Scallywags Newsletter Autumn 2009 Quiz Answers

Scallywags Newsletter Autumn 2009 Quiz Answers
Q1. Which of the seven dwarfs wore glasses?
A1. Doc
Q2. Which superhero shares a name with a town in Turkey?
A2. Batman
Q3. What did Dorothy have to steal from the wicked witch of the West?
A3. Her broomstick
Q4. Who normally were at odds with Gargamel and his cat, Azrael?
A4. Smurfs
Q5. What is the female Smurf called?
A5. Smurfette
Q6. What did the old lady swallow after the fly?
A6. Spider
Q7. What was the favourite food of Paddington Bear?
A7. Marmalade
Q8. What is the name of the lion in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"?
A8. Aslan
Q9 What was unusual about the children's nurse in Peter Pan?
A9. She was a dog
Q10. Who wrote a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court?
A10. Mark Twain
Q11. Who populated the land of Brobdingnag in Gullivers travels?
A11. Giants
Q12. What was the name of the Rabbit General in Watership Down?
A12. General Woundwort
Q13. What did the Owl and Pussycat dine on?
A13. Mince and a slice of quince
Q14. Which children’s novel begins: "All children except one grow up...."?
A14. Peter Pan