Do you know the Law Quiz - Understanding Canadian Law

order for a lawyer to get
“called to the bar” and begin
practicing law, he or she must
pass a gruelling set of exams.
1. If arrested in Canada, you are entitled to
only one phone call.
 FALSE- TV: Old American myth
2. A police officer can enter your house if
suspicion of a crime is taking place.
3. Young Offenders are between the ages
of 12-18 years old.
 FALSE- 12-17 up to 18th Birthday
4. Assisted suicide or euthanasia is legal in
 FALSE- There is pressure to legalize it.
5. The term Freedom means there are no
boundaries governing your actions.
 FALSE- There are limits to freedoms
6. The possession of marijuana is now not a
criminal offence in Canada.
 FALSE- Laws have changed by still illegal
7. Parents are legally responsible for the
actions of their children.
 FALSE- was talk of parents being
financially responsible for actions
8. You have the right to protect your property against
trespassers by setting traps.
 FALSE- reasonable force only
9. It is possible to be convicted of possession of a
narcotic even though a person does not have the
narcotic on his or her person
 TRUE- Could be in the car, house, etc.
10. Once you are found guilty by a jury for murder, you
have no choice but to accept the ruling of that jury and
serve the sentence.
 TRUE- Can appeal- must be based on technical
errors in trial
11. A principal or person of authority can search your
locker without your permission.
12. Canada has the death penalty.
1. Charles Manson
a) Spent 22 years in prison for a murder he did not
2. Ted Bundy
b) Murdered and raped several women with the
help of his wife
3. Gwen Jacob
c) killed and dismembered a body, sending limbs
to elementary schools & federal political offices
4. Luka Magnotta
d) Illegal steroid use in the Olympics
5. David Milgaard
e) broke into 80+ homes stealing women’s
6. Guy Paul Morin
f) Convicted murdered who was killed in prison
7. Dr. Kevorkian
g) Leader of the Helter Skelter murders
8. Jeffrey Dahmer
h) DNA proved innocence in murder of Jessop girl
9. Ben Johnson
i) Sent to prison on tax evasion
10. Marc Lepine
j) Electrocuted after murdering 50+ women
11. Al Capone
k) Challenged the constitutionality of women’s
ability to go topless
12. Paul Bernardo
l) Murdered 13 women in Montreal
13. Russell Williams
m) Assisted suicide
 Charles
Manson is an American cult
leader whose followers carried out
several notorious murders in the late
 Cult: Helter Skelter, got the name from a
Beatles song. – Video
 Theodore
Robert "Ted" Bundy was an
American serial killer, rapist, kidnapper,
and necrophile who assaulted and
murdered numerous young women and
girls during the 1970s and possibly
 Killed
and dismembered Lin Jun, a Chinese
International Student studying at Concordia
University. He then mailed his limbs to
elementary schools and federal political
party offices. He taped the killing and
posted in online, titled 1 lunatic, 1 ice pick
 When
university student Gwen Jacob removed
her top to cool off on a sweltering summer day
in July 1991, she unwittingly spearheaded a
movement to give all women in Ontario the
legal right to expose their breasts — though
most still choose not to.
 David
Milgaard is a Canadian who at the age of
16 was wrongfully convicted for the murder
and rape of nursing assistant Gail Miller. He
was released and compensated $10 million
after spending 22 years in prison
 Guy
Paul Morin is a Canadian who was wrongly
convicted of the October 1984 rape and
murder of his nine-year-old next-door
neighbour, Christine Jessop of Queensville,
Ontario. DNA testing led to a subsequent
overturning of this verdict.
 Jacob
"Jack" Kevorkian, commonly known
as "Dr. Death", was an American
pathologist and euthanasia activist. He
assisted dozens of terminally ill people
end their lives.
 Jeffrey
Lionel Dahmer, also known as the
Milwaukee Cannibal, was an American serial
killer and sex offender, who committed the
rape, murder and dismemberment of 17 men
and boys between 1978 and 1991. In 1994 he
was beaten to death by a fellow inmate
 Benjamin
Sinclair "Ben" Johnson, is a
Canadian former sprinter, who won two
Olympic bronze medals and an Olympic
gold, which were later rescinded
For 45 minutes on Dec. 6, 1989 an enraged gunman roamed the
corridors of Montreal's École Polytechnique and killed 14 women.
Marc Lepine, 25, separated the men from the women and before
opening fire on the classroom of female engineering students he
screamed, "I hate feminists." Almost immediately, the Montreal
Massacre became a galvanizing moment in which mourning
turned into outrage about all violence against women.
Al Capone is America's best known gangster and the
single greatest symbol of the collapse of law and order
in the United States during the 1920s Prohibition era.
Capone had a leading role in the illegal activities that
lent Chicago its reputation as a lawless city. He spent 11
years in Alcatraz for tax evasion.
 With
the help of his wife Karlo Homoka,
Bernardo rapped and murdered 3
women, including Homoka’s sister and
her friend Kristin French
 Full Bio
 Coronal
Russell Williams broke into over
80 homes stealing women’s under
garments and photos. He then began to
rape women and ultimately murdering 2
of his victims.
 More info
Match the actor/ actress to the film in which they appeared. What role did they portray?
Joe Pesci
The Informant
Robert Downy Jr.
A Few Good Men
Kate Winslet
The Lincoln Lawyer
Tom Cruise
The Life of David Gale
Jack Nicholson
The Judge
Matthew McConaughey
Erin Brockovich
Matt Damon
The Firm
George Clooney
My Cousin Vinny
Julia Roberts
Michael Clayton
1. Name the Beatles’ song in which a teacher is assaulted with a
Maxwell Silver hammer
2. Name the Bob Dylan song about a man who was wrongfully
convicted (it is also a movie by the same name).
3. This famous Canadian singer was sued by a person who claims to
have helped her write many of her songs.
 Avril Lavigne
4. This shock rocker was been banned by large parts of the southern
states and was forbidden from playing in Calgary.
 Marilyn Manson
5. When he appeared on national television for the first time in
the early 60’s, the television would only show him from the
waist up.
6. Which heavy metal singer was sued by the parents of a
teenager who committed suicide after repeatedly listening to
one of his songs?
 Ozzy Osbourne – Suicide Solution
7. In the song Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, what crime has
been committed?
 Murder
8. Name the Tragically Hip song about David Milgaard
(wrongfully convicted Canadian)?
 Wheat Kings – start at 1:10.
9. Name a group or an artist that ‘pushes’ Freedom of
Expression to the limits.
 Eminem threatens to kill his ex-wife in several songs
 Here
are a few cases of musicians that
have gotten in trouble with their songs