
Practice Quiz 5, Chap 7
The prefix in hypoxia means: Deficient
Pharyng/o is the combining form for the: Throat
Tracheostomy involves the surgical creation of an opening into the: Windpipe
Oropharynx refers to the throat and what other organ? Mouth
The term used to indicate a deficient amount of oxygen in the blood is: Hypoxemia
Dysphonia is a condition of: Hoarseness
The term describing solid material within the air spaces of the lungs as noted on an x-ray is:
pulmonary infiltrate
8. Restrictive pulmonary disease resulting from prolonged inhalation of fine dusts is termed:
9. Empyema describes the presence of what in the pleural space? Pus
10. The removal of a lobe of the lung is termed: lobectomy
Quiz 5
11. The doctor who specializes in the study and treatment of the lung is called a/an: Pulmonologist
12. Pneumocystis pneumonia is often seen in people with: HIV
13. The term for nosebleed is : epistaxis
14. Accumulation of air and blood in the pleural cavity is: Pneumohemothorax
15. Crackles are also known as: Rales
16. The obstructive pulmonary disease caused by spasm of the bronchial tubes with attacks of
wheezing, dyspnea and cough is: Asthma
17. Rhin/o is a combining form meaning: Nose
18. Which symptomatic term describes a runny nose? Rhinorrhea
19. The singular of bronchi is: Bronchus
20. Alveolar pertains to: Air sac
Practice Quiz 6, Chap 8
21. Gli/o is a combining form referring to: Glue
22. Kinesiology is the study of: Movement
23. Hyperesthesia is defined as a/an: increased sensitivity to stimulation, such as touch
24. The seizure previously know as petit mal is: Ansence
25. Pain along the course of a nerve is termed: Neuralgia
26. The state of mental confusion due to disturbances in cerebral function caused by fever, shock or
drug overdose is called: Delirium
27. The term that encompasses partial paralysis and lack of motor coordination caused by damage
to the cerebrum during development or injury at birth is: Cerebral palsy
28. Major depression, clinical depression and major affective disorder are synonyms for: Unipolar
29. The suffix in necromania describes a/an: condition of abnormal impulse toward
30. Which of the following is responsible for personality? Frontal lobe
Quiz 6
31. Neurosis is defined as a/an: psychological condition in which anxiety is prominent
32. A transient ischemic attack is often a predecessor to: Cerebrovascular Accident
33. Sleep disorders can be diagnosed by: Polysomnography
34. Cata- is a prefix meaning: Down
35. Which describes hardening of the arteries of the brain? Cerebral arteriosclerosis
36. The combining form in oligophrenia refers to: Mind
37. Partial paralysis of half of the body,right or left is termed: Hemiparesis
38. Which of the following disorders is characterized by episodes of neurologic dysfunction caused
by the deterioration of the myelin sheath? Multiple sclerosis
39. Electroconvulsive therepy (ECT) has been used to treat severe: Depression
40. The combining form in the term agnosia means: Knowing
Practice Quiz 7 Chap 9
41. Andr/o is the combining form meaning: Male
42. Hyperthyroidism is also called: Graves disease
43. The condition characterized by advanced hyposecretion of the thyroid gland in adults is:
44. The medical term for high blood sugar is: Hyperglycemia
45. Which of the following is a test to determine the efficiency of glandular secretions: Thyroid
function study
46. Which of the following affects the sympathetic nervous system in stress response: Epinephrine
47. Carbohydrate and sugar metabolism are regulated by: Glucagon
48. Which of the following glands affects the onset of puberty: Pineal
49. Which of the following hormones affects skin pigmentation: Melanocytestimulating
50. The thyroid gland helps to regulate: Metabolism
Quiz 7
51. A condition of congenital hypothyroidism that results in lack of physical and mental
development is: Cretinism
52. The absorption of water by kidney tubules is influenced by: Antidiuretic hormone
53. A diagnosis of type 2 DM indicates that the patient: is usually not dependent on insulin for
54. Parathyroid glands are located in the: Neck
55. Which of the following hormones stimulates secretion of estrogen and sperm production?
56. Slow pulse, dry skin, and puffy hands and face are characteristic of: Hypothyroidism
57. A transverse radiologic image of the pituitary gland is obtained by: Computed Tomography
58. Which of the following secrete estrogen and progesterone? Ovaries
59. A woman with a beard has the condition termed: Hirsutism
60. The adrenal glands are located next to the: Kidneys
Practice Quiz 8 Chap 10
61. Aque/o is a combining form meaning: Water
62. Scler/o is the combining form meaning sclera or: Hard
63. The term diplopia means: Double vision
64. Uncontrolled blinking or twitching of the eyelid is called: Blepharospasm
65. An outward turning of the rim of the eyelid is called: Ectropion
66. The medical term for sty is: Hordeolum
67. The ophthalmologic term describing a fibrous growth of conjunctival tissue that extends onto
the cornea is termed: Pterygium
68. Absence of a lens, usually after a cataract extraction is called: Aphakia
69. The use of intense cold to seal a hole or tear in the retina is performed in which surgical
procedure? Cryopexy
70. An agent that causes the pupil to dilate is called a/an: Mydriatic
Quiz 8
71. Blepharoptosis is usually caused by: Paralysis
72. The instrument most commonly used to visualize the interior of the eye is a/an:
