholarship endowed (over $10,000)!!!!! Also, Kathy and Barb will be stepping down as the
heads of the committee. They feel it is time to let others who have been involved for years to step up and get
a chance to lead this group to great things.
o Associate of Residential Life- Lexis Gillette-Corsi: RCA completed the election process for next year’s E-Board
and we are working on some traditional events as well.
Senate Reports
o Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator- Brent Aebi: I have been very busy the past two weeks editing course
reports and making preparations for our OSMA Speaker this Wednesday. I also attended an MSSC meeting and
a Biennium I Curriculum Committee meeting. This Wednesday the OSMA will be hosting Jeff Kasler, OSMA
Director of Government Relations, and possibly the head of the OSMA PAC for an update on Legislative
Updates that affect our medical students. Special thanks to Isaiah for preparing a poster for the event. The
Opthalmology Interest Group is also planning an event next week to talk about applying to residency. I
encourage all medical students to come out for these great events!
o College of Education and Human Services Senator- Jeremy Keller: Printing station proposal is being sent to
Dean’s Cabinet meeting and I will wait to hear back about this. I am working on my transition packet for the
next senator. We are waiting on several faculty members to fill in.
o College of Engineering and Computer Science Senator- Michael Nickels: I hope everyone is enjoying their
week. I have reached out to Wayne High School’s principal and hope to present the internship program
ASAP. Working with CECS DSAB to iron out a few meeting issues. Two CECS clubs, IEE and IEEE participated
in Techfest, an annual technology event at Sinclair. I am still looking for a way to modernize a bulletin board
area and showcase laboratory research, if anyone has ideas, send me an email! I am still working on the ADA
issue and collaborating with NSBE to host a panel of professional engineers to give underclassmen a chance to
inquire about different majors. I am also looking into adding WSU building layouts to Google maps to help aid
tours and freshman trying to find classrooms, please email me comments.
o College of Liberal Arts Senator- Sukhmanjit Singh: I went to the CIO meeting and offered the CoLA
perspective. I had a meeting with the dean of CoLA with Joey regarding advising. I will be helping to host a
DSAB promoted Human Trafficking event on April 1st from 6-9 pm.
o College of Science and Mathematics Senator- Samantha Young: I have been busy the past few weeks. We had
the Trivia challenge in COSM with 3-4 student organizations. Smoking Task Force met and the survey will be
sent after technical issues are fixed. The REACH speak out session went well but we hope to see more
members out for this. Yesterday, we had Path to Health professions for high school and college students.
Direct Connect was an event for high school students already accepted to the college. Dean’s circle will be
sending out applications very soon as well. The Dean’s Circle high school trip has been postponed due to the
recent number of events. Tech Fast was last Saturday and 4 different organizations were represented. We have
a blood drive on April 5th.
o Commuter Senator- Kyle Powell: CSA held an off-campus housing fair and held a scholarship award. I also
attended a Parking Appeals meeting with Jackie, where we went through 250 appeals. I tested out the new
Business school website; with some additional work, it will be awesome. I will be meeting with Rob Kreutzer
regarding zip car.
o Graduate School Senator- Josh Hilgefort: Thanks for the Senate on the support for the Resolution for Tunnel
painting. Ryan and I will be furthering efforts with this. I have been working with the Graduate Student
Assembly and I have recently sat with the president regarding UC/Ohio State graduate school health care
programs. I am meeting with Graduate School Council on Thursday.
Raj Soin College of Business Senator- Rachel Fagan: I recently met with the dean of Raj Soin College of
Business. I also attended a meeting with regard to furthering alumni associations and have met with someone
to find out some more information on this. The final point I’d like to make is that the College of Business is
holding a fashion show in early April. The casting call is this Thursday at 7:00 pm in the gym! Try out!
o Residential Senator- Jackie Kucirka: I have been able to attend several committee meetings as well as Parking
appeals and parking appeals. On a side note, please recycle!! I am still working on finding a future residential
senator. If you know someone who meets the qualities for a great representative, please send them my way!
o School of Professional Psychology- Andrea Sackett: The past couple weeks we have had student interviews
for the next class, and we also hired a new faculty member. I went to our SOPP student government meeting
last week. Each class has different issues going on. We are trying to plan our formal in the spring. I have been
volunteering with Active Minds that was started for information on mental health. There is an awesome event
happening in the atrium on Thursday from 9-12:30 pm with information on Eating Disorders; please support
this! There will be a discussion in Atlantis A following the event from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm.
o University College Senator- Ryan Rushing: Since last week, I have been working on Decorating Tunnels
resolution. We have gotten support from most of key administrators. We will form a committee with regard to
the future plans. The Sg men’s basketball game went well, as did one of the Provost Public Forums. We had 2
vacancies on our Council; these have since been filled. I am currently working on a constitution for the council.
