
Ashlee Auchter 2- 3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Opposites (Hot VS Cold, Sink VS Float, Heavy VS Light)
Spring Week 21: May 26th, 2014- May 30th, 2014
Education Standards are outlined using the Florida Early Learning and
Developmental Standards (FLDOE 2011) & High Scope COR
Monday: May 26, 2014
Ashlee Auchter 2- 3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Opposites (Hot VS Cold, Sink VS Float, Heavy VS Light)
Spring Week 21: May 26th, 2014- May 30th, 2014
Tuesday: May 27, 2014
Hot VS Cold
Morning Circle: We will be singing our good morning greeting song, adding
the day to our calendar, talk about our daily weather and complete
attendance check-in, then we will complete group by singing “Crazy
Colored Creatures” This is one of our favorite songs about colors! We will
see mellow yellow, Owen orange, Ned Red, Sue Blue, Jack Black, Dwight
White, murple purple and binky pink. Each child will be given the
opportunity to be a helper in the classroom by choosing a peer to go next
for check-in after themselves.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, IV. Music and Movement; L:
Moving in Various Ways, N: Feeling and Expressing a Steady Beat, P:
Singing, V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding
Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, S: Using Complex Patterns of Speech, U:
Demonstrating Knowledge About Books, W: Reading VI. Mathematics and
Science; BB: Counting, CC: Identifying Position and Direction, FF: Identifying
Natural and Living Things
Book: “Make Mine Ice Cream” By: Melvin Berger
Extension Activity: Art: Painting with Ice Cubes and Powder Paint
Today our extension activity will include painting with something very cold;
ICE!! We will be painting on construction paper using assorted colors of
powder paint, we will give each student a piece of paper, 3 or 4 ice cubes,
and paintbrushes to create a chilly masterpiece. As the ice melts it will
become water that activates the powder paint to transform into a paste,
we will use spray bottles for additional moisture as needed.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, B: Solving Problems with
Materials, II. Social Relations; F: Relating to Other Children, III. Creative
Representation; I: Making and Building Models, K: Pretending, V. Language
and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, R: Using
Vocabulary, S; Using Complex Patterns of Speech; VI. Mathematics and
Science; CC: Identifying Position and Direction
Ashlee Auchter 2- 3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Opposites (Hot VS Cold, Sink VS Float, Heavy VS Light)
Spring Week 21: May 26th, 2014- May 30th, 2014
Tuesday: May 27, 2014 Continued….
Small Group Circle Time: Today we are reading “Make Mine Ice Cream” This
story is about how ice cream is made and the ingredients that are used to
create ice cream. We will talk about the steps it takes to create ice cream
and we will talk about where the ingredients for ice cream comes from. We
will also discuss which flavor of ice cream is our favorite and see if we have
the same favorite flavor as another friend!
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to adults. III. Creative Representation; K: Pretending, V. Language
and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, R: Using
Vocabulary, U: Demonstrating Knowledge About Books, W: Reading, VI.
Mathematics and Science; AA: Comparing Properties, FF: Identifying
Natural and Living Things
Music and Movement: “If You’re Wearing Colors” Interactive Listening Song
COR: IV. Music and Movement; L: Moving in Various Ways, N: Feeling and
Expressing Steady Beat, O: Moving to music, P: Singing
Recall: This is a large group setting where we will be answering a question
or commenting on something related to the day’s activities. Today’s
question/comment will be “Today we painted with ice cubes. How did it
feel? What colors did you choose to paint with?”
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans V. Language and Literacy; S:
Using Complex Patterns of Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, Q: Listening to and
Understanding Speech, VI. Mathematics and Science; DD: Identifying
Sequence, Change and Causality, FF: Identifying Natural and Living Things.
Ashlee Auchter 2- 3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Opposites (Hot VS Cold, Sink VS Float, Heavy VS Light)
Spring Week 21: May 26th, 2014- May 30th, 2014
Wednesday: May 28, 2014
Sink VS Float
Morning Circle: We will be singing our good morning greeting song, adding
the day to our calendar, talk about our daily weather and complete
attendance check-in, then we will sing and move to our book “We Love Ice
Cream”. This story is a rhyming story that talks about the different colors
and flavors you can have on ice cream. We will remove the ice cream
scoops that are attached by Velcro on the pages and match them at the
end. Each child will be given the opportunity to be a helper in the classroom
by choosing a peer to go next for check-in after themselves.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to Adults, F: Relating to Other Children, III. Creative
Representation; K: Pretending, IV. Music and Movement; L: Moving in
Various Ways, N: Feeling and Expressing a Steady Beat, P: Singing, V.
Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, R: Using
Vocabulary, VI. Mathematics and Science; CC: Identifying Position and
Direction, DD: Identifying Sequence, Change and Causality.
Book: “Sink Or Float” By: Melvin Berger
Extension Activity: Water Table and Science Inquiry
Our extension activity will be placing assorted items into a tub of water and
guess whether the item will sink or float based on the properties of each
item. We will discuss that certain items float because they are lighter than
water but others sink because they are heavier than water. We will create a
chart showing our results VS predictions and post it in the classroom.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, B: Solving Problems with
Materials, V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding
Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, S; Using Complex Patterns of Speech; VI.
Mathematics and Science; AA: Comparing Properties, CC: Identifying
Position and Direction, EE: Identifying Materials and Properties, FF:
Identifying Natural and Living Things.
Ashlee Auchter 2- 3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Opposites (Hot VS Cold, Sink VS Float, Heavy VS Light)
Spring Week 21: May 26th, 2014- May 30th, 2014
Wednesday: May 28, 2014 Continued…..
Small Group Circle Time: Today we are reading “Sink or Float” This is a big
book story about items that can float or sink in water depending on the
properties of the item such as weight and size. The book tells us how things
are able to float and how they are able to sink. We will further identify
items within our classroom that we think may float or sink.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to adults. III. Creative Representation; K: Pretending, V. Language
and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, R: Using
Vocabulary, U: Demonstrating Knowledge About Books, W: Reading, VI.
Mathematics and Science; AA: Comparing Properties, FF: Identifying
Natural and Living Things
Music and Movement: “Let’s Go Swimming” Interactive song with
COR: IV. Music and Movement; L: Moving in Various Ways, N: Feeling and
Expressing Steady Beat, O: Moving to music, P: Singing
Recall: This is a large group setting where we will be answering a question
or commenting on something related to the day’s activities. Today’s
question or comment will be “Today we tried to see which items can float
or sink in water. What item did you choose to put in the water bin? Did it
sink or did it float?”
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations: E:
Relating to Adults, V. Language and Literacy; R: Using Vocabulary, Q:
Listening to and Understanding Speech, S: Using Complex Patterns of
Speech, VI. Mathematics and Science; AA: Comparing Properties
Ashlee Auchter 2- 3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Opposites (Hot VS Cold, Sink VS Float, Heavy VS Light)
Spring Week 21: May 26th, 2014- May 30th, 2014
Thursday: May 29, 2014
Heavy VS Light
Morning Circle: We will be singing our good morning greeting song, adding
the day to our calendar, talk about our daily weather and complete
attendance check-in, then we will complete group by singing “Crazy
Colored Creatures” This is one of our favorite songs about colors! We will
see mellow yellow, Owen orange, Ned Red, Sue Blue, Jack Black, Dwight
White, murple purple and binky pink. Each child will be given the
opportunity to be a helper in the classroom by choosing a peer to go next
for check-in after themselves.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, IV. Music and Movement; L:
Moving in Various Ways, N: Feeling and Expressing a Steady Beat, P:
Singing, V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding
Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, S: Using Complex Patterns of Speech, U:
Demonstrating Knowledge About Books, W: Reading VI. Mathematics and
Science; BB: Counting, CC: Identifying Position and Direction, FF: Identifying
Natural and Living Things
Book: “On a Hot, Hot Day” By: Nicki Weiss
Extension Activity: Science and Exploration
Our extension activity will be completing an experiment that will test how
strong we are. We will have assorted items; some light and some heavy
(not extreme). We will look at the items and talk about what the children
think the item will wind up being. Then we will pick each item up and count
how many things we were able to lift.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, B: Solving Problems with
Materials, III. Creative Representation; I: Making and Building Models, K:
Pretending, IV. Music and Movement; P: Singing, V. Language and Literacy;
Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, S; Using
Complex Patterns of Speech; VI. Mathematics and Science; AA: Comparing
Properties, BB: Counting, DD: Identifying Sequence, Change and Causality,
EE: Identifying Materials and Properties
Ashlee Auchter 2- 3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Opposites (Hot VS Cold, Sink VS Float, Heavy VS Light)
Spring Week 21: May 26th, 2014- May 30th, 2014
Thursday: May 29, 2014 Continued….
