CAA Meeting about Transfer Credit Guide

CAA – 10/9/13
TCG “How To”
1. Screens
a. Look-up screen (main screen)
i. Course search
ii. Exam search
iii. Reverse look-up (for advisors only; not visible on student side)
b. Submission screen/student’s MySubmissions
i. Advisors can also do “View As” on Student side (same as when you View
As on a student’s MyASU)
1. Error WILL happen if you don’t “Stop Viewing As”
2. If you don’t stop Viewing As and accidentally go to Advisor View,
you will have to log out of both the TCG and MyASU and log
back in to both
c. Advisor view
2. Submission procedure
a. Students submit themselves
i. They get notified via email when submission is complete
b. Advisors submit on behalf of students
i. Advisors uses “Submit on Behalf Of” feature
ii. Advisor gets notified via email, course is on the Excel file, no email goes
to student
c. ASU OL students have courses submitted for them
i. Using “Submit on Behalf Of” feature
ii. DARS is screened by ASU OL for appropriate courses; TSD team enters
iii. Course is on the Excel file, no email goes to student
3. Advisor view (
a. Can see where a student’s courses are in the process
i. Make sure you do “All (Archives)” and not just “All”
ii. Ignore “Ready to Email;” is for TSD staff only; ignore all Notes on the far
right, that is internal to TSD only
iii. Cannot query by academic plan yet
b. Any questions, email
4. TSD evaluation process
a. Receive course
b. FYC and Math courses get priority
c. We try to prioritize submissions based on submission date
d. After evaluation is done, person who submitted gets notified
i. If course is FYC or Math, we update the DARS prior to notification
e. If not FYC or Math, up to school/college or academic unit to update DARS
5. Recent TCG Updates
a. Student side
i. Updates to transfer pathway checkbox
ii. US territories have been added to search and submit options
iii. Submit page has been reorganized (specifically the checkboxes)
b. Advisor view
i. Emails to students and evaluation file sent out to advisors daily (2:00 AM)
ii. Evaluation is shown (no longer need to click on “View” button)
iii. Print button renamed “Export”
6. Miscellaneous
a. We process all in-state transfer courses
i. No International non-Math/non-FYC courses
ii. No courses prior to 1998 except Math and FYC
iii. No UD without a syllabus (unless it’s already in the database)
1. All un-evaluated UD go to faculty
b. Database is updated multiple times per day
c. If a course is International or over 15 years old (and not FYC or Math), we direct
students back to school/college or academic unit; up to the school/college’s or
academic unit’s policies on how they handle that transfer credit
d. When evaluation doesn’t show on the student’s MySubmissions, it is because the
course was evaluated prior to the “Visible Evaluation” feature being turned on
i. Look in database to find equivalency; if not found, email
e. If students have an equivalency to an FYC or Math course or an AA degree that
needs posting, email