Blessed – Peacemakers November 15, 2015 Digging Deeper

Blessed – Peacemakers
November 15, 2015
The reality is that, in our world, conflict is ___________________.
Jesus said,
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have
peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I
have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, NIV)
Are you at peace __________ _________________ in your life?
 is there someone you are avoiding?
 is there someone you are upset with?
 is there someone you are giving the silent treatment to?
Into this world of conflict, Jesus said,
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children
of God. (Matthew 5:9, NIV)
What is a peacemaker?
1. A peacemaker has made their _______________ with
For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and
through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made
peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of
Christ’s blood on the cross. (Colossians 1:19 – 20, NLT)
a. When we begin to trust Jesus, God begins a ___________
_______________ in our heart and we are at peace with God.
 we receive a new heart
 a heart that mourns over our own sin
 we give our life to King Jesus
 we desire to give glory to God in all that we do
b. There is so much conflict in the world because there is way
too much ________________ in our hearts. James says,
What is causing the quarrels and fights among you?
Don’t they come from the evil desires at war within
you? You want what you don’t have, so you scheme
and kill to get it.
Digging Deeper
Questions for Small Group and Individual Study
When you think of a peacemaker, who comes to mind? Why?
When have you found yourself in the role of peacemaker?
When does a situation/event require a peacemaker? How bad does it
have to get before someone intervenes?
Deeper Study
Read Matthew 5:1 - 12, especially verse 9.
1. Look back at the previous beatitudes. How would they be
helpful characteristics for a peacemaker?
2. Look up “peace” in the dictionary. How does it compare with
the definition of “peace” in the Bible?
3. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17 - 21. Why is our being at peace with
God important to functioning as peacemakers?
4. Read Romans 12:18. If we attempt to be peacemakers, does
that mean there will always be peace?
5. Why is it often difficult for us to make the initiative to seek
6. Read Colossians 1:19 - 21; 3:15. How might an awareness of
Jesus’ death help us in making peace with others?
7. Why would peacemakers be recognized as children of God?
Practical Response
Share and pray about situations in your life and relationships where a
peacemaker is needed.
Ask God for wisdom to know how to bring peace in these situations.
You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get
it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them.
Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t
ask God for it. (James 4:1 – 2, NLT)
James goes on to say,
“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the
humble.” (James 4:6, NLT)
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you
up in honor. (James 4:10, NLT)
c. You can’t be a peacemaker__________
____________________. You can’t give what you don’t have.
But if you give Jesus permission to invade your life, he
will change your attitude and your heart.
2. A peacemaker actively pursues _______________________.
a. There is a difference between _______________________
and peacemaking.
Peacekeepers attempt to keep the peace______
________ ____________.
Peacemakers won’t ____________________ that
everything is_________________, when it isn’t.
b. Jesus is calling us to do more than just “_______________
_________ _______________.”
He is calling us to be________________ ______
______________, to pursue
________________________ and to pursue
Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at
living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see
the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14, NLT)
Search for peace, and work to maintain it. (1 Peter
3:11b, NLT)
c. Peacemakers, _____________ ________________ for the
hurt they have caused.
Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and
offer your sacrifice to God. (Matthew 5:23 – 24, NLT)
Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.
(Romans 12:18, NLT)
3. A peacemaker actively pursues helping people to be
__________________ to God.
There is no greater mark of a peacemaker than helping those
in ____________.
There is no greater goal in life than______________ ______
_______________, helping someone find their way into a
relationship with God.
What did Jesus mean when he said that we would be called
“children of God”?
a. It does not mean we are __________________
___________________ by being peacemakers.
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in
his name, he gave the right to become children of
God— (John 1:12, NIV)
We are children of God by _______________ in Jesus Christ.
For you are all children of God through faith in Christ
Jesus. (Galatians 3:26, NLT)
b. It means that those of us who have become children of God
by faith will become peacemakers as God
___________________ us.
There will be a “family resemblance.”