The campus safety seminar designed as collaboration between several departments is being planned out.
There will be many different sessions: Campus police will offer a defense course; Student Legal Services, a
session on legal matters; a session on signs and prevention of suicide by the Health Clinic; as well as a session
from AAA with regard to vehicle safety. This will be either first weekend oriented or occur in the fall semester
in the Apollo room. I met with the Tobacco Task Force and survey should be live tomorrow assuming edits are
made. Please login with your email to take the survey. This will be a great data source for the policy at hand.
Committee Reports:
o R.E.A.C.H. - R.E.A.C.H. had their first public listening session last week on February 14 at 6:30PM. While the
meeting was progressive, I would have loved to see a more culturally diverse group in the meeting. A special
thanks to Sukhman, Jackie, JB, and Lauren for showing up to the meeting. I believe that with more support
from SG, we can get the word out better. A result from the committee listening session is an individual swap
day video. I am currently working with some of the committee members to have a day of recording around
campus to experience some of the different cultures on campus.
o Honors Committee: Currently discussion on the freshmen scholarships for honors students.
o Building and grounds: We have 4 or 5 new buildings going up in the next few years. The parking committee will
meet to sort these out. In March, there will be a ground breaking for new Neuroscience Building and the
parking lot 17 will be closed down and the spots will be moved to different parking lots. The construction will
continue for the Commons building, and new classroom building. Such construction will shut down part of
University Boulevard and Lot 4. Brainstorm ways that these upcoming parking issues can be approached and
warn your constituencies of future parking difficulties! CAC is finally finished with program of requirements.
One of the greatest additions is restrooms on the first floor.
o Student Legal Services: We did discern that they have a lot of money they are willing to put towards
advertising as well as benefitting students. Last time, they gave money for an E-Sign. We are looking at their
funding of additional E-Signs in the future.
o Commencement Committee: 3 nominations for the Honorary Degree- we are hoping to hear who the
presidents decided for the Spring/fall commencement.
Report Discussion:
o On behalf of WSU Communications and Marketing, thank you to everyone that took the usability survey for the
Business website. They determined that students would like to have Google searches incorporated more.
o It has been observed that many committees are not having student representation; Student government
members, please attend and represent our students!
o The Board of Trustees approved the Commencement Speaker for the honorary degree.
o Should be a flyer for Student Government Elections soon.
o Student Legal services scholarship—please apply!
Public Forum:
o Prentice: As I was performing research for my job, I went to the US Consensus page. I am going to propose
that we should have a data center at our university as a great source of research.
Rowdy Bobblehead Award: Isaiah Morales to Lola Adebayo (Congratulations Lola!)
o Old Business: Resolution 13-03 (A Resolution to Amend the Bylaws and Update the Committees of Student
Government, Spencer Brannon): Resolution was approved at the Senate meeting.
New Business:
Intern Confirmations (Ryan Rushing): I have been working on the internship program. We have 3 candidates
are impressive and involved in many extracurricular activities. I hope that in this program, they will learn about
our Student government and gain some great skills!
 Interns: Anmol Nigam, Michael Scott, and Rob Yada
 Rachel Fagan moves the previous question. Jackie Kucirka seconds.
 In favor- 8 senators: Jeremy Keller, Sukhmanjit Singh, Kyle Powell, Josh Hilgefort, Rachel
Fagan, Jackie Kucirka, Andrea Sackett, and Ryan Rushing.
 In opposition- 0 senators
 Our three new interns are approved! Congratulations, gentlemen!
o Resolution 13-06 (A Resolution to Establish Lunch and Dinner Breaks in the Class Schedule, Spencer Brannon)
 20 minute break in the middle of the day for lunch/20 minute break at beginning of evening for dinner
time- students are interested in having this additional time.
 Ryan Rushing moves to discuss. Rachel Fagan seconds.
 Ryan: Talking with constituents—at first very excited. Do not like the idea of classes ending
later. With having this, they believe that it would be more confusing with the semester
 Sam: Only concern from CoSM is the lab sessions. Otherwise, students are very supportive.
 Student workers on campus have mixed reactions due to work schedules.
 Schedule is currently designed to take all 3 morning classes; 3 afternoon classes; will be able
to eat/park.
