7th Beatitude

7th Beatitude
7th Beatitude- “Happy are the peacemakers, for they
will be called children of God”.
1. A Peacemaker- is a person who avoids
quarrels ( arguments), and fights, people
who please others by doing what is right.
2. Jesus was talking about a peace that comes
from loving God and others, and from doing
what is right.
3. Jesus gives us his peace by forgiving us
when we offend him.
4. Peacemakers are called children of God.
5. We can bring peace to others by forgiving
them when they hurt us, by being kind to
them, and by showing love to them.
6. We offer a sign of peace to let people know
that we’ve forgiven them for anything they
may have done against us.
Isaac Jogues
 Lived with and like the Indians.
 He was captured by a tribe that was cruel to
 He prayed for and even baptized some of his
captives .
 He died a martyr.