73. Enucleation refers to the excision of the: Eyeball
74. Corne/o and which other combining form mean cornea? Kerat/o
75. The condition in which it is difficult to see objects at a distance is called: Myopia
76. Lacrimation refers to: secretion of tears
77. Ocul/o is a combining form meaning: Eye
78. The disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure that results in damage to the optic
nerve, producing defects in vision is: Glaucoma
79. The medical term for pink eye is: Conjunctivitis
80. Vitreous pertains to: Glassy
Practice Quiz 9, Chap 11
81. Cerumin/o is a combining form meaning: Wax
82. The medical term for earache is: Otalgia
83. Inflammation of the middle ear is called: Otitis media
84. Conductive hearing loss is caused by: Interference vibration in the external canal, middle ear or
85. Which surgical procedure is done to correct otosclerosis? Stapedectomy
86. The incus is located in the: Middle ear
87. The larger of the two sacs within the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule in the inner ear is
the: Utricle
88. Fluid within the labyrinth of the ear is known as: Endolymph
89. The coiled tubular structure of the inner ear is known as the: Cochlea
90. The membrane that covers the opening between the middle ear and inner ear is the: Oval
Quiz 9
91. Ot/o and this other combining form mean ear: Aur/i
92. The term for ringing or buzzing in the ear is: Tinnitus
93. Paracusis is a medical term describing: Impaired Hearing
94. An excessive buildup of wax in the ear is called a/an: Cerumen impaction
95. An instrument to measure hearing is called a/an: Audiometer
96. Air passed to the auditory tube from the outside of the body via the throat is important for
maintaining: Equal air pressure
97. Which of the following connects the middle ear to the throat? Auditory tube
98. Which of the following relays sound waves to the brain for interpretation of sound? Organ of
99. Which of the following is the first of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear? Malleus
100. Which of the following is associated with nerve impulses and body movement? Semicircular
Practice Quiz 10, Chap 12+13
1. The combining form meaning stone is: Lith/o
2. The combining form meaning duct is: Doch/o
3. Pylorus means: Gatekeeper
4. Which combining form specifically refers to the small intestine? Enter/o
5. Which of the following regions of the abdomen refer to the upper lateral regions beneath
the ribs? Hypochondriac
6. The epigastric region of the abdomen is located: below the sternum
7. The term for difficulty swallowing is: Dysphagia
8. Ankyloglossia is defined as a/an: Tonguetie condition
9. Cholecystectomy is excision of the: Gallbladder
10. A laxative is called a: Antiemetic
11. The combining form for kidney is: Ren/o
12. Which of the following means little ball? Glomerul/o
13. The term describing painful or difficult voiding is: Dysuria
14. Urethrocystitis is inflammation of the urethra and: Bladder
15. Which of the following identifies the xray imaging of the bladder and urethra taken as the
patient urinates? VCU
16. Which of the following carries the urine from the kidneys to the bladder? Ureter
17. The ureteropelvic junction connects the renal pelvis and: Ureter
18. All of the following are critical elements regulated by the kidneys except: Nitrogen
19. Which of the following combining forms means ureter? Ureter/o
20. Which of the following is the part of the kidney where vessels come and go? Hilum
Quiz 10
21. The inability to pass urine is called: Anuresis
22. Proct/o refers to the anus and: Rectum
23. The combining form meaning to eat or swallow is: Phag/o
24. The medical term for bedwetting is called nocturnal: Enuresis
25. Gloss/o refers to the: Tongue
26. Py/o is a combining form meaning: Pus
27. The combining form celi/o means: Abdomen
28. Nephrolithiasis describes the presence of what in the kidney? Stones
29. The suffix –emesis means: Vomiting
30. Which is a degenerative disease of the renal tubules: Nephrosis
Practice Quiz 11, Chap 14 and 15 (Extra for Final)
1. The combining form meaning glans penis is: Balan/o
2. The latin combining form meaning seed is: Sperm/o
3. The term that describes scanty production and expulsion of sperm is: Oligospermia
4. Surgical restoration of function of the vas deferens is called: Vasovasostomy
5. Which of the following produces testosterone? Testes
6. Where is sperm stored before emission? Epididymis
7. The scrotum is divided into two sacs, each containing a testis and: Epididymis
8. Which of the following unites with the ovum to produce offspring? Spermatozoon
9. What is described as a coiled duct and is located on the top and the side of the testis?
10. The origin of the term prostate is: Greek
11. Vulv/o and which other combining form mean vulva? Episi/o
12. Lact/o is a combining form meaning: Milk
13. The combining form meaning ovary is: Oophor/o
14. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is defined as: Cervical dysplasia
15. Pouching of the bladder into the vagina is: Cystocele
16. The development of mammary glands in the male is: Gynecomastia
17. For which of the following diagnoses would a colporrhaphy involving posterior repair: Rectocele
18. Which surgical method is used in performing a large loop excision of the transformation zone
(LLETZ)? Electrosurgery
19. A missed abortion is defined as: Death of a fetus or embryo within the uterus
20. The embryo develops in a pearshaped organ of the pelvic cavity known as the: Uterus