Small Group Circle Time: Today we are reading “On a Hot, Hot Day”. This
story follows a little boy and his mother throughout the seasons during a
year and the different types of weather we can experience. Mama tells the
little boy different things to do to keep himself comfortable in any kind of
weather. We will discuss the hot summer and think about things we can do
in the summer to keep cool.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to adults. III. Creative Representation; K: Pretending, V. Language
and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, R: Using
Vocabulary, U: Demonstrating Knowledge About Books, W: Reading, VI.
Mathematics and Science; AA: Comparing Properties, FF: Identifying
Natural and Living Things
Music and Movement: “Up, Down and All Around” Interactive listening
song with movements
COR: IV. Music and Movement; L: Moving in Various Ways, N: Feeling and
Expressing Steady Beat, O: Moving to music, P: Singing
Recall: This is a large group setting where we will be answering a question
or commenting on something related to the day’s activities. Today’s
question/comment will be “Today we compared the weight or how heavy
things are. Did you feel strong when you picked up the different things?
What if the item was light or not so heavy was it hard or easy to pick up?”
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans V. Language and Literacy; S:
Using Complex Patterns of Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, Q: Listening to and
Understanding Speech, VI. Mathematics and Science; BB: Counting, FF:
Identifying Natural and Living Things.
Ashlee Auchter 2- 3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Opposites (Hot VS Cold, Sink VS Float, Heavy VS Light)
Spring Week 21: May 26th, 2014- May 30th, 2014
Friday: May 30, 2014
Morning Circle: We will be singing our good morning greeting song, adding
the day to our calendar, talk about our daily weather and complete
attendance check-in, then we will sing and move to our book “We Love Ice
Cream”. This story is a rhyming story that talks about the different colors
and flavors you can have on ice cream. We will remove the ice cream
scoops that are attached by Velcro on the pages and match them at the
end. Each child will be given the opportunity to be a helper in the classroom
by choosing a peer to go next for check-in after themselves.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to Adults, F: Relating to Other Children, III. Creative
Representation; K: Pretending, IV. Music and Movement; L: Moving in
Various Ways, N: Feeling and Expressing a Steady Beat, P: Singing, V.
Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, R: Using
Vocabulary, VI. Mathematics and Science; CC: Identifying Position and
Direction, DD: Identifying Sequence, Change and Causality.
Cooking: Shaved Ice
Small Group Circle Time: Today we are going to create our own shaved ice
treats!! The children will take turns touching ice, placing it into the machine
push the lid down to create the shaved ice. Finally we will be choosing a
flavor to add to make the shaved ice taste yummy. Each child will be able to
try the plain shaved ice without flavoring to show them it is the same.
Ashlee Auchter 2- 3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Opposites (Hot VS Cold, Sink VS Float, Heavy VS Light)
Spring Week 21: May 26th, 2014- May 30th, 2014
Friday: May 30, 2014 Continued……
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and plans, D: Taking Care of Personal
Needs, II. Social Relations; E: Relating to Adults, F: Relating to Other
Children, III. Creative Representation; I: Making and Building Models, V.
Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, R: Using
Vocabulary, S: Using Complex Patterns of Speech, VI. Mathematics and
Science; AA: Comparing Properties, BB: Counting, DD: Identifying Sequence,
Change and Causality, EE: Identifying Materials and Properties.
Music and Movement: “You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream for Ice
Cream!” Interactive Song with fingerplay movements
COR: III. Creative Representation; K: Pretending. IV. Music and Movement;
L: Moving in Various Ways, N: Feeling and Expressing Steady Beat, O:
Moving to music, P: Singing
Recall: This is a large group setting where we will be answering a question
or commenting on something related to the day’s activities. Today’s
question will be “What flavor did you choose for your shaved ice? What
color was the flavor you chose?”
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans V. Language and Literacy; R:
Using Vocabulary, Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, VI.
Mathematics and Science; AA: Comparing Properties, EE: Identifying
Materials and Properties.
Have a Fantastic Weekend!