 Sukhmanjit Singh moves to table. Samantha Young seconds.
o All in favor- 21 Student Government Members: Spencer Brannon, Tiffany Fridley,
Jennifer Barbadora, Abigail Galligan, Lauren Ouwerkerk, JB Saul, Isaiah Hill, Elizabeth
Adebayo, Kenny Burr, Aashwin Sachdev, Isaiah Morales, Lexis Gillette-Corsi, Jeremy
Keller, Sukhmanjit Singh, Samantha Young, Kyle Powell, Josh Hilgefort, Rachel Fagan,
Jackie Kucirka, Andrea Sackett, and Ryan Rushing.
o All in opposition- 0
 Resolution 13-06 is tabled until our next meeting.
o Mr. WSU (Joseph Gibbons): Delta Zeta holds a male pageant. I would like to nominate Isaiah Morales to be the
Sg representative.
 Rachel Fagan moves into voting. Samantha Young seconds
o All in favor- 21 Student Government Members: Spencer Brannon, Tiffany Fridley,
Jennifer Barbadora, Abigail Galligan, Lauren Ouwerkerk, JB Saul, Isaiah Hill, Elizabeth
Adebayo, Kenny Burr, Aashwin Sachdev, Isaiah Morales, Lexis Gillette-Corsi, Jeremy
Keller, Sukhmanjit Singh, Samantha Young, Kyle Powell, Josh Hilgefort, Rachel Fagan,
Jackie Kucirka, Andrea Sackett, and Ryan Rushing.
o All in opposition- 0
 Congratulations Isaiah! You are our representative!
Advisor Reports: none
o NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet (Joseph Gibbons): This Saturday—it will cost 10 dollars and will be in the Apollo
room at 6:30 pm. I would like to have 8 Sg members. Sg would fund the event.
o Aashwin: Tomorrow night, some of the international students are going bowling. Please email me or text me if
you are interested!
o Aashwin: I was at the Women’s basketball game and there were no students. We need to support the
Women’s team as well.
o Tiffany: I would like to introduce our associate justice, Laura Pottner. She is an incredibly outgoing individual
that would help promote elections!
o Spencer: Our baseball team beat Dayton and we are undefeated! Congratulations!
o Spencer: Please send any information/comments for the E-sign protocol to E-Board.
o Will be an official meeting of the Senate on Thursday/Friday for the approval of our associate. We will send out
an email.
o If any of our public members are interested in Sg positions for the 2013-2014 school year, please contact our
Chief Justice, Tiffany Fridley!
Jeremy Keller moves to adjourn meeting. Samantha Young seconds
o All in favor- 21 Student Government Members: Spencer Brannon, Tiffany Fridley, Jennifer Barbadora, Abigail
Galligan, Lauren Ouwerkerk, JB Saul, Isaiah Hill, Elizabeth Adebayo, Kenny Burr, Aashwin Sachdev, Isaiah Morales,
Lexis Gillette-Corsi, Jeremy Keller, Sukhmanjit Singh, Samantha Young, Kyle Powell, Josh Hilgefort, Rachel Fagan,
Jackie Kucirka, Andrea Sackett, and Ryan Rushing.
o All in opposition- 0
o Meeting adjourned.
Adjournment: 8:02 pm
Student Government 2012- 2013 Members:
Executive Board
o President- Joseph Gibbons
o Vice-President- Matthew Harmon
o Chief of Staff- Spencer Brannon
o Chief Justice- Tiffany Fridley
o Director of Internal Affairs- Jennifer Barbadora
o Speaker of the House- Abigail Galligan
o Assistant Speaker of the House- Lauren Ouwerkerk
o Secretary of the House- JB Saul
o Director of Academic Affairs- Isaiah Hill
o Director of Campus Culture- Elizabeth Adebayo
o Director of Disability Affairs- Kenny Burr
o Director of Public Relations- Isaiah Morales
o Director of Student Affairs- Lindsey Hofmeyer
o Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator- Brent Aebi
o College of Education and Human Services Senator- Jeremy Keller
o College of Engineering and Computer Science Senator- Michael Nickels
o College of Liberal Arts Senator- Sukhmanjit Singh
o College of Science and Mathematics Senator- Samantha Young
o Commuter Senator- Kyle Powell
o Graduate School Senator- Josh Hilgefort
o Raj Soin College of Business Senator- Rachel Fagan
o Residential Senator- Jackie Kucirka
o School of Professional Psychology- Andrea Sackett
o University College Senator- Ryan Rushing
o Associate of Residential Life- Lexis Gillette-Corsi
o Associate of International Affairs- Aashwin Sachdev
o Associate Chief Justice- Lisa Dawn
o Anmol Nigam
o Michael Scott
o Rob Yada