Course Syllabus----Pre-Calculus

Course Syllabus----Pre-Calculus
Instructor: Eric J. Belz
Room: #2307
Course Name: Pre-Calc Office Hours: Vary by season, call high school for appointment.
Course Description: The course is designed to provide a strong hold on the elements of mathematics
necessary to succeed in calculus. This means there is a heavy emphasis on Algebra skills that deal with linear,
quadratic, cubic, exponential, trigonometric and logarithmic functions. Kind of like Data Analysis and
Trigonometry on Steroids. :) **Calculator and Non-Calculator tests are given.**
Text Used:
Precalculus (Seventh Edition), By Demana, Waits, Foley and Kennedy, Boston, ISBN: 0-13-227650-X, 2007
How to be successful in this class.
* Knowledge and retention of material in previous math classes is essential.
* This class is a step up from the last one and will require much more work.
* Come to class prepared, pay attention, take good notes, and ask questions.
* Bring notebook, textbook, pencil, and calculator every day.
* Do the homework the night of and look back at it and practice it again throughout the chapter.
* If you don’t get something seek help. (after school, before school, seminar, online**, friends, etc.)
* Parents and students check edline. If you don’t know how then contact the main office. 488-5020
* Mathematics is not a spectator class, you must practice, practice, practice, until understanding the
material and processes becomes 2nd nature.
What is covered:
Chapter P:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Different Functions and Their Graphs
Polynomial, Power and Rational Functions
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Applications of Trigonometry
Systems of Equations and Inequalities and Matrices
Conic Sections
9.4-9.6 Sequences, Series, and Mathematical Inductions
Graphing calculators are essential.
Recommend: Graphing TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Cost: $75-$120
Grading Policy:
As a mathematics department we have been asked to grade in a similar manner. Therefore for the first time in one of my
classes your grade will be weighted based on the following.
Tests Quizzes
Projects/Homework/Notebooks 30%
*Evidence of cheating will result in a zero for the entire project/quiz/test.
*No name on Quiz, Test, or Project will result in a loss of 10% of that score.
Letter Grades:
B+ = 87-89%
C+ = 77-79%
D+ = 67-69%
A= 94-100%
B= 84-86%
C= 74-76%
D= 64-66%
A- = 90-93%
B- = 80-83%
C- = 70-73%
D- = 60-63%
E= <60%
*Overall Semester Grade % = 40% Mp1 + 40% Mp2 + 20% Final exam
Note: Regardless of overall semester grade% students must pass 2 out of 3 (Mp1,Mp2, FE) to earn credit in this class
Descriptive Information
Notebooks: Each student is responsible for obtaining a notebook that will be used specifically for this math class. No
other class materials should be kept in it. (Spiral bound college ruled 150-200 pages is recommended.)
Each notebook should contain a table of contents in the first three to five pages. The table must have four
things: 1) the section #, 2) topic of assignment, 3) the problems assigned, 4) the page in your notebook the
work can be found on.
Example: Sec 3-2 Exponential and Logistic Modeling
# 2-36 even
pg 16
Tests: These will occur at the end of each chapter or section of materials covered. They will be problem oriented with
some short answer response questions.***Note: Extra time will “not” be given on tests if you know the material you
can finish it during the time allotted.***
Quick Quizzes: These can occur on any day without notice and are worth 5 points. They will cover the material found in
the previous nights homework, or lecture topic. You may earn up to 6 points if your class has earned a bonus question
that you then get correct. If you miss a 5 pt quick quiz I have the next quiz you do count double. There is no need to make
up the missed quiz.
H-W Checks: These can also occur on any day without notice and are worth 5 points. I will be checking to see if all
problems have been attempted with work shown not just if the problems have been done correctly. The 5 pts are earned
only at time of checking no late work accepted.
Projects/Presentations: These will vary greatly and can be individual, partner, group, or whole class. I have done in
class, overnight, week long, and end of course projects. These could be written, artistic, constructing, computer, video,
etc.. The detail will be provided as the projects are assigned.
Extra Credit: This is usually earned with bonus question on quizzes and with group review before tests. Usually once
per marking period I will offer an opportunity to the whole class the amount and type of work involved varies.
Passes: Each student has three passes for the year, if you need extras they can be earned through push-ups, crunches or
time made up after school as policy states.
Signatures: I am asking the students to read this syllabus with you and have them and you sign it in the space below. By
returning this document with proper signatures the student will have received their first
5 points of the year.
Student signature:__________________
Parent/Guardian Signature______________
Mr. Belz Pre-Calculus 2010
Important Addresses and numbers
My Email Address:
**My website:
My Phone # 1-269-488-5020 ext. 1670
You may download this syllabus at:
(on the Pre Calculus Page)