World Geography Syllabus - Iowa

2nd and 4th Block
Fall 2010
Mr. Boland
OBJECTIVE: World Geography is a freshmen required semester class. It is to be a
general overview of the physical and cultural geography of our world. It
includes a review of basic geography skills and concepts. It will also cover all the
aspects of the seven continents and everything in between. It is considered the first
social studies course of high school to lead to all the other social science classes
offered at Iowa-Grant.
Grading Scale:
12 point scale:
A+ (98 – 100)
C+ (78 –79)
A (92 –97)
C (72-77)
A- (90 – 91)
C- (70 –71)
B+ (88 – 89)
D+ (68 – 69)
B (82 –87)
D (62 –67)
B- (80 –81)
D- (60 –61)
F (59 and lower)
** All assignments are awarded points and totaled at the end of
each grading period! Test and quizzes typically weigh more than
assignments! All assignments, quizzes, and tests are announced in
class several days in advance!
Make-Up Work:
Homework is always due the following day after it is given, unless
stated otherwise by Mr. Boland. Projects and Papers will be
given more time and given deadlines at the discretion of Mr.
If absent, the student has the opportunity to make-up late work
and turn it in with an extra day to complete it! The absence must
be excused (health, death in the family, etc.).
If absent, the student must have their daily planner to write down
missing work from class and receive the make-up work and
teacher’s signature. It is the student’s responsibility to make up
what they are missing!
If a student has not completed their homework when its due and
collected, they will receive credit for what is completed!
Tests and Quizzes must be made up within 2 days after the
absence either before or after school or during ENCORE!
Homework Policy:
Due Date:
Full Credit for finished work
Day after due date:
Half Credit
2 Days after due date: NO Credit
Students caught copying homework, comparing answers with
other students, or found to be using cheat sheets or other methods
of cheating will receive a 0 % for that particular assignment, quiz,
or test. A note or e-mail will be written or a phone call will be
made to the parents or legal guardians whenever an incident
Students will be reminded of the cheating policy before each quiz
and test and will be told to keep their eyes from wondering
around the classroom.
If a student is caught cheating multiple times (2 or more), the
student will receive a failing grade for the quarter and could
possibly face removal from class! The student will also forfeit any
right to any extra credit points offered in the class!
The Class:
THE TEXT: World Geography: Building a Global Perspective
(Prentice Hall)
UNIT 1: Chapters 1 –4 Basic Review of Concepts and Skills in Geography
** Quiz for each chapter and a Unit Exam over all 4 Chapters!
UNIT 2: Chapters 5 – 8 North America
** Quiz for each chapter, map tests, and a Unit Exam over the unit!
UNIT 3: Chapters 9 – 13 Latin America (South America)
** Quiz for each chapter, map tests, and a Unit Exam over the unit!
UNIT 4: Chapters 14 – 17 Europe
** Quiz for each chapter, map tests, and a Unit Exam over the unit!
UNIT 5: Chapters 18 – 21 Eastern Europe and Russia
** Quiz for each chapter, map tests, and a Unit Exam over the unit!
UNIT 6: Chapters 22 – 23 Southwest Asia
** Quiz for each chapter, map tests, and a Unit Exam over the unit!
UNIT 7: Chapters 28 – 33 The Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia
** Quiz for each chapter, map tests, and a Unit Exam over the unit!
UNIT 8: Chapters 24 – 27 Africa
** Quiz for each chapter, map tests, and a Unit Exam over the unit!
UNIT 9: Chapter 34 Australia and Antarctica
**Quiz for each chapter, map tests, and a Unit Exam over the unit!